Sunday, July 13, 2008

New pictures today

I took a few photos earlier this evening. This one is of Silky and Sporty on our balcony. Silky (1997) is the dark one. It's amazing how these two cats from two different litters can take so well together. Their each other's best friend: I don't think I ever posted a picture of just Pledges. He's in pretty good shape for a 17 year old cat:Nothing profesional about this shot. It's of the flowers on our balcony. I just aimed and clicked. The photo didn;t turn out that bad after all:
Today was just laid back. Anne made another outstanding breakfast. I watched a movie called "Where Angles go/trouble follows." The best part about it was Tommy Boyce and Bobby Heart. Also, I read more from "Pandora's Star." I've got another 20 pages to go and I hope I can finish this tonight and begin to read "Judas unchained."

Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now

e. Jim

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