Friday, July 11, 2008

It was a lot

more relaxing going into work this afternoon. I was able to crack open my book and read on the way in. Extra cars on the train because of the Esks game. The first half of the shift was really tough because it was so noisy. I could barely hear the customer. Apparently somebody complained to the Labor board about the paper balls. Good. At 7pm the afternoon shift left. It was quieter in there thank God. I got my paycheque for exactly the ammount I was expecting and got a few CC’s and $500 on the night. I was glad to get out of there and on the train home.

Anne had set some instructions to put the casserole into the oven for supper when she left for her job. I got dinner in the oven when I got home and she came in shortly later. I got in to listen to the radio for the football game and the Esks were ahead by about 3 points. Anne accidently had the game on Sports net. The only Home game the CFL allows us to watch on TV. So I caught the last half of the game and the Esks just blew the Argos out of the picture. Good stuff. I think the score was 28-49 something like that.

An hour later we were eating dinner and watching ET. The way ET displays Hollywood, it’s like half of these Hollywood stars are either recovering from rehab, or having babies for photo ops, or going through high end prenup divorces. Yessh! Don’t they make movies any more? Oh right with writers and actors strikes it’s almost all these celebs have to do. I’m just sayin.

Coast has a lame weekend worth of shows coming up. Saturday, about stuntmen and Sunday athletes and the paranormal.

Seems our housing market here in boom city Edmonton has relaxed a bit. It’s getting easier for people to find homes. At least according to some of the new people I’ve been talking to recently. This is the place to be though because of the jobs.

Today Anne’s going to cash my cheque and I get $35 plus I have a COH of $14.90>$15 So I almost have $50. It’s also possible that Audrey’s might have some more of my book orders in. I hope. If not I’ll pick up two of the Star Trek books.

Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now

e. Jim

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