Sunday, August 3, 2008

At 8pm I went

over to Money Mart and enquired about their preloaded CC’s. They have a Visa which one can load up with any amount. The only drawback is Visa will charge me $17/month even long after my one time use. Plus I think the clerk there said 2%/transaction. Also the $20 one time fee. I could keep it ongoing and that’s where the $17/month comes into affect. The other option doesn’t look very promising is the Master Card gift cards but they don’t come in denominations of $50-$100 and I think I need

At least $125. I walked out of there empty handed still unsure of what to do. I’m not sure yet if WS is an online service or a physical product. I’m delving into this a bit deeper and I’m finding out more and more. I like it so I think I’ll just toss caution to the wind place an order. I checked the listings all evening and watching the back and fourth but I couldn’t find Main Event all night. NBC is out of Washington, and we’re an hour ahead of them. I might have missed it that way. But I’m off Monday night so I get to watch Raw at least.

This morning we’re up until 3am and we’re going to share a beer and take a pill. Probably not a good thing for a diabetics to do.

Markus got me an English translation of an FTP program and I haven’t yet heard how to use it so unfortunately I can’t place a photo here because of the inconsistencies with GL’s image files sizes. So for my Blogger readers, here is a photo of my latest piece of hardware. I don’t know what to do with the mess of all those cables yet.
When I was up around 6:30 Saturday morning I head this bump coming form the outside windowpane. I thought maybe it was one of the cats that got trapped outside over night. Right on the edge of the balcony was some kind of blue exotic bird. I think it was a cockatoo. It stood a good maybe 8 inches. If the window was opened he would have been ours by now but I looked at the bird he looked at me and in that brief second he took off into the tree. It was really weird.

Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now

e. Jim

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