Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I had a decent

evening last night. I left out of here on time but my train was late. I ended up gettting to Corona station about 4:45pm and got my diet Coke at the Drugstore and barely got my station. I had a slow start as we did CPA but I ended up around $450 by break. I got a call from Audrey's saying that 2 of my Star Trek books from the Vanguard series are in. I'll pick up the 2 Jack Vance books on the weekend. I called the Daysland Inn to see if they have VLT's there but they said the bar was closed down years ago. I'm not big on VLT's but once or twice week won't hurt me. I think the problems with gambling and VLT's is because people drink while their playing these things. I'm going to have something to drink all right: Diet Coke.

I ended up having a decent total and 3 credit card sales. I left out of there feeling pretty good with a $930 total and a bunch of bottles and cans to take home. Greg gave me the $10 he owed me but I have to change a $20 he gave me. On the bonus chart I'll be getting $74 in bonuses this week.

Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now

e. Jim

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