Sunday, June 15, 2008

From yesterday and Sunday

When I got home from work Saturday afternoon I watched the “Wind and the Lion.” I missed this movie when it came out. I ate my cheese pleasers and then shut it down and went to bed for a couple of hours. I did some more JFK assassination research and other stuff Saturday night. Anne made me a bowl of soup with a bun for some lunch and I checked my lottery numbers. I won! I got 3/6 numbers so I won $10 hehehe. This was the first time that I’d ever won on this. Someone in Atlantic Canada won $21,904,884.00, 12 winners won $45,679.70, 259 winners won $1,748.30 259. I’d be happy with winning 5 numbers for the last prize! But 3 is a start and I got these from a quick pick yet.

I went and Face booked my sister in law Doris this morning see if she replies. I’m also trying to find out more information about my grandparents. My mother always claimed that we were related to JJ Johnston. My mothers maiden name was Johnston but anything about JJ Johnston shows he had a son and a daughter named Mona and that his only wife died in 1951. My grandmother on my mothers side died in the mid 1960’s. The exact date I don’t know. I recall how we were taking her back to White Rock but she had lost her vision. I recall Guildford town mall and in the mall for some reason. I think this was before my back operation. Maybe early in 1967. Whether she was buried or cremated I couldn’t say. I need to fill in some of these missing gaps. I don’t even know my Grandmother’s first name or even if it remained as Johnston when she died.

We’re ok with the netting removed. We’re only going to let our cats out while we’re here so I think we’re ok with it.

So, now I’m signed on with Twitter on my Blogger blog. I keep adding things on it all the time. Getting back to Twitter though this service seems interesting and has potential.

Speaking about Face book, I Face booked or Fb my sister in law and confirmed my friends list. Maybe this was why Jeff hadn’t replied back. I haven’t spent a lot of time building Fb as much as I would like. Mike isn’t into this stuff very much.

Not much going on for today. It’s a lazy Fathers day afternoon. Anne’s making us another late brunch and they are always good and tasty. So with any luck at all, this afternoon will be a reading afternoon on "Pandora's Star." What little of the afternoon remains.

I'm also considering a hand held gaming device. I've narrowed it down to a PSP, the Ntendo DS although I might end up getting both if I get a chance to work at Pizza. Most likely I'll persue this in the fall.

Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.

e. Jim

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