Thursday, September 4, 2008

We're back at it

tonight. Lodge opens after the break with a bang. It seems we got us a bunch of new FC candidates for tonight. It's a nice evening out for me. If Neil is going I want to be able to ask him about the notation anomaly I found in some sheet music since he's our Lodge organist he'll be able to help me out.

We were in bed by about 3am listening to Coast. The good stuff was before we went to bed. I slept really good from 3:30am until about 7am to get up to do the cbi thing. I read JU for about an hour and went back to bed about 7:45am and got up at 1pm. I remember Anne heading out to get some business done. I've been reading over the last hour or so, waking up with a coffee. I'm closing in on page 700/1008 of this novel. Amazingly I'm making good time. I figure at the rate I'm reading I should have this book done by the end of September.

Before bed I got to tinker around with the Geoweather counter. It's fixed now and unlike the Weather Pixie on my website, it doesn't ask "What town is this?" The only thing not fixed is the time and I haven't found within the skins a way to modiy this properly. I think I do and I'll get to this shortly. I'd like to add this Geoweather counter to my website. It's a pretty cool looking widget.

Other then Lodge, not a lot going on tonight. At least Moe and Rob are aware I'm off for my regularly scheduled night off. I'm not like some of the AISH people that can leave at any time because like one of them said in their own words, "I don't really need to be here." Add to all of that and I got my part of our rent subsidy form filled out, I think we're going to have a nice couple of days. So tonight, I'm off to Lodge. I'm going to participate and at the festive board have a beer and enjoy the camaraderie.

Anyway Bologgers, that's all for now

e. Jim

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