Friday, September 19, 2008

It's been a couple of busy

days around here lately. I got my pay cheque last night. Anne wanted me to deposit the cheque into her account but the bank wouldn't take her pin number. So one of the customers let me use his cell phone to call her at home. She came down to intercept me at Clairview and we rode the bus home for me and to the bank for her. At first I thought I'd have to miss a day off work because I'd have to go to the cable company to deposit a $100 cheque. But she's got an alternative idea.

I finished reading JU the other day. There's a "review" of the book on my website which is getting a lot of spam comments lately but we're monitoring this ISP 200. Watch out for this thing. It's not hazardous or anything. Were dealing with it.

Also the other day I started reading the "Icewind Dale." trilogy (omnibus) It looks like a good book. But this one is even larger then the other one by about 42 pages. I anticipate another 12 weeks of reading.

What else? I'm a bit behind on my book covers/"currently reading' project. "Library thing" doesn't seem to interface very well with Blogger. I need a better idea to place 3 images together. I'm open to suggestions if anyone had any.

Weather wise here were suposed to be having some changes and that means down to +10C, that sort of thing.

Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now.

e. Jim

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