Thursday, July 30, 2009

Having a pretty good day.

About 1:30am this morning I decided to test my bsl. It was up 15.1! What could have made it climb so high I had no idea. However I did know of a way to bring that number down: A good walk around the block. Getting out of here though was not without a casualty. Anne was tired I was tired and she stumbled against the wall trying to dodge cats and hit a glass wooden mirror frame we had hanging up since I moved in. It’s been in the same spot in the hallway since I moved here in November 2000. The frame is still intact but the glass is shattered. I don’t recall if the glass had decoration etched on it or not.

I took the glass out in a garbage bag she had got for me and I decided I’d go for a walk from out behind us here to Sifton School and down to the church to 50th street and up along 137th Ave and home. I was starting out pretty good too. I was down by the old traffic trap by the school and I did not need to sit down at the bus stop there. It was so dark out there I could have used night goggles. The sidewalks in the area are some 30+ years old with large cracks and ruts running down some of them. I could see and avoid those while keeping a brisk pace. I was at 50th and 137th by the church and at that bus stop I still didn’t need to take a break. What with my hunched over back and all it being close to 2 am I thought I’d be pulled over by the Police. I took one sit down break by the bus stop before the one I wait at every day and sat there for a few minutes and moved on. There, pulling into Superstore and the Clairview shopping mall area was you guessed it, a Police car. It was going the other way and I was just about ready to head to the front door of our apartment and inside.

I had built up quite a sweat from that little walk and tested myself almost immediate. In that short 40 minute walk my bsl went from 15.1 down to 9.0! That’s quite substantial. I took my insulin and went to bed after that. I woke up about 4:35am and I could never get back to sleep again after that. About 7:30am I read for about 20 minutes and that made me drowsy enough and I slept somewhat better after that.

This morning I was up at about 11:50am and watched the markets and our local news. Wow, the Dow moved up about 190+ points. I went back in history February 15th 2008 the Dow was sitting at 12,348. It’s highest before the recession slide was May 16th when the Dow was sitting at 12,960. Then the news about Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack broke and the market slid to it’s lowest recession point March 6th at 6,626. It’s lowest since January 2nd 1997. The highest the DJIA was on October 5th 2007 when it was at 14,164! Wow. Some other interesting economic news locally is that the big merger between Petro Can and Suncor is going to result in lay offs of some senior officials. This time a year ago Petro Can reported earnings of over a billion dollars. Now they’re barely pulling in about $77 million. Some other economic news about 50 of the major top 500 companies/corporations have reported (not to me) they have met or exceeded their expectations so far this year so far. As for Capital X it seems that 717,966 took in this years 10 day event. This was slightly down from last year at 743,375. The fair's all-time record 10-day attendance was 810,503, set in 2005. The main reason for the drop in attendance and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out: We had the Edmonton Indy raceway going on at the same time but a contract between the Indy race track organizers and Northlands say Northlands can’t release Indy attendance figures. Why I don’t know. No news of what the Edmonton unemployment rate is at the moment. Stats Can Won’t have those figures for July until about mid August but I think it‘s around 6%. And finally about the economy: I think I now know what Microsoft’s big announcement was at this weeks Comic Con. It’s a limited merger with Yahoo and Microsoft. Yawn.

Head on the heals of Comic Con of Course is World Con and that’s in Montreal this year. I’d love to go. Maybe when I win the $23M on Saturday right?

We’ve got a bit of a light rain going on in the City right now to cool things off a bit. They say we’re supposed to get some thunder and lightning activity later this afternoon. Poor Denise Hurd is suffering through +34C degree heat today. I don’t know if it will ever get that hot. In all my years living in the lower mainland in the 1970’s I don’t think it ever got that hot. According to weather data history though the record high was in July 1951 at 91F or +33C a year before I was born. We began to employ the metric system here in Canada September 6th 1977.

Last night I began playing around with my Google News Reader. it's a cool application and I think I'm going to begin using it more and more. Also when I get the Iphone I'll be abole to intergrate the two together. Last night I fooled around with the "Bundles" application in the Google Reader. it's got some bugs.

Finally, tonight, I’m going in for the 5-9 thing. I’m going to get as many empties as I can and work out the shift. The highlight of the night is the Edmonton/MontrĂ©al CFL game on tonight at Commonwealth. That’s about the only highlight of the night other then I’ll have some time to myself because Anne’s working from 5-midnight. Other then that, not much going on.

Anyway gang, that‘s all for now.

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