Thursday, December 18, 2008

working the week

It wasn’t to bad going in Wednesday afternoon. I read from a really long short story in FF #1. I didn’t like it at all nor could I find the plot or even what the story was about. The story was stupid meandering and a real waste of time. I’m hoping that within the last 8 stories or so left there will be at least one more very good and a few good stories before I’m done with FF #1,
I had a decent night on the job getting praise from management for top total and a couple of CC sales as well. I left with a headache and felt something coming on.

The air walking across the parkade to Corona didn’t help and my headache got worse reading on the way home. That story had to be the worst one of the bunch of the batch. Sorry Ian McDonald but that story blowed. I didn’t feel much better on the bus leaving out of Clairview. All I wanted to do was to catch whatever remained of the Oiler game. It was 2-0 in the 2nd for Vancouver. 3-0 at the end of the 2nd. Uggh. The Oiler’s finally got on board, 3-1. Which is a lot better then they did against us on Saturday night. The Oiler’s made it interesting scoring a 2nd goal late in the third.

During the game my headache had got worse. It wasn’t a headache but its something? Flue? Most likely. I laid down with the fan on feeling a little better. Anne came in and made me a lemon relief tea and I‘m starting to feel a bit better.

I’m hoping I’ll have my vacation pay on my cheque this afternoon. This way I can get myself a Christmas present and I most likely will get something nice.

What I don’t know yet. I do know I want to pick up book #2 of the Nights Dawn trilogy.

Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now

e. Jim

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