Monday, February 15, 2010

I love Family Day Weekends

Couple of days off here. I was invited to come down for extra hours from 11am-7pm for time and a half but that‘s a long day. I‘m not quite used to that yet. I said, I‘d try and make it down but I kind of reneged on it about 4pm yesterday afternoon.

Over the past couple of weeks I‘ve been researching various Personal Media Players. Or PMP’s as they‘re called. I‘m looking for: Wi-Fi, external speaker, removable memory/media card slot. I’ve looked at Coby, Iriver, Zen, The Archos 5, and the Itouch and a lot of others. So far the Archos 5 is the best. I can get the 160Gb version for $315. But I got to go to Best Buy to get one and the easiest BB for me to get to is the one on 99th Ave and 19th st. As of April 24th that is. That’s when ETS is opening up it’s next LRT station at Southgate. If I’m going to BB for the Archos I may as well go there and get my laptop fixed up and have the Geeks look at removing the bug. I can accomplish both in the same trip. I kind of like the Itouch as well but I don’t like the fact that I have no removable memory. The Itouch 65Gb is nice but over priced. When I’m at BB getting the laptop fixed up I’ll un box the Archos and get it ready. Make sure I don’t take home a lemon.

Over there at Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist they had another book give-a-way, which I of course entered. Pat usually has 2-3 book give-a-ways each month.

The other day I touched briefly on Coast to Coast’s Streemlink. I also discovered our local radio station that carries the show has something called “Audio vault.” They have the whole day on file for up to 30 days. Including Coast. The only thing is, the audio content isn’t all that great. The weekend shows at Coast are pretty boring. There are other shows similar to Coast like Jeff Rense, Laura Lee etc. I like her show and even Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland. All these are great shows.

Even though yesterday was Valentine’s day the Oiler faithful were not getting any love from the Copper & Blue last night. Anaheim 7 Edmonton 3. I like the way Ryan Potulny is playing though. He’s got his 14th and if he keeps going like he has been, He could get 20 goals this year.

I’ve been wanting to try out Runescape this weekend and I think I might open an account and try it out. Jessie from work says he’s got a paid an account and he plays it all the time. The map looks very extensive. I recall all the fun I had playing “Well of Souls” some years ago.

Anne went out to the manning Safeway just up the road here and looked around for me. She found out where Happy Harbor comic/games store is: A few doors down from the bank. That’s good to know. She says the #182 stops off right there but the only thing is, they play Heroclix on Sundays.

Tonight because it’s a rare Monday night off, I get to watch Monday night Raw at the earlier time. But Anne usually likes to watch it with me so I’ll be leaving it for later when she comes home from work.

And finally, over there at SF Signal they have a movie review of the latest Wolfman movie. The review doesn’t look that good. Personally this kind of stuff doesn’t appeal to me at all. Anyway, that’s all for now.

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