Sunday, August 23, 2009

I had a great birthday weekend. Friday I got my book and Saturday Fort Edmonton Park and Sunday Summerslam. I can't complain too much.

despite Shaw short changing me with my Summerslam ppv, (we missed the first half hour and we paid for it in advance as well.) I still had a good weekend. Anne says I can go in for afternoon hours on Tuesday because that's when I need to talk with the boss about my vacation pay. I want this resolved before the end of this month.

Coast has a decent UFO show on this evening and I'd like to catch some of that while I can. Anne didn't have ribs for me but she had pork chops marinating in the fridge and they were tasty and after that I went out for a bit of a walk around the back here looking for Boots absent for a few days now.

Using the Google earth measuring tool in feet I discovered something interesting. Before I got married I'd go often to Bella foodland (a little corner store a few blocks away) to get my Coca Cola fix etc. Using the Google earth measuring tool from my place to Bella is about 745 feet. To get 5 miles by just walking around here, I'd be looking at making a circuit 5 times up to Victoria Drive head south to 136th street down to Sifton school head North behind our place out to the sidewalk. That 5 times is approximately 5 miles. The reason why I mention this is because if I can't get a guards license and when I get my vacation pay I'll join a health club. I like the part time guard job, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday's because it will give me exercise and more chance to read and listen to Coast and make some extra cash. If I don't get the guard job then I'll get the health club membership. I'd rather get the guard job from the same company I worked at 1978 and 1994. The benefits are obvious. The guard job would fit right in with getting a pedometer so I can keep track of how many steps I can take in a shift.

Yes, I had a great weekend. Now its back to the grind. BM gave a bit of a talk Friday saying how the tap shooters wont be the old guard anymore like myself and others. By this he means that if we don't do line hour we get moved to the back 20. There will be a constant flux of staff moving from one system to the other. I don't see them sticking to that with the source that we currently have. It's too much of a headache and sounds like a make work project. That's why I want my vacation pay and the guard job as a back up.

Anyway gang, that's about all for now.


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