Thursday, April 2, 2009

Despite how it reads on my

Librarything widget, I'm currently reading "The Blood red harp" by Elaine Cunnigham and not the book depicted first. I'm trying to figure out an easy way how to cue these titles in order.

Tonight is Lodge night and I'm going to call Neil to see if I can get a ride as the Secretary asked me if I would be able to bring the registrar's material I've been sitting here on for about 2 years doing nothing with it. I was Lodge register for a year but nobody showed me how to do the job.
Also, I'm going to try and get a copy of a Lodge book for learning the EA exam. All that stuff is in The blue Book, which I had at one time. No doubt my wife moved it in one of her clean up binges, God love her.

I'm looking forward to reading "The blood red harp." I like the cover and the topic. Can't go wrong with Elves's right? Elves's and magician's are my 2 favorite topics in Fantasy.

Speaking of fantasy I haven't been playing "Oblivion" lately. It's not that I'm stuck or anything in the game, I have other things going on that take priority. I'll get back into it a bit more over the Easter break. Right now I'm at level 5 and just closing in at level 6. The only nuisance about playing this game is my armor and swords keep breaking. For instance a longsword that began with an attack capability of 4 can be downgraded to a 2 in a hurry. Same thing with armor. So I'm constantly spending gold on repair hammers or having merchants repair everything. That can get costly. Highest armor class rating I've had was +18. The other struggle I'm having to deal with in the game is crashes. I've had the game crash on me about 3 times so far. But keep in mind this is a used game. I'm looking at getting "Fable" next and that should be a lot of fun. I've heard some good things about it. At the moment I'm playing an Imperial. I've got about 14 quests and I've completed 4. Quests make the game.

It's a laundry day for my wife and she's going on a bottle run on her day off in a bit. We usually do laundry every other Sunday around here. It's nice to have our own washer and dryer. Apparently upstairs the washing machine is $2 a load same with the dryer. We usually have about 8 loads so to do the laundry once a month can cost us about $35, not to mention the cost of soap etc. Plus we have to take the laundry and haul it upstairs and keep an eye on it in case some other tenant decides their laundry is more important then ours and they take out our cloths shove them onto another machine. Also you have to watch out for crack heads as well that want to break into a machine desperate for money,ahh life in an apartment.

So when my wife goes on the bottle run she's got enough to pay for a pocket book and a coffee at Tim's. I mean that's not what she's going to do with it but that's about what she'll have from the bottles and cans I've collected from work

With 5 Oiler games left in the regular season the chances the copper and blue getting in are slim to none. They play SJ this evening The thing that bugs me about Oiler fans is that they blame the Coach. You don't blame the Coach, if anyone is to blame pass blame onto the top. I'm talking a bout the GM. Why did we lose Ryan Smyth? Because of the GM. Not to mention all the other great players since the '06 playoff run that have left. Why did we lose Garon? Yes I'm just blowing smoke but Oiler fans including this one are frustrated that a great team is playing so poorly.

Anyway gang, that's all for now

e. Jim

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