Monday, June 7, 2010

This was composde Yesterday, but better leate then never right?

Ok, a couple of things today. I’ve made a few changes to this blog. Note, that the Greenpeace announcement is gone. Most people know by now that GP Canada is for what it is. Also, I moved the Google ad to the bottom of the page. I heard that it can scare visitors away even though since the ad went Live, it eared over 24,000 hits ad over 15,500 page impressions for a Adsense total of $3.90, wu-who! The real power in Adsense is through Keywords and Keywords can be pricey. Also, I put the stat counter code in a some of my other pages and added a PayPal donation button so if you like my blog, you can make a donation or tip, it would be greatly appreciated-thanks. Some other exciting changes to this blog/site are going to happen soon. If you haven’t noticed a-hem, there is a free ebook offer by my photo.

A few years ago FL Studio caught my attention but it was kind of lame back then. I stumbled upon it through YouTube (now turning 5 years old this year) and was immediately impressed with how rich and robust this program is and the basic version is free is.

Last night I found a way how to put documents in my Itouch. Especially short stories. Yesterday SF Signal had about 25 story links to many books. Net. I downloaded 5 stories in rich text and select all and pasted them in a new email to myself for offline reading when I‘m not near a wi-fi connection. I created a folder called SFF stories and moved them in there away from my in box. This way I can read the stories during my commute. It‘s a good hack.

Shortly Anne and I are going to have brunch and then watch “Doctor Who” and after that it’s Game #5 of the Stanley Cup finale. Philadelphia@Chicago. That’s basically on my plate for tonight and I hope I can get a bit of reading done as well. Anyway, that’s about all for now.

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