Thursday, January 14, 2010

Having a slow

couple of days around here. There hasn't been a lot going on except eating, sleeping and going to work.

Speaking about work and such half the office did OTH last night. We had nothing but cold calls and I ended up doing not to badly. I got 3 credit card sales for a total making line hour of $260. $70 of that was on cards. I'm glad about this because most likely I'll be doing this source tonight and tomorrow morning.

I met my book ordering guy just near Tim's there as he was going home I was heading to Corona LRT. We stopped and had a brief chat. He said some of my Mercedes Lackey books I ordered were in. Great I'll be able to pick up one Friday afternoon.

The Oiler's are hosting the Penguins tonight here at Rexall. The other night the Home team had their straight 12th loss. Anyway that's about all for now.

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