Thursday, January 29, 2009

I added some new links in the Resources section

I thought I'd share.

Not much going on over the last couple of days except Blogging and paying attention to the federal Budget.

I'm about 80% of the way through "Runner." It's not a bad book but I want to go onto somethng fresh. Most likely I'll be reading Timothy Zahn's "The third Lynx." Sorry the book cover images don't work as they do on my website. We're using "mimages," what ever they are.

Anyway the Federal Budget was past barely but is on "probation," the Federal Liberals say. What a bunch of crap.

I wanted to ad more links to my blog rounds, here but Blogger unlike my website wont allow me to copy and paste a large ammount of URL's. I have to do this one at a time and it's very time consuming.

Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now

e. Jim

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