Friday, September 11, 2009

Yeesh, what a week

More economic bad news on a smaller scale here in Edmonton/Calgary. Telus is closing down it’s 911 call center operations laying off 50 employees each in Calgary and Edmonton. I’m sure some of them will be applying at my place of employment. We’ve lost a lot of call center work here in Edmonton over the last 2-5 years.

Today is the anniversary of 9/11, or in other words the tragic incident of Tuesday, September 11th 2001. On this date 8 years ago marks the anniversary of bombing of the World Trade Center where terrorists took control of aircraft and slammed them into the twin towers causing thousands of deaths there and at the US Pentagon. This incident changed the world forever. I’m going to have an article on this in my “For what it’s worth,” section.

I’m still reading “The Space Wolves” Omnibus and just about closing in on the first book. William King is a good writer. This may be a bit of a spoiler but I’m finding that the book lacks dialogue between characters. I‘d say the book is about 20% dialogue and the rest description. I don’t know what‘s ahead in the second book Regnar‘s Claw but my guess is more of the same. I’m enjoying this book but I’ll be relieved when I’m done with it and at my reading rate should be 1st week in October.

The job goes ok. We’re doing CRF and a lot of people aren’t saying the disclaimer netting themselves more and larger sales. The new guy beside me speaks so low I could hardly hear him but he was getting sales after sales as well. I could hear the girl on the other side of me not saying the disclaimer getting large sales. I made a point of this to Jerry and he made sure people got the word.

Tonight, I’m in for my 5-8:30pm but I’m going in for Saturday. Before the cold weather sets in I’m going to talk to my Doctor and get my Saturdays off. I mean I’ve done it a lot of times before but I’m tired of getting up at 7am on a Saturday morning when it’s -20C for work. Being diabetic it’s hard on me.

Apparently Spider Robinson won’t be at our Pure Speculation event coming up October 2-3-4th. Seems his wife is under going chemo treatment. My heart goes out to them. I’ll still pop in as there could be other people I need to see there as well.

Anyway gang, that’s about all for now


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