Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Its been busy here over the past few months

but then if you have been following me at my website you would have known this.

I'm still in the learning curve with Windows 7 and I've barely touched the surface of this amazing OS. Its starting to grow on me.

I'm about at the half way point reading Ben Bova's "The green trap." Its not half bad really. I hope to have it read Christmas weekend.

Avatar (the movie) looks really good and I hope to get a chance to see this film before the holidays are over.

Stephen King's "Under the dome" looks really good as well and after I read the Karen Travis "Wess'Har" series, I plan on delving into this book.

Also, in the new year I hope to get signed onto Xbox Live as I want to get playing Raw vs Smackdown 2010 and get another controller for Anne.

Sorry I've been absent around here but I'll be blogging more frequently from my website.

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