I got off the elevator and Greg said right away that I’ve got $130 in bonus money coming to me on my next cheque Friday. Great. With what I have here and bonus money Friday I can get my website paid up without me being completely broke.
I had a slow start for the first hour and I didn’t know if I was going to get L/h. I barely got over $200 by 6pm and a couple of CC’s. By break I ended up getting 5 CC’s for a $20 bonus. I got another 4 CC’s and a $930 total but I forgot to record my CC sales. I know I had at least $300 the first half in CC sales. I know I did a lot more then that in the 2nd. I think I can get the amounts or at least what the CC’s were all worth out of 5 CC’s for the 2nd half. But 9 CC’s is a record for me. Some days I barely get that in one week.
Also I got a short garbage bag full of cans and bottles. I had a great night. Lots of laughing and joking going on. I had a good time.
I got home and Anne was doing laundry and just in time for Monday night Raw. Good show this evening as well. I liked the old Jerry Lawler when he was always favoring the bad guys. I liked the older announcers like Booby “The Brain” Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon. They were great in the older days before Raw.
This brings me to where I am now and the Internet is slow. again this morning. All in all, I had a good Monday night.
My Google news reader is pretty cool. It provides me with updates on the feeds I subscribe to. The other day I punched my name in the RSS search field and where it reads subscribers, shows well over 2, 000 of you subscribe to this Blog. So this tells me that the feed burner widget isn’t working then. The whole Goddamn Internet isn’t working this morning. Even YouTube is misbehaving. I’ll sure be glad if I live long enough to enjoy Cern’s “The Grid.”…..2:20pm I just finished William C. Dietz’s “Runner.”

My rating : 7 e. Jim’s out of 10
Brief synopsis: Jak Rebo is a Runner on a mission to deliver a boy to a special ceremony in a crumbling society.
Pros: Great writing, solid world building and excellent characters,
Cons: The character’s say “So” way to much. Not much to complain about.
Cons: The character’s say “So” way to much. Not much to complain about.
Bottom line: A decent yarn with some surprising twists to it.
Reaction: I had trouble getting into this story. It Didn’t grab me right away and I couldn’t put my finger on why it didn’t. The writing is tight and clear but throughout the novel I wanted to find out how it ended and that kept me going. Some reviews said they predicted the outcome of the novel within the last 100 pages or so. The story kept me guessing right to the last few pages but the outcome seemed rushed. It would have been nice to know what became of one of the main chracters after the last few pages. When reading Dietz’s “last word” about the story at the back, he said he “wasn’t sure how to handle the concept.” Then it dawned on me why I had trouble getting into this story: The author wasn’t confident enough in telling it and it showed. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good story, far from it. I really enjoyed “Runner” and the sequel coming up next, “Logos run” might be better handled then “Runner.” One thing’s for sure, I will be paying more attention to William C. Dietz’s other works in the future and this alone earned the title of “fan.” As for “Runner” I wasn’t disappointed a whole lot……. ……..10:25pm I went into the office and read a little of “Logos Run.” To early to tell how good or bad it is. So far so good. I got to my dialer as the shift was changing. JT and I bet on the Chicago Oiler game tonight. $2. I had a slow start to the shift and Greg paused my dialer as we went to haul those wine bottles out of his car. I didn’t know what to expect but the bag as really heavy, almost 40 lbs. It was a struggle to get them to the lower level and I noticed a plastic utility cart the janitors use. I placed them in there and hauled them upstairs with the security guards permission. I made quite a spectacle of myself. I took a lot of cans and bottles from the office and the wine bottles and continued on with my shift. I called Anne on my way out and I asked how much are these bottles worth? Only ten cents? Yikes. Well at least I got $15 in bonuses tonight. I tossed one of the bags into a curbside dumpster not far away and took one home with mostly cans (worth the same and lighter then wine bottles). Oiler game tonight meaning extra cars on the train but it was packed train all the way home. I had a chat with my wife and here I am.
That was my Tuesday evening folks. The bad part was the Oiler’s losing. Same score as on Sunday. What I liked about work this evening was we had 10 tap shooters and maybe 15 on the front 20. We had a thin crew, just the way I like it.
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now
e. Jim
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