I took this shot of the Manning bridge in the background. My #11 swings over this bridge. I can see the blue grey of the bus and it’s orange sign. I can’t wait for Spring. I’m considering April 1st until after Labour day to work mornings. If the boss is hard on me, I can always with back to get out of his hair. I can work Thursday afternoons to get my cheque.
With my business at Audrey’s done I went downstairs to catch my train. I probably should have waited for the bus. If I take the bus I don’t need to climb those 3 flights of stairs up to my bank like I did before. And in decent weather I’d rather wait with a decaf coffee for the #5 bus even on a Thursday night. But I did my banking and caught the train with extra cars (Oil Kings game at Rexall)
I decided to get a bite to eat at Tim’s this morning. In my running shoes the sidewalks were still a little slippery, but I did ok. The first half of the shift was ok. I had a mediocre day but I did get a couple of CC sales for 23 for the week. I was so glad to have the work week over with I was glad to get out of there. The Oiler’s were losing badly again 5-0 in the 2nd. Yikes. I took off to MM with no waiting. The clerk helped me fill out the Western Union form. 50 Euros ended up costing me $94.98. That includes the transfer fee, everything. Not bad. Actually it was cheaper this time around then last year.
After my success at MM I went to Audrey’s at the end of the block and was determined to get that Peter. F. Hamilton’s book as mentioned above but I wanted something new. I bought book #1 of John Varley’s “The Gaen trilogy” last month and the other 2 volumes were there so I picked them up instead. I’ll get the other book latter next week.
Also Suvudu is covering “Comic Con 2009.” About the 6th photo down in today’s Suvudu entry some poor guy is being interrogated by Storm Troopers. Here’s a link at least to Saturday’s post.
Anne had another monthly admonishing by her Super to pick up the sales. They want $400/hour but that according to staff is almost impossible given that they go through sometimes 25-30 minutes without calls. Basically it’s trying to upsizing the customers order. Doable but when your having slow periods its very hard. I wish they’d leaver her alone. She’s there on time and she doesn’t make any mistakes. I wish they’d cut her some slack but other staff there say for her not to worry about it.
Speaking of Pizza my wife is going to use her credits and with an extra $12 I’m ordering pizza and the chicken pieces for my lunch latter tonight. Good stuff. She had a hungry man dinner in the icebox but because I’m having chicken tonight, I’m just going to eat the sandwiches instead. Try and save some money.
I’m kind of worried for Anne’s job more then mine but if she ends up losing her job for some silly reason like above we can get emergency help to keep our apartment going and EI will cover her for about a year. Also I can pick up the slack while she finds another job. If it comes to that.
Anyway bloggers, that’s all for now
e. Jim
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