Thursday, February 26, 2009
February blahs
I looked for Boots but found no sign of him. He’s been gone for 4 days and 3 hours out in that cold. Anne puts dry food out there for him. When I got home Anne called as we gave each other updates. I ended up playing Oblivion. For an hour and watched the news as Anne cooked up a pair of some burrito’s, mexi fries for me. She’s going to make one more pass to find Boots. She thinks the caretakers on the ground floor next to the entrance found him and took him in to the SPCA. Maybe they even took him in but I doubt it. They are cat lovers themselves.
Nasa’s orbiting carbon observatory crashed the other day. This was a great project and it’s kind of a shame this happened. Hopefully they have plans to build another one. In a related article from the National Geographic magazine had a 20 page article recent of the Alberta tar sands and it’s environmental impact. The magazine did not paint a favorable picture of Alberta tar sands. But the article also said that the tar sands are accountable for about less then 1% of the planets Greenhouse gases (GHG‘s) which is pretty good. The tar sands provides jobs for thousands of people (now thanks to the economic downturn) in the hundreds. In related news oil is climbing up to $42 barrel yesterday.
The science fiction community lost another great one. I seldom ever report the loss of SFF authors that pass away but Phillip Jose Farmer, held a special place in my heart. In the 1970’s I read SF but not that much and I almost gave up on SF for a few years there until Star Wars 1977. I began reading SFF again and Farmer brought to my reading palate a sense of wonder lost on my reading in the mid to late 1970’s. Farmer is most famous for his River world series. I loved that series. He died at the age of 91.………………..1:50pm> I got up a bit early to do some research on some charities I like to contribute to. When my income goes up a bit more next month I’ll disclose these organizations as I have 6 I donate to now. One of my favorite charity organizations is The Edmonton Oiler Community foundation.
Anne left out of here for some KFC. Right now it’s -19C/-34C wind chill. Anne asked me if I wanted to take tonight off and I’m thinking about doing this and go in for the 1:30pm shift, but the thing is, I have Lodge next week so it’s hard to justify taking the day off. All markets except the Nasdaq are up. Oil is at $44/barrel this hour. If they can get to $50 in the next week, then I know were climbing out of the recession.
I’d be just getting in now. Anne talked me into staying home for the night. I called in talked to the secretary to let DC or Super know I wouldn’t be coming. I covered my base. My wife went to cash a couple of bas of bottles in and I spent a couple of hours playing Oblivion. I aborted a couple of quests that were no match for me and played half an hour until the Oiler’s/Columbus game then read for half an hour out of “Logos run.”
Anne came back saying she got $25 worth of bottles and had a nap while I watched the hockey game. At least one Oiler showed up: Roli. CBJ had 31 shots on goal and scored 1-0. Watching the Oiler’s tonight was like watching The Oil Kings. The juniors could have played better. Give credit to CBJ because they played a flawless game. They got 19 shots on goal. If the Oiler’s ever deserved the chant “Oiler’s suck” it would be tonight’s game. I’d have joined in as well because this evening, the Oiler‘s sucked. But I didn’t have the night off for that alone. I just needed some time to myself for awhile.
Not much else going on. I’ll have Logos run finished reading by Friday. Still no sign of Boots. We keep looking for him but he doesn’t answer.
Anyway, gang that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Work, weekends and stuff
I also collected a huge amount of bottles and cans when I left out of the office. It was off over to Audrey’s with my empties. When I got to Audrey’s they had a crowd of people milling about. A couple of poets had a book signing. Trevor said none of my orders came in. There were a lot of new SFF books to choose from. Most of them were in Trade paperback. I settled on “Space Vulture,” Gary K. Wolf and Archbishop John J Myers. Looks like it’s going to be a fun read. It’s even got a nice kudos from Stan Lee on the cover. I paid and left with my purchase and my train came by with a few minutes wait. I read a bit on the way to Clairview and decided to walk over to Burger King but they were closed. At 9pm on a Friday night? But one car was in the drive through and the counter clerk when the car left let me order a chicken sandwich and fries. That was my lunch for the night. Next time and I’m not in a hurry I’m going to take the #2 bus home and get off on 50th street and get a Wendy’s something.
After I was inside our place I stashed the cans away and hung up my coat, cleaned up, had my snack and watched some of Smackdown. I enjoyed my snack and Smackdown wasn’t too bad. On a scale from 1-10, I’d rate it maybe a 6 surfing back between the local news and wrestling. My lunch was good. I watched some news and Anne was just coming in at 11:30pm. No need to make me any dinner. I watched the last of the news and then went to bed.
I had a good hour or so sleep and maybe 2-3 hours of rest but by 5:30am I needed to get up and play some Oblivion for an hour and then go back for a nap. I was able to join the “Fighters Guild” and get a contract to wipe out some rats in a house. After dispatching the rats in the basement I went back to the guild and got rewarded to “Apprentice.”
I don’t know if I want to go out to the West end this afternoon with Chris. I’m going to be feeling too wiped out and I want a good nap and some more Oblivion game time in before my Oiler game. The other NHL game I’m “watching” is Toronto/Vancouver. All I can say is “Lets go Leafs!” Anne said she has a plate of something in the fridge for me to nuke up. Just as well since my cash flow is dwindling. I’ve got to pick up another pair of reading glasses anyway from the dollar store across the street.
Anyway, gang that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Its a mid week thang
I felt pretty good leaving with my booty of bottles and cans. I cracked open my book as the Clairview train was slow coming in. I think I got another 6 pages of reading on the way home. When I got off the bus out back here I took a look around for Boots. Calling his name but nobody answered. I kept calling for him watching my step on the snow and ice. It wasn’t that bad out there weather and walking. I think it was -7C and no wind chill. Winds were calm so I walked out back by the garbage bins and along the parking lot. No luck. No sooner had I got inside there was Anne calling. We had a nice talk. We think what happened to Boots was he came by looking for Anne and the building security guard scooped him up and took him to the SPCA. I’m going to suggest that she call our local branch to confirm. He might be in some cage somewhere waiting to be put down. The other scenario is we think he wandered to far a field got lost and froze to death. But you never know he’s been gone several times like this before and we’ve always found him but never for this long. I’ve got my office window open and I can stick my head out and every 10-30 minutes or so I call his name hoping to hear from him. I figure if he’s not found by Sunday night we can expect the worst. I feel bad for the little guy. He scratched me a few times but that’s not his fault.
I managed to open a can of stew for supper and I’m just waiting for Anne to come home. I don’t like her being out this late at night. She should be alright though. She usually walks home or takes the bus from Clairview station.
Yesterday I had a nice entry all ready to post but I got a bit distracted. I’m still working on importing this blog automatically over to Facebook. Dennis does it all the time. I’ll figure it out. I like Facebook. It helped me find my family or rather they found me. It’s nice to see they are all Facebook users.
I located Alfred but he’s not via Facebook. I still need to locate Dave but at the moment I’m having some Internet difficulty. It happens from time to time. JT said he switched from Satellite over to Telus. It’s not that I’m not happy with Shaw, they do a great job but I’ve been using the same modem here now for almost 10 years now and it‘s falling apart. Shaw offered to get me over to that “Shaw boost” but if “The Grid” ever gets online, why bother…….1:20pm> My wife finally came home. She was at Walmart doing some shopping and bought me some Cheese Pleasers. Her way of saying sorry for being late. But she came in just as I had Oblivion on fired up and ready to go. I played for about an hour then after shutting it down I did some Facebook and JFK assassination research stuff. By this time I was getting all played out and I kissed my wife goodnight and went on in ahead of her into bed listening to a bit of Coast.
Now I woke about 6:30am needing to pee and the first thing I noticed was my office door closed. I smiled “Boot’s is back.” Anne mumbled how he was all smelly and dirty but she powdered him down so he’s nice and tolerable. Good stuff. We were getting worried there for awhile for reasons above.
I had a hard time getting back to sleep. I tossed and turned for awhile so about 9:30am this morning I got up to play some more Oblivion for an hour.
I was pretty well wiped out after that. Even then sleep was hard to come by, like gold in Oblivion. I’m still level 1. I’m getting used to the lay of the land, discovering tombs and caves. Stuff like that. I decided I’d try and go back to bed get a few hours sleep but no such luck. I got up at noon and dozed on the couch with the local noon news on. There was Obama heading up to parliament hill. Snore. There’s the markets. Oil is climbing back up. Snore. I woke up just as some soap opera was in progress fired up the computer, made my first coffee and so here I am.
I did a bit more reading on “Logos run” and I’m at last just over the halfway part of the book. This is good stuff gang. I hope Dietz does another one with this same characters. The writing is outstanding and I’m having fun with this book. He should turn this into a role playing game it’s that good. Even though Hollywood sucks with lame TV who needs TV when you have great books like this?
Tonight it’s off to the job, Hopefully I’ll be able to get my cheque early grab my dialer maybe even watch a little Oiler’s at Dallas hockey game on tonight in between calls. Should be a good game. I’ll put my 4 hours in run out of there to catch my bus and head on up to my bank, cash my cheque and head home to catch the game highlights. Basically that’s all I’ve got going on for today.
Anyway, gang that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Monday, February 16, 2009
Family day long weekend here in Canada
After fooling around on Facebook, Anne called me in for supper: Baby back ribs and her foiled potatoes. The ribs were excellent. And now I get a couple of hours to do my thing before bed. Incidentally, I’m enjoying these CFL light bulbs. We’re doing our bit to help the environment. Everything is so much cleaner and brighter in here now.
Tonight, we’ll most likely be in bed by around 4am and I’ll be up around noon. Because we have these nice fluorescent lights it’s easier to read and I can read the Sunday Sun morning paper now. I used to like doing that. About 7:30pm tonight it’s the Oiler’s at Phoenix and after that it’s Monday night Raw. That, and I’m going to try and walk my mile, get some more reading done, piano practice and maybe even get some writing done as well…………3:50pm> We went to bed at our usual time but I had trouble sleeping. I was itchy and scratching all over, rolling around back and forth in bed. For about 2 hours I did this. I just couldn’t sleep. it was awful. About 6:30am or so I got up to read a bit out of my book. I felt drowsy and tried again. It was a bit better but this time less itchy-scratchy. No, not the Simpson’s. This doesn’t happen very often.
I finally got some sleep after about 9am and woke up about noon and decided I need another hour. It’s my day off after all right? From there I got some additional sleep and woke up around 2pm. I’m for ok now but this cold is still in my system. I'm not over the worst part of it yet. When I got up Anne had gone out shopping. She mentioned she was going out to the veggie mart.
Well gang the weather out there is cold here in the big city. We’re currently sitting at -13C/-19C wind chill. In other words, it’s cold out there folks. The long range though for next weekend looks promising as it’s supposed to warm up.
When I get over this cold I’m going to start my mile/day goal. When I did that half mile yesterday, I could really feel it working. My legs got stronger. This weakness of my legs really surprises me because I used to do a lot of walking before I got married. But I don’t get a lot of exercise these days and it’s taking it’s toll on me. Being diabetic doesn’t help much either.
Speaking about exercise and all, now don’t quote me on this but I read that because of the new Harper budget people that join health spas and clubs hee in Canada get a rebate. It’s the Feds way of trying to combat obesity. Makes sense because it would save in the long run a lot of money on the health care system. I like this. I think the idea is you join a health spa/club first and then when it comes time to file your taxes you can claim that as an expense. Same with a new computer as well. I need to talk to my tax guy about this just to confirm.
Speaking about Facebook, my friend Dennis Hurd (see his Blog in my links section) wrote on my wall that I can import these blog entries as a note/link on my Facebook wall so it would show up automatically under my RSS feed. I’m not sure how to go about doing this. I’m looking around kicking the tires. Basically I’d like just a few lines and a link to “read more?” type thing. I’ll figure it out.
And finally Anne came home with her stuff and is now getting me chips at the dollar store across the street. That’s to munch on for my hockey game/wrestling tonight. I’ll get the fallout from yesterday’s big pay per view show and the elimination chamber. Too scary kids.
Anyway, gang that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day 1 of my 2 days off
When I went from paper to MS Word in August of 2005. I decided to type instead of write by hand because it got to the point I couldn’t read my own handwriting. Besides I can add headers and footers and post photos to my blog in various ways. I didn’t get the digital camera until 2006 and that was kind of neat to put photos on my blog. Would I go back to paper and pen again? I doubt it. This is much better.
Last night I was playing Oblivion for a few hours. We had our wine. Anne was stressed out from her job. But we went to bed about 4am after I took my insulin and I slept ok for 8 hours. I got up to play Oblivion again and completed the first quest and discovered a few tricks about strategic movement around the world map. My character is not strong enough to complete the 2nd quest. This took me up until about 2:30pm and my wife got up to go over to the truck for a few things. it’s a discount food truck. There’s several of them scattered all over the city.
As for now, I’m having my first coffee. It’s -12/-20C out there. It’s supposed to warm up by this time next week. We should be around -4C.
My blood sugar level’s (bsl) were fairly high last night, registering 10.1. Right now it’s sitting at 9.3. The trouble is I’m not getting any exercise and that‘s going to be a huge problem for me down the road as a diabetic. A few years ago when Pat worked here he had bought a pedometer. Even though with the weather out there as it is I wouldn’t recommend anyone walking around for long distances on icy sidewalks. Treadmills are too expensive. I used to walk in the hallways to lower my bsl and I might do this yet in an hour or so. The thing is this doesn’t tell me how much distance I’ve traveled. A pedometer (thanks to Thomas Jefferson) measures each step and translates that into feet, yards, miles. I don’t need to do this all in one go but I’m going to look into getting a pedometer. I’m looking at getting a cardio health kit from London drugs. I decided that an early goal should be 1 mile/day. Some recommend 10K steps/day, which equals to about 5 miles. But what about the weather? The icy sidewalks? For starters, I can walk inside the apartment building back and fourth in the hallway. I just went and walked from one end of the hallway to the other and its 77 steps long, approximately. It’s going to take about 30 minutes from that little walk to lower my bsl. It seems that there are 2,000 steps in 1 mile. To get a mile’s worth of walking in the hallway I’d need to walk back and fourth for about 13 times. That’s about 1 mile.
I’m going to try this and see how long it takes me to walk a mile here in the hallway. It’s 3:30pm now. It’s now 3:45pm and I walked 5 times or about 770 steps. There’s no way to tell for sure unless I go get a pedometer and I believe I can get one at the pharmacy I pass by every day on the way to work. But what interrupted me was my crazy wife coming home from her shopping. Still I feel pretty good about that and I worked up a bit of a sweat as well and I feel pretty good about myself. I’m going to do the rest later. I don’t really need the pedometer in this case but I’m not always going to do my walking inside. That’s why I need one. And from now on I’m going to take the stairs up from Corona. But I’ll be looking into that pedometer when I go back to work Tuesday. My bsl hadn’t dropped much 9.1 down from 9.3 but it’s a start.
Anne’s making our brunch and an hour after that, I’m going to do the other half of the mile Five times.
My wife had retrieved my mail and my new bank card came in. It has chip enabled technology. I don’t think the last card I had was chip enabled. ID theft is a big deal these days and yet on the job I get anywhere from 10-20 CC sales/week. And I’m just part time. Out of 14-17 tap stations, that’s pretty good.
About time. Obama pushed his stimulus $787B package through at last. The military was complaining that there was nothing in it for them but this wasn’t a budget bill. Meanwhile Ed Stelmach has been holding press conferences about what we’re doing here in Alberta to give our oil a better image. This has been in the works for months now but good timing because Obama’s trip to Canada begins next week. Hurry up Ed, brush the dirt under the rug, company’s coming. Kind of reminds me of Catherine 2nd’s visit into the country side of Russia in the 1930’s. One good thing about Obama’s energy bill I like is the energy efficiency, up to 50B. Of course the Republicans are critical of the bill. No kidding.
After brunch I’m going to spend some time with “Logos run.” I put a little bit of a dent in this last night. Hopefully I can get past the books half way point.
And finally, I didn’t win the big $25M 6/49 draw last night. Actually, nobody did. However I got 1 number out of 6! They usually carry this over and often double it. It could go as high as $50M but it’s fun to play. I usually win about $10 bucks every now and then.
Anyway, bloggers that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Just testing WIndows Live Writer, its got some bugs
Work went surprisingly well last night despite this cold. Dave, JT, and myself were holding down 3 dialers in the back. I collected a whole bag of bottles and cans and came out with a pretty good haul walking towards Audrey’s. I could feel my blood sugar level dropping and had a yearn for a Boston cream donut or two.
I picked up Peter F. Hamilton’s Book 3 in the “Night’s Dawn” trilogy. I could get around to reading it this year or next. I’m a little burned out reading “Pandora’s Star” and “Judas unchained.” And if that wasn’t enough I read RA Salvatore’s “Icewind Dale” trilogy. All three of these books were at least 1,000 pages each. The “Night’s Dawn” trilogy combined is something like 3,576 pages in total. It’s going to take me 6 weeks at least to read book one etc. At the moment I’m kind of burnt out from reading large books like these. I’m even struggling with “Logos run” at just over 300 pages and suffering with this cold, I wont get around to finishing this book until the end of the month.
After Audrey’s I got myself a couple of Boston cream donuts to help raise my bsl reading up a bit and ate them on the train home. Slightly on the colder side last night but at least there’s no wind chill. It’s going to be -22C this morning but no wind chill and that’s ok.
Tonight after work I’m heading home but making a side trip over to the liquor store to get my sweetie and I a bottle of read wine for tonight then home to check in on the Oiler game in LA, see how that’s developing. After that have my nap. It would be nice if the Oiler’s won to complete my weekend.
8:15am I passed out three on the couch with the weather channel on snoozing for about half an hour or so from about 7:05am there for a bit until the budgies fluttering feathers in their cage woke me up. I’m feeling really lethargic from the cold/flue. Anne suggested I have a long weekend off but I’m going to go in for my 4 hours, despite the cold. I can grab a Tim’s breakfast and head for my dialer. The morning half will go by fast. It’s the afternoon that drags on slow.
6:25pm At least I made the effort. I went into work, and I even bought some Tim’s breakfast and a diet Coke. I wasn’t doing to badly on CFK pulling in about $320 and 2 CC sales just before noon when I went up to Super stated my condition and he made the suggestion if I would like to go home. I nodded yes and I got a few more sales finishing the hour for $360. I’ll get at least 21 hours and as long as I come in Tuesday, I’ll get my stat pay.
I walked to the LRT taking the street side and headed for home. I decided to wait for Anne because I might miss her if I went home. I had to wait about an hour though and bought a 6/49 ticket for the $25M when there she was working her way down 139A Ave towards the station. Of course she wondered why I was here at this time of the day and getting in the train headed to her job, I explained the situation. I rode in with her to The Bay Station and continued on the rest of the way to the HSC and rode back again to Clairview and walked through Superstore parking lot and to Superstore liquor and bought a cheep bottle of red wine. As per my wife’s instructions.
Anyway, bloggers that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday and a cold developing as well, yeesh
After work last night I hurried over to my bus by Tim’s and I caught the #5 to my bank and there in and out. I even caught the 9:20 pm train to Clairview and home at my usual time.
After watching the news and supper I got a chance to play Oblivion. I’m still at Level 1 with 40 gold. But I did learn how to Camp and I got out further North West. Game time wise I’m in a week with only 40 Gold. I haven’t found any place where I can buy and sell.
This is going to be a short post today. If I can hold out for the full shift after work I’m going to get Book #3 of the “Night’s Dawn” trilogy.
Anyway, Bloggers that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
When Chris and I were sitting in the back there doing ASRAB in the 2nd half of the job last night I asked him (if he’s in on Saturday) if he wouldn’t mind giving me a lift out to Fergeson’s. He knows where the Harvey’s is out there on 118th Ave. I used to stop in there after buying my Christian Ska CD’s in the mid 1990’s. I discovered Ska while I was a flirting with Christianity there when my father passed away 1996. Fergeson’s is about a block West of Harvey’s. This afternoon, I’m going to call Fergeson’s from the office, after I’ve gathered all my bottles and cans and get some more info on buying back the instrument your using. You need to take it home to practice. I want to find out how that works. But the other reason why I’m going out to Fergeson’s is to take a look at their Alto Saxophones. I Haven’t given up on the piano and I might still take lessons. I’ve been reading testimonials from people saying their fathers/uncles, brothers etc have taken up the sax at the age of 55 68 etc. I’ve been hearing phrases like, “It’s never to late,” “Age is not a requirement to play,” etc. Since Ska has always been one of my favorite musical genres I’d like to learn how to play. Of course this is depending on if I can actually play this thing and get some early encouragement. I can’t play guitar because arthritis has taken it’s toll on my fingers. Piano I can do and I know how to read a bit of sheet music. The only problem with Sax for me is living in an apartment but there are mute bags and I’ve been reading that they are quite good and cut down up to 70% of the external noise. Apparently they are pricy as well but I want to check into all these things at when I call this afternoon and when I go out there to Fergeson’s on Saturday. I mean if Chris is in on Saturday that is. But if for some reason I’m having difficulty with the Sax, I’ll switch back to piano instead.
It was a crowded LRT heading home and I read for a bit. After dinner and the local news and Anne had watched her stuff and I was donng my blog rounds, she was cleaning up “Hamsterland” as she calls it with her 2 new female Hamsters I settled into playing Oblivion. Sure enough the alcove one of many adorning the room revealed a darkened entrance into a tunnel of unexplored territory. I was in the sewers battling Goblins and rats. I found some gold and a few more doors I could have explored but I was itching to get “outside.” The key was useful to get into the sewers and ahead what looked like a long tunnel and light at the end. Anne sat with me to watch as we headed outside to a night sky. Of course every new area, I’m saving away as I go. I even got into the Imperial Palace where there are a lot of people to talk with lots of shops and things to do. I found a ship, horses to ride and buy but couldn’t afford. The Imperial Palace is a huge place unto itself. I could have gone on for hours exploring but at 4am it was getting late and as we were lying in bed Anne had got up to use the bathroom and looked out the window and saw a familiar shape out there in the cold.
“Boot’s is coming in.” She put some things on and five minutes later we have him back inside. After Boots was settled a finale cat roll call, we were in bed listening to the last of Coast.
I got up shortly after noon today to catch the markets graphic. Everything was up, just a little but that was up from yesterday’s huge losses on the DJIA, etc. Even Walmart and Nike are feeling the pinch it seems but Walmart is restructuring closing some stores and opening others.
Weather wise, it’s changing here over the next 4 days. It’s a smaller cold snap. Nothing like -20C or anything. Saturday will be the coldest it being -18C and a wind chill. After next Monday it’s going to warm up to what around the -5C average we’ve been getting. I don’t mind the -18C stuff. This time of year weather like this will only be for a few days at a time.
Still reading “Logos Run.” Very enjoyable but it’s going to take me the rest of the month to finish it. If I were to give the book a rating now, at page 67, I’d give it 10/10 e. Jim’s. I’m having fun with it.
Anyway, other then that, things are going well. Tonight it’s into the job thing. Most likely it’s CPA the first half and then hopefully ASRAB in the 2nd. Management is opening up more of the back area near business. There’s about 10 stations there that are not getting used in the evenings that for just a few are. When times are tough the locals flock to my company. Half a dozen are being tossed into the revolving door like so much cannon fodder at least once a week now. If that was me, I wouldn’t have survived the cut each week.
Anyway, Bloggers that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
We tried going to sleep "early"
Yesterday on the job for the first half we did a reset list for CPA and sure it went along fine but it had it’s moments. I ended up with 4 CC sales for just under $400. I collected a lot of cans and bottles at break and called Anne. Super moved us in the 2nd half to do ASRAB this was as JT said a short list. That’s why they only had just a few of them working it in the 1st half. Basically those that did well in the first filled up the vacant slots when the day staff left at 7pm. This went really slow for an hour. The calls were not coming through. By 8pm he moved the 3 of us doing ASRAB back to CPA and I did a lot better. I got a CC sale making it for 5 CC’s and an $18 bonus that goes on my cheque for next week. I ended up with $835 5 CC’s and an $18 bonus. Not a bad way to start the week.
I got home to watch Monday night Raw had a good time with that and rounded out the evening. I wanted to play more on Oblivion and trey out that escape door beside the guy guarding the Kings body. But Anne was more or less occupying the TV until about 2:20am and as 3am rolled around I was feeling tired. I had trouble sleeping all night and woke up late missing the markets.
Not much going on today, into work and coming home. I get an hour to do some stuff and then Anne makes me supper just in time for local news and then I get 2-3 hours off for me.
Weather wise, well it’s changing again. Were at -4C/-9C with the wind chill. We’re going to get cold for about a week. Not like -25C or anything mostly -13C stuff like that. By this time next week were warming up and that’s going to lead us into Family day long weekend and with that Daylight savings time is just around the corner.
This is an interesting month because this Friday is Friday the 13th and the Saturday is Valentines day on the 14th. And it that’s not enough it’s a long weekend as well because of Family Day holiday. This Saturday I’m buying my sweetie and I a bottle of red wine for Saturday night.
Anyway, Bloggers that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I had a busy couple of days but at least 1 bill is paid off and the weather is nice as well.
Friday, February 6, 2009
it's in the little things
We got to the Lodge and some of it was already being set up. I got to work on helping set up of what was remaining and because we were receiving a high District official, I was given a few lines to say to announce him and his entourage into the Lodge. I screwed up getting the Tyler sword. Receiving those lines sort of caught me off guard. I began to make the announcement but thy weren’t ready inside. After a bit then I was. We did some balloting as well and I screwed up there but it was no big deal. Also I was last to ballot and the WM had me in the spotlight informing me who was being balloted etc. It was kind of scary. I screwed up in that part to. J who was our master of ceremonies in his British accent took me aside and admonished me properly in a nice way and taught me how to do a few things. I’ll know better next month. I helped put the Temple furnishings away and went out for the Festive board. I bought a Stella (beer) and a can of diet Coke. I even got up to say a few things and got a nice round of applause. We had a great turnout of guys there tonight. It was a fun night. G took it upon himself to ask me if he could drive me home because Neil had some other things going on and I felt better about that. All in all, everyone felt really good about the evening. Sure I embarrassed myself a few times but it was a learning experience. I had a great time. A lot of guys that are in trades are feeling the effects of the economy.
If anything what this crisis is going to do is force people to be more productive to keep their jobs. It’s the little things that count. Anne and I were talking about this as well on the train ride downtown yesterday that some people at her place of work are more productive on a 4 hour shift then she is on an 8 hour shift only because they “sell” more Piazza’s products. And she’s conscious of this and she realizes she’s got to sell more. That’s what this economic crisis is going to do, is force people to work harder. Be better performers on the job. It’s not going to be the magic bullet that will keep my job but at least it will help me to contribute to the overall climate of productivity. That’s what’s going to pull us out of this economic mess not me alone but all of us together being more productive. Ask yourself what did I do today on the job that I can improve upon tomorrow? Focus on one thing and do it as best as you can. It’s the little things that count.
As for here in Alberta this current economic crisis might last us a another year or even 5 years but it will also force companies to keep their costs under control. They can separate the wheat from the chaff. Get rid of the slackers that don’t want to work that are only in it for a pay cheque.
Earlier yesterday afternoon when we got home from our trip downtown, I stumbled upon Ferguson’s music here in Edmonton. They’re located by the Inglewood area on 118th Ave. They’ve got an interesting teaching music concept and that is you take lessons to buy out your instrument. I already have a piano but I wouldn’t mind a full 88 Upright piano. Mostly I’d love an upright piano like a Mason & Risch or a Baldwin but theses uprights new would cost around the $5K range easily. Even if I took weekly piano lessons for 5 years it would take me about 250 lessons to pay for it. But Ferguson’s said I might be able to go in Saturday’s after work. Not just that but in five years I’d not only get good value for my money but also if I keep going for 5 years at $18 a half hour that’d be enough to get me a new upright piano and lessons as well. In theory. I’ll have more to say about this on Saturday. The other thing I’m seriously thinking about doing is diversifying my skill level in what I can do job wise. Sure, nothing is safe from an economic downturn but one thing I’d like to do is to take a few courses in Accounting bookkeeping. Academy of learning has course for 2 hours each Saturday morning. I can always sub a Saturday for a Sunday. Like I’ve said that before.
As for today, it’s into work and off to buy a book and get the MM forms for my website. Then Saturday I go over to Ferguson’s and check that out and on my way home, I go to MM and pay off my website then maybe go get a bite to eat somewhere and home for a nap. There’s an Oiler game Saturday but it’s an afternoon game on at 1pm. We’ll be able to see the first hour but then there’s a Sunday game in Minneapolis vs. the Wild. The Oiler’s won Thursday night…….. 12;55pm> Again I was in bed early this morning and awake about 9:30am. I laid in bed and dozed off here and there. It was my wife’s noon alarm that woke me up for the news and markets. Only oil was down by a bit.
Around the Blogsphere etc on Coast tonight: In the first two hours, researcher and lecturer David Wilcock talks about 2012, as “the year our DNA changes.” Oh…K. Over there at Fantasy magazine, Naamen Gobert Tilahun is talking about Stargate Atlantis and has some interesting things to say. Also, I added Scifi chick to my list of links page. Right under Scifi guy, naturally. Now back to reality again:
Angus Watt doing the markets and more was talking about the Obama stimulus package. Right Obama is trying to appease the Republicans to make the bill a bipartisan bill both sides can live with. In order to get the economy rolling again the banks need to feel more comfortable lending money. Obama wants to cover the banks losses (if any) That should encourage the banks, like City Group, Bank of America, etc to get money circulating and get credit moving again free up credit. I think it’s good strategy.
The other day, I mentioned in my “Runner” review high hopes for the sequel “Logos run” would be better. It sure is. I hope to have this book read in about 10 days or so.
I’m writing this on the fly as this afternoon I’m out to the job thing and because I didn’t get my cheque last night I’ve got business to take care of tonight.
Anyway bloggers, that’s all for now
e. Jim
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm running behind on a couple of things, like days mostly

Cons: The character’s say “So” way to much. Not much to complain about.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thank God January 2009 is in the bank and I'm typing way to fast. What kind of a word is Gid? *laughs*
Also now I’m not taking his word for it but according to D this evaluation thing looks like it’s only an annual thing. I feel a bit better about it.
When I left out of the office under somewhat clear skies it was really gusty out there. Some of that wind was about 80k as I took the long way around to go to Money Mart so I could get my website paid off but there was a line up and that meant who knows how long of a wait. I can always go tomorrow up the street. I went up to Audrey’s and got the last of the American pricing Star Wars “New Jedi order” books, “Dark journey” by Elaine Cunningham. So far now I have 9 in the series. I was lucky to get the first one “Vector Prime” by RA Salvatore (1999) It should have been out of print. I caught my train home and was glad I was in. I did a bit of research over how many of the “New Jedi order” books, I have left to order. There are 12 left remaining and most of them should be in print.
I was able to have a nap for a couple of hours and Anne called about 6:15pm. I was looking over some “Garagebnad” like software for making “music” and I discovered “Auto tune.” I don’t know if it’s a free download or not but it looks really good. You can even import your own vocals onto home made tracks. I might download it a bit latter and play around with it depends on the learning curve.
Anne called again after I had that dinner thing she made up for me. I was just about to get into playing Oblivion at the time and I got really far in the game. Still level one but I thought I was trapped in the catacombs underneath the palace or whatever. I refuse to find any cheats for this game.
After about half an hour in Oblivion I went in and did some reading in “Runner.” Officially I have an hour to go. This is so far a great book.
Anne should be home in about half an hour. She really wants a pizza from “Pizza Hut” this evening. After getting off my train hurried off to the Redi mart to get my February bus pass. I was shocked to learn that they went up $8! That’s from $66.50 to $74.50. The reason why I think the City did this was because they know Ottawa is giving tax breaks for low income workers who need to take public transport. So much for getting a tax break. The City just took it. And the City isn’t through yet. There’s another transit increase planned to bring a monthly transit pass up to $90! Holy crap. I can recall in 1978 a monthly bus pass was $25 bucks. The City isn’t raising transit buss pass rates to piss consumers off. They’re just keeping in line with other major Cities here in Canada. Also the City recently bought new LRT cars and wants to within 5 years expand the LRT to Nait.
My wife came home with Pizza alright but it was a frozen thing from Superstore. It was ok and we watched AMC’s Super bowl tailgate movie, one of my favorite Clint Eastwood movies, “The Good, the bad and the ugly.” A classic .Hard to believe I was 14 when that movie came out in 1966.
So, I’m up at noon later today to watch the Oiler’s host Nashville and then it’s over to Money mart to pay for my website. If they have the Euros. Some MM’s Don’t have the amount I need.
Anyway bloggers, that’s all for now
e. Jim