I got my dialer and had a chat with JT about Politics we’re both mad as hell that a treasonable party like the Bloc has any business in Canadian politics and what business does a Provincial Party have to do with the House of Commons anyways? The NDP and Block can’t call for a Non Confidence vote on their own or even together. At least the Liberals are willing to give the budget a look see.
Wow, did I ever have a good shift this evening. I ended up with 5 CC sales and a total of $1,760 on the night. We haven’t had a total like that in the new office and since the old office. Especially not on our current Super’s watch. I got $350 of that on CC’s alone for a $24 bonus. I felt really good leaving the office with one of the guys for the train and home. And all that and the weather is nice Here are 2 images. The first is the short range weather and the second is the long range. I had a great evening, made some money for myself and I had a good time.
Anne made me a cheeseburger and fries for lunch as I was watching Monday night Raw. Another Great show. Raw keeps getting better and better and the weather is warming up a bit out there as well. Here’s a shot I took off our weather this afternoon before I left out of here for the job.
Hot dog. The Oiler’s are back in action this evening. Buffalo Sabers are in town and JT and I made a friendly $2 wager. I always take The Oiler’s to win but the 6th place Conference team (for now) are beginning to play better now that Hemsky’s back.
You know it amazes me that even though there is a lot of gloom and doom in the economy and all people are still willing to make donations. This evening I got 2 $100 CC sales and a $300 sale. I’ve had 7 days this month over $800, and have so far $1,750 in CC sales. I’m no big deal in the office either. Sure I know my job and how to fundraise and we still get people saying “TOL” but after all of that I’m surprised there is a lot of money out there. At least here in Canada anyway.
Earlier I found by way of SF Signal a list of interesting links, I thought I'd use as part of my daily website Blog rounds (eventually on Blogger) so here they are: Big Dumb Object Suvudu Revoltion SF Nuketown Geekdom Science Fiction Fantasy Media Science Fiction and Other ODDysseys The Wertzone Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lovin' Blog Fantasy Magazine Pat's Fantasy Hotlist These are just some of the links out of the many available I listed. Lots of these sites are Super Hero/comic book sites, I’m not to fond of. I love Fantasy Magazine and Pat's Fantasy Hotlist just to name a few. Suvudu looks especially good and will be apart of my daily reads. There will be more links coming latter.Also, thanks to SF Signal and Jessica Merritt I was able to gather a large list of assorted links to some interesting Blogs that I think you folks would enjoy browsing through.
Earlier I mentioned the national Budget Stephen Harper and his cabinet plan on presenting for a vote today. Now I’m no economist but the stimulus package is $30B, which most of it will go back East or to business. But I don’t think stimulus packages are the only way to get money into the economy, it’s a bi-partisan budget and a generous one. People need tax cuts more then stimulus packages. Sure stimulus packages get money flowing into the economy right away, I understand this. It’s just money down a black hole. Tax cuts get money back to everyone and not just for special interest groups. It seems to me though we need a balance of tax cuts and a stimulus package in this budget. I hope Harper recognizes this………1:45pm Hey, at least it’s warming up out there.
Not much going on. I got up about noon and made my way to the living room put water in the kettle on the stove for coffee and watched the markets. Oil was down by a couple of bucks. I brought my coffee into the office and spent an hour reading “Runner.” I’m going to post this on both blogs and do my blog rounds. That’s all from me for today.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
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