Saturday, January 17, 2009

Busy couple of days

Yesterday, Anne left for her 2pm shift. And after locking up I headed out the door for my 4pm shift. I read a bit more on “Runner.” I’m barely under 70 pages in this thing. I wanted to be at the half way mark by now. I’m still going to try and finish this thing by the end of this month. I brought a $20 with me and I cracked that at the pharmacy and paid Greg $10 for my share of the cable. There was an Oiler at Denver game on later. I wasn’t sure of the exact time. But the weather is warm and I’ve plans to go out and get a book for latter.

Anyway I had a pretty good shift. Before the first hour was about half over I did some tinkering around in between calls. I figured that if I can work 3 years and work my last year full time, I can go on EI for a year and take early retirement. Right now I’m barely making a little over a subsistence living as it is and that’s where I’ll be when I turn 65 unless I make it good in the markets. What early retirement will mean for me at 60 will basically be the status quo, except I wont need to put the hours or the bullshit involved in a part or full time job. I’d be more or less out of the rat race. But if I can “get out” at say 58 (and that’s only 2 years) then all the better for me. I can claim being diabetic and having scoliosis to work in my favor. Having this in mind I felt really good, hey it was Friday and Saturday I have my website money and enough to get a fast food treat at the food court and “Morrowind” at EB games. So I can get a bite to eat first, head to Clairview EB games and get my game and walk down to MM and get the Euros and wire them off to my web guy. Go home have a nap and wake up about 6pm and crack open the game. I felt pretty good. Just 2 more years of this crap.

By break I was at about $300 and 1 CC sale. I felt pretty good about this. Then we did OTH and I got $105 on OTH and 2 CC sales for the evening. No bonus money for me this week but you know what? I don’t care now. Even with Early retirement I might need to put in 3 days a week part time and I could handle a Friday/Saturday/Sunday type arrangement. That’s 11.5 hours. I’d be on I/S along with my CPP and the weekend hours would be just enough to keep me semi retired. Hell, I know people working past 65.

Anyway, I left the office with the Oiler game 2-1 Oiler’s and went to get one of my Star Wars books. The guy (I think one of the owners) said that because both books were ordered around the time of when they removed the at par pricing, he gave me both at American pricing,. very nice thank you. So I picked up the thickets of the 2, “Star by Star.” This book has 605 pages and is almost like an Omnibus in itself.

I had a seat to myself on the train home and a Northgate bus just pulled in. I was at my apartment door about 9:30pm hearing the Oiler game on 630 Ched at the door. I got everything off including banging the snow inside the stairwell and settled into watch the last 10 minutes of the Gilbert goal. Oiler’s were leading 3-2. Could they hold on to win? The Av’s were pouring it on. Garon in net. I was holding my breath counting down the seconds. They won that one 3-2 was the finale. Then I watched Smackdown checking in on Boot’s thee for a bit.

I almost dozed off on the couch when I heard the buzzer to let her up. She gave me $40 and I have enough for my website and a food court treat and now that my game “Morrowind” is just under $12 today should be a pretty good day.

Last night D provided me with some very interesting information about someone else at my place of employment. B had her vacation pay ripped off as well sighting the same thing they told me. Over payment. D told me her husband got on the phone and said a few choice things and her vacation pay was straightened up the following week. B’s husband probably threatened head office with an Alberta Employment Standards investigation claim following a review. Monday, I’m going to call head office and I’m going to get some answers. Only I’m going to ask for a review of my vacation pay last year and ask where it was that I’ve been “overpaid?” The things I don’t go through with huh?

After a nice lunch and ECW I headed straight off to bed. Coast was mostly open lines but they had a haunting of the Queen Elizabeth ship show/guest. This kind of thing does nothing for me.........7:45pm: I had a quiet ride into the office this morning and got myself a Tim's breakfast. The whole shift was quiet but I ended up with 4 CC's and $670. I almost slept on the train to Clairview and I got off by the theaters and walked over to EB games. They said that "Morrowind" probably wouldn't work with the Xbox 360. They had just the collectors edition on the shelves for about $50. The store was busy. I left empty handed and headed home. At least the weather was nice. I took a look for Boots out back here by the tree but he wouldn't be out there. No sign of him anywhere about.

Having done that I went for a nap and slept until about 5:45pm. Anne called and I gave her an update on my failed attempt to get a video game today. at least the one I wanted. After I talked with her I called Future Shop and they didn't have a copy of even "Oblivion." that would have been my next choice. Maybe Walmart has a copy. I'll get the number from Anne when she calls at around 8pm. If Walmart doesn't have it then some other EB games store might have it.

Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.

e. Jim

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