Thursday, September 25, 2008

On the cool side

today hitting +10C out there but local weather people are looking for +14C as a high for today. So I’m up working on my first coffee. I was in bed just after 3am and up at 6 to do the cbi thing. I read for a bit and went back to bed, no problem until just after noon to watch the markets. Oil up at $107. Good news.

This evening I get my pay cheque. At least where Anne works they direct bank deposit it right into the employees account. She gets her first pay cheque Friday and that goes towards October‘s rent. After work tonight I get to go to the bank and this time I have the right pin number for Anne’s account. My cheque goes towards the cable bill and I get $20 out of it for a couple of books, while on the order invoice they are still at American pricing.

Last night on the job we were working on “Comedy Fest.” Unlike the majority of the people working the taps on this campaign, I like this campaign. Sure if your sitting at “0” your going to get shuffled to the front 20. Most of the totals were sitting around $300-$400 by break. Me, I’m pulling up the rear but on the other side of my station they have got some big taps to work with. I didn’t get any CC’s but I sold 4 tickets and got $246 to show for it on my recap at the end of my shift. With extra cars on the train I was happy to catch my 9:20pm train to Clairview and read on the way home. Again today, I’m going straight to the end of the line/South Side and take the train back to Corona and wander into the office about 4:50pm. I’m taking my sunglasses with me because while reading on the way across the bridge over the Saskatchewan river, I couldn't open my eyes the Sun was so bight in my face. Arriving as early as I’ve been doing over the years made for a long night for Jimmy.

This “Icewind Dale” book I’m reading is pretty good and I’m enjoying it. I’m about 120 pages into the book I began last Wednesday. A good sign because by now the book would have strained on my nerves if I couldn't get into it and I would have tossed it aside for something else. I was worried about this, especially for a series. So far so good.

Last night on YouTube I came across “Featureman” (one word) doing some basic piano chords. He’s an older guy that obviously knows what he’s talking about but I have a couple of issues with him: Right hand black keys are Sharps not Flats. There are no flats on the treble clef-usually. At least from my understanding of piano theory. The other is his chord fingering. He uses his thumb, pointer finger and pinkie for chords. This is wrong. Your supposed to use your thumb, index finger and pinkie, 1-3-5. But he explained nicely what a diminished chord is and how to play diminished chords in any key. His tutorials are long and generous and he‘s a great singer.

My wife is off work tonight taking it easy. The next Oiler’s are playing tonight against Florida. Two games back to back. At least the city has extra cars on the trains on the way home. The Oiler’s have been playing a game every night since training camp opened.

Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now

e. Jim

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