Last night I went to work and read a bit of JU on the train going in. I’ve got about another 150 pages left before I move onto my next read. I got into the office found my dialer and all 6 of us began work. I had a slow start. Moe wasn’t pushing l/h as much as other days. I did get a couple of CC’s and I need another 3 more to get my 20. I hope to get 4 today because of the slow start I had yesterday.
I was glad to get out of there at 8:30pm and over to Audrey’s. Trevor had made a list of the books I have on order. I think he said I had 5 books coming. I picked up 1 book from the special order desk. I ordered 6 more books as well last night before the official American pricing is removed and Audrey’s reverts back to uggh, Canadian pricing. Anything ordered before the change October 15th, will be honored. I have on order: Warhammer 40,000: “Ultramarines” by Graham McNeill. The omnibus. “Space Wolf.” The first omnibus. Warhammer 40,000: “Gaunt's Ghosts”: “The Saint” by Dan Abnett and a whole bunch more. I think about 12 Warhammer 40K are being ordered and or are coming in. My pick for the night was “Night Shift” by Lilith Saintcrow. I love the last name.
Happy with my purchase I headed out to the LRT and found a seat on the train and read on the way home. I got in about 9:30pm did my admin stuff and settled into watch wrestling. I was expecting my wife home by midnight. Sure enough after a great show, she comes in saying “Hello pizza goodbye the other job.”She said she’s starting to pick up on it and felt a little more confident on the phones. Good for her but you’ve got to be fast. She’s not quite fast enough and most of the people there are so fast they put calls through in less then a minute. During ECW, she made me a bowl of Raman’s and a grill cheese and I was in bed by 1:20am and I had a good 5 hours sleep. I’m good to go for the day.
This morning, I’m out there catching my train into the office for my four hours. After that it’s home for a couple hours nap and I’m watching the CFL Saskatchewan at Edmonton game on Sports net. My entertainment for this afternoon. Anne’s working from 3pm-8pm. I like these hours she’s keeping because it gives me some privacy at home. I can focus on doing my writing, which I’m going to get to this evening.
I was glad to get out of there at 8:30pm and over to Audrey’s. Trevor had made a list of the books I have on order. I think he said I had 5 books coming. I picked up 1 book from the special order desk. I ordered 6 more books as well last night before the official American pricing is removed and Audrey’s reverts back to uggh, Canadian pricing. Anything ordered before the change October 15th, will be honored. I have on order: Warhammer 40,000: “Ultramarines” by Graham McNeill. The omnibus. “Space Wolf.” The first omnibus. Warhammer 40,000: “Gaunt's Ghosts”: “The Saint” by Dan Abnett and a whole bunch more. I think about 12 Warhammer 40K are being ordered and or are coming in. My pick for the night was “Night Shift” by Lilith Saintcrow. I love the last name.
Happy with my purchase I headed out to the LRT and found a seat on the train and read on the way home. I got in about 9:30pm did my admin stuff and settled into watch wrestling. I was expecting my wife home by midnight. Sure enough after a great show, she comes in saying “Hello pizza goodbye the other job.”She said she’s starting to pick up on it and felt a little more confident on the phones. Good for her but you’ve got to be fast. She’s not quite fast enough and most of the people there are so fast they put calls through in less then a minute. During ECW, she made me a bowl of Raman’s and a grill cheese and I was in bed by 1:20am and I had a good 5 hours sleep. I’m good to go for the day.
This morning, I’m out there catching my train into the office for my four hours. After that it’s home for a couple hours nap and I’m watching the CFL Saskatchewan at Edmonton game on Sports net. My entertainment for this afternoon. Anne’s working from 3pm-8pm. I like these hours she’s keeping because it gives me some privacy at home. I can focus on doing my writing, which I’m going to get to this evening.
Thursday while realizing I forgot my Cola at home and waiting for Anne, she got off the train nearest me and took this photo. I'm naturally crooked and having the bag on my shoulder doesn't help. it's kind of dark in the background but Bay Station is a bit on the "Dark side."
One of my online friends, (a successful small press SF novelist out of Denver) in one of his recent blog posts was saying how he always seems to fall short of the words he’d like to have for an 80K novel. I don’t have that problem. Partly because I seem to be one of the few writers (working to get published of course) that works from a scene by scene outline. I know what’s going to happen in every scene. The only thing I have no control over is the subplots and action. I know who’s in the scene and where it takes place and in many cases even the outcome of the scene. Working from that aspect, I feel I don’t have a problem with word length. Matter of fact my last novel currently in rough draft hibernating needs to be expanded. I have enough material to do this to expand it to 140K while I‘m working on the scene structure of my current project. I’m a firm believer in working from a storyboard approach rather then flying off by the seat of ones pants and to see what happens.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
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