Sunday, July 27, 2008

I was somewhat

tired and waking up on my way into work. I read a bit on the train coming in. No Tim’s as I had the waffles there earlier. At 8:30am. I had a bit of a trouble finding a dialer even though I was in early and nobody was around, “Your in my spot” type thing. A certain someone I was trying not to sit beside today. Sigh. Anyway I sat by the end of the isle away from where I normally sit. I ended up getting one CC. By the 2nd half I was at l/h. The 2nd half wasn‘t much better. I ended up with $866. The funny thing about this week was I opened Monday night with $885 and Saturday I closed the week with $866. Two $800+ totals in the week and 18 CC’s. In other words Rob made his point: A few extra shifts could make or break getting the CC bonus. So, I’m going in for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

After the shift Moe was able to call my bank report since January. I think it’s pretty nifty that we can get those stats from the computer. It’s all laid out week by week. For the 575 hours since January 1st of this year I wrote: $78, 816 and I banked $56,790. Now I can start playing around with some numbers. My l/h from just what’s banked has been $98.77/hour. Written tells a different story at $137.11 l/h. Moe did some calculations for me and said that I have a72% bank even though the l/h kind of sucked. The numbers look promising.

I ended up taking some more photos of the day as I walked out of the office with the intent of going up to City Center mall for a bite to eat. I took this shot of one of the newer apartment high-rises apartments almost completed. This is Tower A of what’s I think called “The Q.” I think the other one is under construction.
The next photo is of another condo building almost under completion. Trouble with these condo units is that only rich people can afford them. They are out of reach for people like my wife and I. We’re barely lucky we can keep pace with the rent in this building.
It’s Market day on 104th & Jasper. The dividing meridian across the street where that person is standing is identical where I’m standing shooting this photo. I ended up walking down 104th st past the Great West Sadlery building, which was a warehouse I used to work in for the Army & Navy Dept store back in the good old days. While walking down this street people were looking over head trying to find out where the sounds of those jet engines were coming from. I thought st first it might be “The Snowbirds” kicking off the Edmonton Indy. I walked around past “The boardwalk. Nothing of interest except I past by the new YMCA building. Looks nice.
I went and had a look around at Coles bookstore and they’ve got about 10 Indiana Jones novels a few of the new series Battlestar Galactica and other stuff as well. I could shop there for more then awhile. They’ve also got some Mech Warrior books out as well and a few Magic “The Gathering.” The only problem is you guessed it, Canadian pricing. I don’t see Audrey’s holding this American pricing thing for much longer. For $8.00 a book that’s a pretty good deal. I give it the end of the year.
I went down to down to the food court and got some Taco Bell, for their burrito combo including fires supreme 2 burrito‘s and a drink for $7.99. Good deal. After that I went and checked on “The Source” to see about their Itouch. They have the 8Gb for $300. Not to bad. Future Shop sells theirs for $285. Most likely I’ll get the hard drive at Fs and the Itouch as well. I asked about the wi-fi limitations of the Itouch and the clerk there provided me with an interesting side note that all of the City Center Mall (Edmonton Center for us old timer’s.) is a hot spot. Meaning I can connect to the Internet in Edmonton Center with an Itouch right there. This is very interesting. I had a bit of a dry throat/laryngitis type thing going on and I needed some Halls. I got a package and noticed the back of this shoppers T-shirt “London Calling.” I struck up a conversation with him. He’s a younger fellow as well. He said he got into The Clash about 5 years ago. We had a nice talk. I should have asked him what his favorite Clash song was but I think he was in a bit of a hurry.

I went back up to Coles to take another look at their books selection. I should have brought more cash with me. I am excited about the Itouch and that Internet wi-fi capability to view web pages. All it needs now is cell phone access but that’s why Apple has the Iphone 3G. I just don’t like a contract and a monthly plan. So I decided to get going and I headed down “Rice Howard way.” and took this shot from the direction I came.
Central Station entrance was right behind me and I took the stairs down and got to the front of the train. It was really busy this weekend what with “Capital Ex,” “The taste of Edmonton” and the Indy going on. Actually, after this weekend, there’s “Heritage days,” coming up next and then there’s, “The Edmonton Folk festival,” and if that’s not enough then there’s “The Fringe” and the “Cariwest - Edmonton Caribbean Arts Festival.” There’s still another 4 festivals left for the summer, one of the reasons why I still love this City. I took the train home and there was my bus waiting under the +29C heat. The sign there flashes temperature and time. Trust me, it was a hot one.
Yeesh! My wife left out of about 6:30pm here for points I don’t know where and out of habit I checked to make sure if the door was locked. She has this disturbing habit of leaving the front door unlocked. She could be gone for hours. So what do I do? I lock the door. Only natural right? I put my ear plugs in my ears and I try to have a nap. All of a sudden (I guessed I must have been in a deep sleep the lights come flashing on and here’s Anne hollering at the top of my lungs like it’s a five alarm fire or something.) She’s saying she was pounding on the door so loud she almost broke it down. I didn’t hear anything with the earplugs in. She said she had to call the caretaker to open the suite because I couldn’t hear her pounding away. So where were her keys? Nice blaming me for locking the door and not taking her keys to get back in. I feel like going out for a walk and to let her stew in her own BS. I think she realizes that as much as it was my fault to lock doors it was her fault to not bring her keys.
We kind of “kissed and made up.” We laughed at her Hanna Montana 3D glasses she tried on because she likes the show. It’s kind of a kids show. Again us old timers have seen this before with “The Monkey’s,” among others. The kids like it and she’s got some pretty good little numbers that grab even me. Here’s a shot of my wife about an hour ago watching “The Jonas Brothers” and Hanna.
Anyway, we figure it out that the sounds of the “jet planes” were not “The Snowbirds” but rather the sounds of the Indy race going on at the Edmonton municipal airport. Other wise known as “The Muni.” Despite Anne’s little blow up earlier things have more or less blown over.

Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now

e. Jim

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