up out of here at 4pm and the bus shelter was near empty. It took me a long time to take this shot looking West on 137th. It was warm and muggy out there about +28C when I took this shot about 4:06pm.
I managed to read a bit heading into work but underground the cars had their interior lights running on a kind of on off standby mode making it harder to read on the train. Mostly they were doing that underground. I got into the office and got a dialer near Lucianne up behind management computers. I figured it be more quieter. It was actually. I ended up with a CC and about $305 by break. Anne called and we had a chat at 7pm. Just after kickoff I got one of the staff to take a full length shot of me but I was smiling, with my bad teeth and all. The photo looked far away too. I collected a lot of bottles and cans. During the 2nd half I got another CC and a $200 sale for a total of $885 on the night.
I got Shank to take another picture of me. I think this one looks a lot better but I finally realized I don’t look good without glasses. I’m better looking with them on but since I don’t really need them anymore except for reading and these reading glasses on the other side of a photo lenses make me look even more creepy. But this is a better one then the one taken earlier by Melody. This shot was taken about 9pm:
I got in about 9:30pm and did my admin stuff. I ad a pretty good evening even though my teeth were bugging me a bit, By about 8pm I felt a lot better and all in all I had a pretty good night. I caught the train back with extra cars and a seat by myself and I did a bit more reading.
Of course I settled into watch Monday night Raw. I enjoyed Raw. I’d rate Raw on a scale of 1-10 an 8. The best was seeing Cena doing a double FU on the new Tag team Champions.
I’m about 10 pages off my 15 pages/day schedule for JU. I hope to make better gains overnight and the rest of today. Despite having my teeth hurt periodically I had a pretty good day.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
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