Also if that’s not enough our home phone isn’t working. I think it has something to do with the battery in the phone itself. I’ve been wanting to call Pat an older fellow that I used to work evenings with. Pat’s a cantankerous character but we co existed and later before he retired kind of warmed up to me. Pat was the only one that called me when I was recovering in the hospital from diabetes. He rings me up every so often. I said I’d call him after the NHL playoffs and that’s been about 2 weeks now but I misplaced his phone number but with our home phone not working, so much for that.
I’m slowly changing things at my website to a kind of SFF podcast magazine. Basically your one stop shop for all SFF podcasts and what’s going and what people are talking about. But we’re also looking at a new theme design as well. I’ve had the current theme going on for well over 2 years now. I’m still going to do a diary kind of thing over here at my Blogger blog though.
We’ve got a beautiful day out there in the City. This week I want to do a shit load of hours in at work before the Thursday July 1st Canada day holiday. If I can do 3 8 hour days, and Friday 7.5 hours plus Saturday, I’ll have 35.5 hours in and that’s full time. But today is a nice looking Sunday and I might go for a walk later after Doctor Who.
One of the guys at work that befriended me brought in 2 Star Trek action figures next gen of “Data” and “Lafarge” and put them up at his dialer. During the break as I was looking for empties when he came back somebody had tampered with them and put the figures in a pose other then beaming up, if you know-ahem, what I mean. It was kind of funny and even thinking about it now I still chuckle over it.
In keeping with the above theme, I‘ve been noticing more then a few co workers personalizing their stations before the shift. Nobody has a permanent dialer or anything but it‘s kind of nice to have something of yourself nearby. I kind of like the idea of bringing in photo‘s of Star Wars or a coffee cup maybe even wear a Star Wars T shirt kind of thing.
The other thing I’ve been wanting to do lately is to have a screen saver on my Itouch. I have Pledges on my PW protected screen but I want to personalize the theme have it more Star Wars-ish type theme but most likely I'd need to jailbreak the ITouch and it seems kind of complicated. I'm not sure I want to do that just yet. Since this summer is the 30th anniversary of “The Empire strikes back.” At Rexall currently playing is "Star Wars in concert" undergoing now. I wish I was there but I can just imagine what the tickets are priced at. Anyway, that’s all for now.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I'm having a great weekend.
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