Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I get a day off to nurse my aches and pains

I love mid week stat days. Too bad they are far and few between. My wife has to work for 3 hours but she should be getting paid time and a half.

Lately my left shoulder arm has been bugging me to the point that it gets hard to put my arm inside my coat. And of course my sciatic nerve is still causing me some grief and if that wasn’t enough I’ve got this hoarse throat that lost me a few sales last night I‘m sure. And of course the usual aches and pains in the neck and back. Sigh.
Alright enough about that. Today is Remembrance Day. I love it when this holiday falls during the middle of the week. I love Remembrance and Family Day’s as my 2 official stat holidays. And if course anytime I get 3 days off is good as well like Labor Day and Christmas. But Remembrance Day is my favorite. But later this afternoon, I get to watch the Oiler/Sabres game on a stat paid holiday. Love it.

Earlier before bed this morning Anne gave me an IBO Prophen pill for my back pain. Seems to have helped out a bit and before I shut the computer off I checked my Twitter page as I noticed Twitter updated my Twitter counter. I have 27 Followers. Right on. So on my Twitter page I discovered this cool utility they just introduced called “Twitter stats.” I checked that using my user name and I’m getting about 2.5 Tweets/day. I think these Tweets are coming from my Blogger Blog because I can “Twit This” as just posted. My Geeklog Website hasn’t got a plugin for this yet but according to my stat counter I’m getting about 36 page views/day to this Blog.


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