I had my nap and relaxed and around 6pm I got into reading more of “TLE.” Anne called again while she was on her break. She’s getting an extra day next week which falls on Monday so she’ll be getting time and a half. I’m still going into the office Tuesday-Friday and on Saturday. I have books I want to get.
My 6/49 numbers didn’t pan out. I didn’t even get 1 number. I should have bought a quick pick. I didn’t even win on the extra. They’re not posting any winners yet. Maybe nobody won first place. We’ll see.
As bsl readings go mine a few minutes ago read 7.4. This isn’t bad considering I ate a can of stew half an hour ago with the idea I’d take my insulin only to discover my cartridge empty. Yikes. But I got distracted somehow and forgot to take my shot. The last time I took this was 13 hours ago. The shot should be taken about ever 12 hours or so. Anne had some yogurt so I consumed some of that and took my insulin.
Nobody last night won the $40M jackpot. Actually it broke down to $39,621,456.00 million. However 9 winners won 2nd place, which is 5 numbers including the bonus number for $115,069.30. Then there were 425 winners that won $2,012.90, On Saturday the draw gets increased to an estimated $49M. 16, 17, 23, 27, 30, 45 Bonus 39. So to get 2nd place you needed to have 5 of the above numbers and 39 in your mix of 6. It’s all tax free.
A bit of “good news” today for a change, Anne tells me that Alberta monitoring will cover needles. I didn’t know this before. A box of 100 costs $25 bucks. My total budget for my diabetes if I was to do this properly would be $1200/year, test strips. $131 lancets/year, $380/year in needles, $720/year for insulin. Total to me is $2,431. out of that, I’m grateful that Alberta monitoring gives me $550 towards monitoring. I have to take out of my pocket $1,881/year. This translates into $156.75/month. I get no help from Alberta health care. My place of work has a medical plan but as soon as they hear I have diabetes, forget it. I might be able to get some help from Alberta monitoring but because my wife has a little stashed away from an RRSP, we probably wont be able to qualify.
I’ve been reading for most of the night last night “The legend that was earth,” it’s not bad. Not one of JPH’s best works and I’ve read a few. But I’m not going to drop it. I‘m not a diehard James P. Hogan fan even though this story has aliens which are ancillary to the story. Today, I’m going to try and finish this story.
Anyway gang, that’s all for now
e. Jim
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