I haven’t told Super about missing Thursday night but I’ll drop the bomb on him tomorrow night. I wont lie, I’ll just say some personal stuff has come up.
I took a couple of photos about 2:30pm this afternoon. I like this time of year as I can see the street through the leafless branches. We had a good day today temperature wise at +21C. The warmest day of the year so far.
But man are we ever getting some gusting wind out there right now. We’re also supposed to get a change in the weather as it’s taking a turn for the “worse” coming up today. +9C isn’t bad but there’s a cold front coming in and we’ve had snow this time of year before. This photo is off our balcony looking SE.
Here’s another shot off the balcony. We got Burger King and Rogers video right across the street from us. Also beside Rogers is Bo Didlies the bar. It’s really nice in there. Lots of stained wood and brass and sports fixtures. I like living at this end of the City because of all the amenities but it is getting expensive to live here.
Also on Thursday I’ve got to run downtown to Alberta Works and that could take all afternoon. Danny at work earlier updated me on the disability tax credit. I can apply for this at anytime. I think he said it’s a T220 for or something like that……………1:10pm> We went to bed around 3:30am after we brought Boot’s back from outside. It was very windy out there blowing sand all over the place.
Rant alert: Today being “Earth Day” is supposed to bring awareness for conserving energy and doing something positive for the environment. I don’t have a problem with this. What I do have a problem with is how companies like the Real Canadian Superstore (Lablaw’s) now decides because today is Earth Day, that they are going to charge an extra penny from 4 cents to 5 cents on their plastic shopping bags. Not only that but they are making a ridiculous claim that this move will remove hundreds of millions of plastic bags from the landfills every year. More likely Superstore hopes that they can cash in on the environment by having shoppers think they are such a great environmental player for the community and at the same time come on in and buy Presidents Choice products ;-) In other words it’s a marketing ploy. If Superstore was so concerned about the environment they would get rid of plastic bags altogether. The worst part about this is that all the money spent on their plastic shopping bags goes towards the World Wildlife Fund. I hate this organization for 2 reasons. Firstly because it was the WWF and Greenpeace that favored a global ban on DDT use in the early 1970’s. Even WHO (the world health organization) warned against this. Before the Malaria pill was invented the only resource 3rd world countries could use to fight malaria was DDT. Google WWF and Malaria and see what I mean. Millions of poor people in the 3rd world died from Malaria because of lack of access to DDT. Now Greenpeace and WWF are saying “It’s ok to use DDT.” As a result of the efforts of WWF and Greenpeace a global ban on the use of DDT was issued, which caused the deaths of millions of people. The 2nd reason personally was the World Wildlife Fund noticed that wrestling was using the WWF initials. The Fund didn’t like this and saw a way to make money from wrestling and sued the WWE for about $360M. WWE decided to change the name to WWE. I’d prefer my wife shop up the street at Sobies but Superstore right across the street is really handy. Personally if I was on my own, I’d ban shopping at Superstore but most Presidents choice products are decent products.
Anyway gang, that’s all for now
e. Jim
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