Actually the weather was surprisingly mild going in and coming home; almost spring like in a way. This morning I’m out of here at 9 for another 4 hours. Saturday’s are usually pretty good and time moves fast. After work I’m going over to Audrey’s and get one of the “Star Wars” books. I’d like to get the “Warhammer” book, but that would leave me short of cash.
Not much going on after my nap when I get home this afternoon. There’s no Oiler hockey and in a way I’m Ok with that. I’ve got other things to do tonight. Firstly I want to get some reading done, piano practicing and some writing. I’m learning how to play “Simple gifts.” it’s not that hard of a piece to play. I’ve got the first (both hands) part down.
Yesterday after Anne left for work I had a bit of time to call our service provider about our home phone and the problems we’re having. The first guy said he’d reset the phone and try calling me back to confirm. Some of the lights on the modem we out. The tech guy walked me through the steps to reset the modem. That done he’d call me back. Ten minutes later no one had called. I called again and got another tech support (Ts) guy. Each time I do this I have to go and explain the problem again. Still no one called back. I gave up. Tonight Anne is supposed to call on her break so we’ll see if the phone is working. If not I’m going to arrange for a service call to get this resolved once and for all. The thing is we have 0 time on our cell phones and I can’t use my cell phone to call our home phone to see if it’s working. All this at a time I’m trying to get that Ms ICC job. Our phone has to go out at a crucial time.
About the ICC job I was able to get a hold of somebody Wednesday and even went down to Ms and did some testing. my interviewer even sent me a link to a simulation test, which I took early Friday morning. It was a fun and interesting simulation. I called the following Friday morning talking with F. The downtown for the ICC training wont begin until December first. The only way F can reach me until I resolve our Home phone issue is through email. Of course, I can call out but nobody can call in.
I had a chat with my Ms referral working at the location where I’d like to work and she said that Ms is paying her and it’s weekly. Every Friday just like where I am now. Cool. If I get hired on, then I’ll be getting 2 weekly cheques.
And this morning/today:
It wasn’t too bad out there going into work at 9am. Almost like an early spring like day out there:
I got my Tim’s breakfast and brought my insulin along. I got in and realized someone had taken my headset. That kind of pissed me off. I had a slow start but after my first sale I eventually rebounded and by noon I had a pretty good total. I ended up with $485 and 2 CC sales in there as well. All our lists are pretty beat up. At 1pm all I wanted to do was to go in and get one of my books Audrey’s. At the special order desk a few more books came in added to my pile. I picked up one of my Everquest books ordered in at US pricing. Also Fast Forward #2 is there.
It was really breezy heading home. I think I must have got inside about 2:40pm and into bed shortly after. I had a good hour and a half nap and listened to some “Uriah Heap” on YouTube, good stuff.
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim
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