Saturday, November 29, 2008
A rough couple of days
I was glad to get out of the office at 8:30pm and out onto the street. It was mild heading over to Audrey’s and I made my regards with Trevor. I picked up one of the last special order desk Warhammer 40K Omnibus novels at American pricing. I’ve got FF #2 there for me, the last of my US pricing books. I got a bus up to my bank did my banking and a brief wait for my train. Feeling better about what went down earlier. I suppose M talked about this with Rob because he would need to explain why he shut me down yesterday at 6:30pm. M most likely said to Rob that he would handle it.
Weather wise it was even raining lightly last night. I got home and breathed a sigh of relief I wasn’t fired. That was a close one.
The other thing is Thursday when I called Ms they said my testing score on my simulation was low but the good news is they don’t want to give up on me. F wants to send me another simulation that I can do on my own time and work towards getting a better score. I can work on my own time and get ready for the training course that starts in January. I’m under some stress at my current job and I’d like to get out of it asap. On my terms.
Not much going on today. Except the job thing. All I want to do is to get that over and done with and home. I watched my Smackdown and ECW but acquired a bit of a toothache while watching my show. Anne came in late. She had a busy night at Pizza. We had a late supper and I was in bed by about 1:15am or so with my toothache and all. Anne gave me something but it wasn’t as good as Advil. Tylenol 3 is better but that’s a 2 hour wait in the midi center and a Doctors prescription. I got about 3 hours sleep overnight. I could have slept in until 11am. My toothache is still lingering about but it’s not as bad as it was last night.
This afternoon it’s the Oiler’s playing in St. Louis. Starts at noon. Then there’s another game Sunday in Dallas at 4pm. Anne didn’t know this but she suggested if I didn’t want to go out with them for dinner I didn’t have to go. With the game on TV it’s tempting to stay home. Hopefully her flight will be here around 1pm. We’ll have dinner and I could be home around 4pm not missing much of the game. If it wasn’t for my bonehead mistake Thursday night with M I would have taken today off. We’ll be able to watch the first part of the Oiler game at noon, maybe. I might get home in time to get the last of the 3rd period.
FF #1 is turning out to be, interestinghad a feeling of much anxiety leaving out of here at 4pm for work. All kinds of things were playing out in my head. I couldn’t even read FF on the train. I met Shank out front and he said Rob wasn’t there. Really? Ok. I mentioned about the incident with Greg and nothing much was said beyond that. I get Greg to give me my pay cheque. He did. I went downstairs to get some “cheese pleasers.” Two bags for Smackdown.
This evening, I’m going to learn how to play the rest of “When the Saints go marching in.” Maybe do some writing and play out a quiet evening.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now.
e. Jim
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A short one today
OTH day 1 last night. I dread doing that 4 four months. The event itself is March 18th, We were calling ‘04 and ‘05 taps no less. The 2nd hour we got to call AES/CCSD/DIH. Apparently it’s some of the East Indian kids last month. We’re going to lose 2 tap shooters. Me if I get that ICC job.
I was happy to catch my train for home and watch an excellent Monday night Raw. What a show. Anne brought Boots in for some warmth overnight. I was doing my stuff and we went to bed about 4am after all the laundry was done.
Over the last few days I’ve been reading a lot of my “Icewind Dale” trilogy. My copy is getting pretty beat up. That’s the trouble when transporting large books. I’ve got about 50 pages left to go and with any luck at all, I’ll be able to start on my next book to read: “Fast Forward #1” by Thursday. I have #2 waiting for me at Audrey’s.
Not much going on this week. I’m still waiting to hear from Ms and when I got to Anne’s phone this morning, there were 19 messages on her phone. WTF? If it was Ms trying to reach me, they would have emailed me but so far nothing going on with that. I’ll call before I leave out of here.
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A laid back Saturday
I got my Tim’s breakfast and brought my insulin along. I got in and realized someone had taken my headset. That kind of pissed me off. I had a slow start but after my first sale I eventually rebounded and by noon I had a pretty good total. I ended up with $485 and 2 CC sales in there as well. All our lists are pretty beat up. At 1pm all I wanted to do was to go in and get one of my books Audrey’s. At the special order desk a few more books came in added to my pile. I picked up one of my Everquest books ordered in at US pricing. Also Fast Forward #2 is there.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Having a slow
As for the ICC job no calls this week and when I get home last night after work my wife calls her cell phone on her break which has about a minute left on "the clock," before it drops. So I'm calling our service provider and apparently calls can go out but not come in due to a power fluctuation of some kind. They'd reset the phone and call me back to confirm I had full service but not yet.
Anne brought "Boots" inside as it's bitterly cold out there. He took to that water we have at various spots in the house for the cats.
I had a slow night tonight pulling in just over $220 and a $50 CC sale as well. Of course doing Magic. Going home was cold. I was able to read more out of Icewind Dale. I'm within the last 205 pages. I hope to read the whole thing by the end of this month.
Saturday on Coast to Coast is their big annual JFK show. I look forward to this each year. Most likely Jim Marrs will be on. I hope they have a round table format.
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now
e. Jim
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Not too bad of a day out there
Friday, November 14, 2008
Not much going on
Anne's sister called said she's flying out of Winnipeg to meet with work coleeges here and to visit for a few hours with her sister, my wife. They plan on meeting for coffee at the Corona Tim's around 8pm.
I got out there at 4pm for my bus to my train and my train ride into work. Man was the wind blowing. I decided to go right to the end of the line and read. I read about 5 pages.
Work went well. I had about $300 raised by break on my tally sheet and I got a CC sale as well. The Oiler's were off to a good start hosting Toronto. We got our cheques and I had another decent shift for November pulling in $805 on the night. The Oiler's were down 4-2 late in the 2nd when Moe shut us down. I could feel my bsl dropping and the shakes coming on. I asked DC if he had some change I could borrow (he owes me a buck) for a candy bar or something but he only had bills. But fortunately there was a box of his Tim's tidbits with 4 donuts he offered me, which I wolfed down. That felt better. I didn't receive any bonus money tonight but I was a bit Po'd by the size of my cheque. No one to blame but me I guess. I want to give Greg $10 for the cable and I owe Moe $20 and all I get is $20/week and I have books waiting for me at Audrey's. I have responsibilities here and to my wife and I realize this but something has to give.
Since I usually take my insulin shots about 12 hours apart, I thought I'd need to keep it in the fridge at work all the time if I'm working extra hours. Or plan to. I realize that if I take my shot at say noon here at home before I go to work for an extra shift I can take it again when I come home, no need to transport my insulin anywhere. I don't need to store my insulin at work anymore. I'd still need to monitor my bsl and I can bring my glucometer along with me. This way I can put in a few extra afternoons. I don't care about the paper balls anymore.
I hurried out to my bus adjacent to Tim's on Jasper looking for Anne and her sister through Tim's street level windows but my bus was fast approaching. I did my banking and caught the train home. It was still windy out there. Out behind our place Boots was no where to be seen. I went inside to catch the last if any of the Oiler game. Oiler's lost 4-2.
It also occurred to me that because I take my insulin 12 hours apart, if I took a shot here at around 8am before I leave and then take it when I come home about 9:40pm, that might be OK enough to take the Manpower services job. That is if their client still needs 50 positions filled. I'll call Ms later this morning to see if I can set up an interview. I need to realize also that if Ms hires me on to do the training it's only for 3 weeks. Then I can work 12-9 and have my Saturdays off. Thursday Lodge meetings I can sub for Saturday.
Anyway Bloggers that's all for now.
e. Jim
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A nice holiday off
Mite (ages 3-4)
Tyke (ages 5-6)
Novice (ages 7-8)
Atom (ages 9-10)
Peewee (ages 11-12)
Bantam (ages 13-14)
Midget (ages 15-17)
Juvenile (ages 18-20)
And their career could be cut short at anytime due to injury or life in general. It takes a lot of practicing and hard work to make it from Mites-juniors. Usually at Midget or the juniors as we call them here (Oil Kings) get to play at the top level. Very few are drafted by NHL teams. These kids work hard at what they do. They got to be in excellent shape if they want a career in hockey. So when I hear idiots say, “Oh thee multi million dollar hockey players can’t hold down a real job.” Many of these Canadian kids grow up on the farm stacking bales of hay. And not all NHL hockey players are millionaires and not all Pro hockey players are millionaires. Many of them get entry level contracts like $500k to start. For some it’s a $1,000/game Hockey players are prone to broken noses, concussions, black eyes and injuries that can take them out for half a season or end their careers indefinably. Also consider that an NHL hockey player if he goes through his career reasonably healthy his career is about from 18-32. Not many NHL players play past age 32. And when they’re done hockey they go on to something else. Still on hockey Greg and I were watching the Oiler’s in New York and they won in OT 3-2 for 2 points. A 7 game road trip comes to an end and they are in Rexall Thursday.
I ended up around $390 at break and called Anne. The game was over by 7:30pm and I worked out the rest of the night. I was glad to get out of there before Moe makes some kind of statement that Tuesday is a regular working day. My finale total was $785 and 2 CC’s but do I get a job well done or anything like that? I got out before any further preamble and the early train as well and home to watch wrestling.
Raw was pretty good coming from London England. It was a good show with a few surprises. On a scale from 1-10, I’d rate this an 8.5.
So today is Remembrance day. I won’t go into a speech about this except to say I’m a supporter of our troops and the work they are doing in Afghanistan. Also I support our veterans and the sacrifices our troops made in both World Wars and the Korean conflict. Yes I support our troops, “let em finish the job they started.” Most of them wouldn’t have it any other way.
We have a pretty good snowfall developing out there for our first snow. It looks like it wants to stay on the ground but I don’t think it’s going to last. Warmer temperatures are on the way.
Some 8 hours later after the above it’s Remembrance day afternoon. Most countries around the world have something similar. I’m not sure if it’s a stat holiday here in Canada or not but I’m taking today off. My Grandfather J.J. Johnston fought and survived Vimy Ridge and in 1922 went onto become Mayor of New Westminster 1922. That was before my mother was born of course.
Earlier this morning about 4am Anne brought Boots inside. It wasn’t cold out there she just wanted to give the little guy some warmth. He was scared and crying a bit. He didn’t stay long until Anne returned him to the outside. He’s got a little crawl space under a maintenance shed owned by Edmonton housing across the street park.
I’m nursing a nice coffee right now. It’s overcast out there sitting at +0C, which isn’t so bad. What do I care? I’m warm comfortable and enjoying my first coffee.
I’m anticipating Manpower to call me this week. Hopefully before I head into work and I can set up an interview. Even though oil is dropping holding at $58/barrel our local economy is sitting at a 3.5% unemployment rate.
Still working my way through Icewind Dale and once I post this I’m going to delve right into it. I did my piano practicing earlier in the wee hours of the morning. So I’m good to go there.
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I went into work
The weather was gray out there after work with a bit of sunshine through the clouds. The wind was still and I wasn’t feeling tired at all. I got the train just as it pulled in and I was on the stairs going down and barely boarded the train for home.
Once home and inside I wasn’t too tied. I watched a bit of TV and about 4pm I decided I better get a nap. I woke up about 6:30pm missing Anne’s call I was that wiped out. M’s manpower referral card sat there for me so I went to the website and had a look at that. From about 6:30-7:30pm there wasn’t a lot to do except website stuff, YouTube etc. Anne had a frozen TV dinner thing for me and I began to prepare that and at 8pm she called as I was eating. She wanted me to go down and feed Boots. She was having a good and busy evening at her job. I told her about the referral card and the website.
Sports net had an English soccer game on Arsenal against Manchester United. I’m not a soccer fan but the game held some interest for me. I was actually enjoying it but I had other things to do, like feed Boots waiting downstairs and piano practicing, as well as backing up my hard drive.
The evening was relaxing and enjoyable. Icewind dale is coming along just nicely thank you. Book 2 of the Trilogy is almost read. I hope to be onto Book 3 by Monday afternoon heading into work.
Apparently management at work wants us to work Remembrance day so we can have Boxing day off with pay as long as we work the day before and the day after-yeesh. However thanks to this DNC list purging our data base of numbers to call (at the rate of almost 500 numbers/day we‘re losing) our data base is shrinking as we speak. I’m surprised we have anything left to call even now. We’ve been working on the same campaign for the last 4 months with some variations adding something else in the 2nd half type thing. I get the impression that my company wants to use us to get as much money out of our donor’s as possible. Squeeze them right down. Get as much work out of us as they possibly can. I got a feeling there won’t be a job for me to go back to after Christmas or even at the end of this month the way things are going. So because of that I submitted my résumé into manpower earlier this afternoon. When they open their office Monday morning they’ll see my résumé and hopefully they’ll call me for an interview. I said I would be available on the 12th. They might call me tomorrow and if they do I’ll ask for an interview on the 12th and if all goes well, I can start the 3 week training course next Monday. I’ll work afternoons inbound, and evenings at my regular job (while I have one.) However I’m taking this Tuesday off. If it’s just a regular work day and not a stat holiday why not?
My wife came home about 11:30pm last night and made us a bite to eat and I did some more piano stuff and took my sleeping pill and my insulin. We were in bed around 3:30am listening to a bit of Coast. The topic was about the Titanic. Good topic.
We’re going to have our brunch in about half an hour and at 5pm it’s the Oiler’s in NJ against the Devil’s so I’ll be watching the hockey game from 5pm-7pm.
What I’d like to see happening from the job thing is if I get hired on at the new job and work it as planed and work there Monday-Friday afternoons and my current job evenings and wait for the bottom to fall out. Rob gathers the night shift together: “As you all know, we’ve been struggling with this DNC list for sometime. We’re losing our donor base at the rate of around 500 names/day. I bring news some of you aren’t going to like: As of December 1st the Edmonton office will be closing its doors. You have over the next several weeks to locate other employment etc.” I can see such a thing happening. My wife’s job last January went through something similar last February except with her job they couldn’t staff their operation. We have the same problem. Even more so because Service and Immigration Canada does not recognize my company as proper employment for foreign workers thanks due to the lawsuit against my Company. I see such a speech being made within the next few weeks.
This evening, I’m going to be watching that Oiler game, reading Icewind dale piano work etc.
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim
Friday, November 7, 2008
Strange week
Today it’s off to work as I’ll be out of here at my usual 4pm time. Friday’s shift is from 5-8:30pm. I might just go into Audrey’s early and get my book at 4:30pm and head into the office. Hopefully M will have the referral card for me. If she does then, I’ll fill it out and wait for a call. I’ll give them Anne’s cell phone number, so if they call back during the day I can return the call from our land line. If they call say on Saturday when I’m at work, I can call right after work using the cell phone. I need to know from M though, if there is a test of some kind before they hire. And or if there’s a typing speed factor. If no to the above, then great. When can I come in for an interview? (when and if they call of course.)
After work it’s up to my bank to do my banking then hurry home to feed Boots and to watch Smackdown. And that’s going to be about it for me today.
I didn’t get out to the Lodge last night. I was chatting with Neil and he said he couldn’t make it. I thought of what to do and looked for when and if the Oiler’s/Penguins game was on. It’s underway. I called Nathan, saying I wouldn’t be in. I needed a night off anyway even though Pittsburgh was up 2-0 at the end of the first. Anne was right there having her supper and said “good stay home.” I could have gone with Nathan. She wanted to use my last $10 for something to save herself some running around. I agreed. I wasn’t really required to be there but as long as the job knew I was off anyway, why not? So I watched the Oiler’s at Pittsburgh down 4-0. The officiating in this game was going from bad to worse. They pulled Garon and in comes the back up goaltender. Late in the 1st the Oiler’s scored. Bringing it 4-1. The Pen’s scored again. It was 5-1. Then the Oiler’s scored 3 unanswered goals and even got a short handed goal. The outcome was 5-4 Pittsburgh. It was a pretty good game in the 3rd. Too little to late. The Oiler’s play Sunday. in NJ and that’s a 5:30pm game. Despite the Oiler’s losing, I’m glad I stayed home.
Speaking of Masonry and local going’s on, we’ve had this shooting here in Edmonton late last month. More closer to home just a few blocks from us up by the Walmart. A senior was killed. According to Neil the guy was active in one of the Lodges here in the City. Neil knew him quite well. Then the other day a woman in her own basement level apartment was lying on the couch watching TV when a shot went through the window and hit her. Apparently it was a random act and the woman is in critical yet stable condition. Edmonton is a rough town folks but it’s always been that way.
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Finally the
I had to get up to use the bathroom about 8:30am and I couldn’t sleep after that. I managed to sleep a bit after that and got up about 11:30am to watch the news and fix a cup of coffee and I’m enjoying this now. The markets are all down at mid day.
It’s pretty gray looking out there. They’ve got snow on the shoulders of highway 2 just North of Airdrie. It’s coming our way. Possibly Friday and when it lands it stays until the end of March. We’ve had a pretty good summer though, I can’t complain.
I’m still hard at it with Icewind Dale and struggling for my 100 pages/week. I began this book September 17th so I’m a little off pace but not by much. I wanted to have it read by Nov. 22nd but with another 450 pages remaining, I don’t think so. Possibly by the end of November. Anything after Icewind Dale is going to be a tough act to follow.
Anne’s working tonight so I’ll be fending for myself this evening as she’s out of here about 3pm and I’m off tomorrow night for my Lodge meeting. The last time I was there in September I had that anxiety attack or what ever it was, I hope I don’t get that again.
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim
Monday, November 3, 2008
I'm enjoying my first
Basically I’m still in the middle of this “Icewind dale trilogy,” book. This is a good yarn and I’m having a lot of fun with it. My next read will be hard pressed to keep up with this book. My copy of Icewind dale is getting worn because I’m hauling it around in my bag to work everyday, although the spine seems to be holding up well.
I had a nice weekend off filled with most of the things I wanted to do. I got some music theory in and watched a couple of good Oiler games. It’s nice to see them winning, even on the road for a change. I downloaded a lot of video as well last night.
A couple of video’s I was enjoying: First a 6 part documentary on L. Ron Hubbard. It Didn’t explain a lot about the last days of his life. I still have the original newspaper article about the news of his death that January in 1986. I was never a fan of Scientology or Dienetics but I liked some of LRH’s science fiction-writing. I enjoyed the novel “Battlefield Earth,” and subsequently his “Mission Earth” series. Just a few misconceptions about LRH: Firstly, so the story goes, LRH never met Aleister Crowley. LRH hung out with a student of Crowley’s in California a chemist by the name of Jack Parsons. They worked on a ritual together. LRH ran off with Parsons wife and a large portion of Parson’s money. LRH was never one of my personal hero’s. He was a curiosity for me that held some mild interest and occasionally still does.
The other video was a documentary on Aleister Crowley. This documentary was more engaging then the one on LRH and in 5 parts covered the life and times of Aleister Crowley better then the video on LRH. Both of these characters had huge ego issues. Hubbard I think more so then Crowley. I’ve read a lot of Crowley’s work in the 1980’s and even joined his OTO (Order Templi Orientus.) Crowley arguably has more substance in his work then LRH did. To me, LRH and his spin off orgs were more of a cult then the OTO. I went through 4 initiations with the OTO and thoroughly enjoyed my OTO experience. People often ask me if I believe in the Law of Do what thou wilt, Thelema and Liber Oz? The thing about “Do what thou wilt” is in it’s interpretation: It doesn’t mean you can walk around aimlessly and do whatever you feel like. Like everything in life there are consequences to one’s actions. Most people can figure this out for themselves. I’ll go into this some other time. But yes I wouldn’t endorse them if I didn’t have a link in my welcome block on my website would I?
Also I downloaded a video from a show like Coast to Coast about Aleister Crowley and his being a double agent in WW1. It was in 5 parts. Pretty cool.
Both these figures are larger then life. We don’t get characters like Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard or Lee Harvey Oswald anymore. It was a different time back then. The world has truly gotten smaller because of the Internet. Here's another photo. Sorry they're not in order. They were all taken within the last 20 minutes though. First came the book cover then the shot of the street and now the Sun's out:
Anyway Bloggers that’s all for now
e. Jim