lounging around doing a lot of piano theory, reading and JFK assassination research. You can read my musings over there on the JFK Lancer board. I don’t take any official version on the case. I've got a post there called "Another rifle."
Today I left out of here at my usual time. I got to my dialer and Cathy mentioned how one of us tap shooters is making $14/hr. She's been here for about a year now, the woman Cathy is talking about. I wont mention her name but she flirts with management. She’s nice enough and all but guess how she got $14/hr by giving the boss head. Among other things. She even said as much to me. “I just suck (you know what) and I get what I want,” and she laughed about it. I didn’t think too much of it at the time some months back when she said this out of the blue. Now after hearing she makes $14/hr this really set me for a spin. And I went out and cut the legs out from underneath me getting that $50? But oh know I had to say the right thing and short change myself $50.
And it took management at XL 5 years to get me to do taps and 8 years to get to $10/hr. So this really made me upset. From now on when it comes to work, no more “Mr. nice guy.” I’m going to take what I can get. I ended up with a slow night and but got a couple of CC’s and just under $400 by break. I got 7 CC’s and a $720 total at the end of the shift, and a $25 bonus and I became back to my old self with MS-ahem. She makes $14 at this job and $21 on her day job and has the gall to ask me for change. My wife called saying that she came back from the bank and cashed my GST cheque.
After work all I wanted to do was to get to the LRT train, read on the way home and watch my Monday night Raw. The show was really good this evening.
I haven’t been watching much of any local/national news lately. The world financial markets are sliding and people are saying that this recent economic turndown has similar hallmarks to the crash of 1929. There’s a lot of emotion out there but I don’t think a $700B bailout package is the answer. I’m not a stock guy even though I wouldn’t mind getting into the stock market. I just don’t have $10K to invest.
Other news politically speaking here in Canada, all the main political parties here are still attacking Harper. If the election were to be called today Harper would have another minority Government. If you care about the economy, don't vote Dion or Layton. Lots of people are saying we need change, well thing is change costs money. The Liberals are in panic mode over the economy and all the Greens and NDP want to do is tax everyone. Yeesh. Now I’m not necessarily a Progressive Conservative kind of guy. I’m more of a center Libertarian then anything. I’d vote Jack Layton but he’s in favour of a cap n trade system on the oil industry and this will only slow down our economy here in Alberta. I hate to admit it but the only way for Canada to go is for Harper.
I’m really enjoying this “Icewind Dale trilogy.” R.A. Salvatore’s writing is awesome but maybe its to early to tell in the book but I get the feeling that the characters have it too easy in the fight scenes. The plot is first rate although and the writing is tight and crisp. I wont give away too many details. I should be at page 300/1040 by Friday.
I’m going to go to Pure Speculation on Saturday even i come in the middle of a panel. I won't go for both days. It's only $10 bucks.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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