I felt relaxed heading into work this morning. We were doing CPA and Moe stressed $200 a line hour. Yeah right. An hour later and not one sale, so Moe moved me and the other gal beside me over. Same isle but with CF. I ended up pulling in $123 for the shift. And you know what? I couldn't care less. This weekend my resume goes to Pizza.
I took a couple of photos from Belvedere station. One of the highest vantage points (accessible to get to that is) in the area and took a few photos but they were from behind glass. They didn't turn out to well. This one is a little better:
GL still doesn't handle images as good as Blogger. You'll get a better view of all the pictures I took today over there.
These are just some of 6 images I took this afternoon on my way home. One didn't turn out very well, too much glare on the glass.
They're not in any kind of order or anything but I like this last one of the train leaving underneath me. I don't think there is a photo like this anywhere online of the train leaving Belvedere station for downtown: So there you have it. Just 5/6 images i took today. Compare these with my website and now you see why I don;t like placing photos there. Don't get me wrong, Geeklog is a great backend system but I've been hearing good things about "Ruby on rails" and Wordpress, but Blogger wins hands down.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
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