Saturday, June 28, 2008

At 4pm I'm

I’m on my way into work and there’s Dianne on the bus. She’s nice but she’s always in disagreement with me when I talk with her. I told her how Anne and I lost Budgie and she said one of her neighbors had found a Budgie bird and had turned it into the SPCA. At this point I thought Dianne would be on her way and I’d go down to the Redimart store and get my July bus pass and I diet Coke and a lotto ticket. I try now to get 2 quick pick tickets twice/week. I shelled out $71 over the counter in one go. I also brought an additional $30 in case Audrey’s had more books for me.

I took the escalator up to the upper concourse for the train and saw Dianne at the front of the train so I thought I’d ride with her. She’d get off at Bay station for her job at Pizza. Where she’s been and other’s have “been trying to get me” to work there lately. Now that I have a cell phone and all makes things easier. Of course having a conversation with Dianne is like trying to get out of quicksand. I try and stay non political/controversial but that evaporated in a hurry. If I do work at Pizza it’s going to be from 9:30pm-1am. Apparently for workers after midnight there is something called differential hours and they drive you home. Besides it’s only going to be for 3.5 hours for 3 night’s a week.

I got out at my usual LRT stop downtown and feeling pretty good knowing we’ve got a chance to get Budgie back. I got in the office and settled down. JT wasn’t working this Friday night so I took his dialer. I tried calling the SPCA number and they are obviously gone for the day and I had Lucianne sit beside me and he was having a lousy night. Anne called after I had my left over Pizza at break and I gave her the skinny on what Dianne told me earlier about a Budgie bird being taken in She’s got the phone number and will be trying today. I was to but I pulled in 3 CC’s and ended up with a $500 recap on a slow Friday night. We did get a couple of the East India kids back. Girsh asked me if I’d like to come back with him to get those beer bottles but I said today. That’s ok.

I headed out of there at 8:30pm with the rest. Next week, I’m using Anne’s resume from Consumer as a template and I’m going to build my resume in this weekend. After the Canada Day, I’m submitting my application into Pizza. I figured even at 3 days/week, that will get me about $175/2 weeks. Just part time hours. That’s 10.5 hours week. That’s if they’ll take me at that. People that worked there said so. Sure, I’m tired after Xl but the other job is inbound calling. Some fresh air and a slight walk up the street and for 4.5 hours just 3 days/week won’t kill me. That’s an extra $350/month. I’d use $200/month for what I need it for. By next Spring if I can put $200/month away by next Spring I’d have enough for the PSR-S900 keyboard I want. Id’ suggest to Anne, she keep my Xl cheques and I’ll keep the ones from Pizza. I can live off of $150/month. They might even want me to work some afternoons from 1-4:30pm. I won’t mind that say Mondays and Fridays. I’d get a Doctor’s notice saying I need weekends off from both places. This way, I’d have 16.5 hours week in. Or 33 hours. This would give me an extra $265/2 weeks. After taxes. This way I would be able to put $400/month and get the keyboard around the end of November then go back to 3 days week. It has possibilities. But I’m just thinking out loud here.

Anyways I walked through the parking lot heading towards Audrey’s. The store was virtually vacant. Downstairs I asked at the order desk if anything had come in for me. I saw a stack of books with invoice forms inside. Holy shit! All the books were off to one side and I thought as the clerk was finding her way around “That stack looks like mine.” Sure enough all the 3 “Warcraft” books came in including the 3 S.L. Veigh “Stardoc” books came in. Large special order books like that make Audrey’s nervous. The only thing they find some comfort in is that, I claim my special orders immediately but I bought my 4 books for last month and then some. So I picked up the 3 “Stardoc” books. I’ll get the 3 “Warcraft” books after Canada Day July 2nd because that’d be well on my way for my 4 books/month plan. I’ve got $60 COH anyway.

You might be asking yourself, “Why is he buying so many new books?” For one thing, American pricing. Those 3 books I bought last night used to cost me $10.95. Add GST would come out to $11.50/book. Since our dollar is more or less at par with the American dollar, now’s a good time to buy. Also, I like to read and other then buying 6/49 lottery tickets I don’t have a heck of a lot of things I can buy with my $20/week.

So I got those 3 books and headed home feeling pretty good. When I got home I did my admin. I only need 2 more CC’s for today to qualify. I don’t know what we have left to do with CPA. That’s pretty well picked over. AES is also picked over. If I get onto Pizza, I might end up leaving Xl for good.

No Budgie in the cage. That could mean he’s in the SPCA. I hope. However, there’s nothing to say that if there is a blue Budgie bird there it might not be our budgie. As long as it is one and Anne brings one home. If you’re an animal lover like me, and your in the SPCA without a pet, it’s hard not to fall in love. I’m hoping Anne will fall in love with a cute budgie bird there today, if she goes in that is.

I’m taking my insulin in with me this morning as I’m getting my Tim’s. I think Girsh one of the East Indian kids wants me to come over to his place just off of Stadium and pick up some beer bottles. I’ll take all I can carry. Other then that I’ll be home for what’s left of the weekend. Last weekend I was late catching my 9am bus. I’m allowing plenty of time to get out today. This weekend I’ve got a few things to do with Y, not to lose interest in that. Of course piano practicing among other things. There’s no major sporting events this weekend that I’m interested in.

Last night I watched the first ever Smackdown with JR and Tipple H. That was the first time I watched 3 hours of Smackdown and ECW back to back. Apologize if this reads a bit choppy. I’ll be editing it tonight.

Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now

e. Jim

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