I had a nice day off Sunday getting up at noon. Anne made us a great brunch about 3pm. Surprisingly I only had just one coffee and that was our brunch coffee. Too hot to drink coffee. I had a great afternoon researching Kyoto. I have a better understanding of the protocol then I did earlier. I still don’t agree with it because it’s a sham this cap and trade thing. This whole “global warming” thing is nothing more then junk science. The only thing I do like about it is the carbon tax credits, for stock portfolio’s.
I did my blogging today and a lot of reading on “Pandora’s Star.”
Well, CERN’s LHC is just 7 days away from activation. Next Sunday to be exact. Will they find the Higgs Boson particle? Will they find wormholes? I hope so. I’ve been watching various YouTube videos on the LHC and the scientists are very excited about it. The LHC is 7 times more powerful then Fermi lab (FL) At FL particles for the most part were only able to glance off each other. With the LHC scientists will be able to direct particles more heard on all the time. They claim that the LHC will take them to within seconds of the Big bang revealing particles they’ve never seen before. Maybe the LHC will even create wormholes. It’s quite an exciting time for particle physics.
Anne and I are sharing the last beer. Half a can each is all I need as a mild sedative to get me to sleep. I had the sleeping pill last night and that worked fabulously on me. I had my much needed 8 hours sleep and I even had an hour snooze around 7pm as well Sunday night.
For most people their long weekend began Friday. They had 4 days off. I’d love to have a good 2 weeks off with nothing to do. And to get paid for it as well. If I got my vacation pay today and my pay cheque after taxes I’d have about $500. Anne wants to get that $300 she says “She owes me” from my income tax and with that get myself a nice laptop. I want to save up some money for the Yamaha PSR-S900 keyboard but it’s going to require me to work those extra pizza hours for about 4 months. I’ll be putting my resume in this week anyway. Anne doesn’t mind the hours and I’m going to get my Doctors note to give to Rob I don’t need to work Saturdays and give that to Pizza so I can have my weekends off.
So today it’s off into work for my 4 hours. After that it’s wrestling and I get another day off. I love Canada Day. Then there’s the long hot days of July ahead. I love this warm weather. We only have it for such a short time.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I had a 5
minute wait for my bus and I took a few photos. The first one ws my view as I waited for my bus to come over the manning bridge in the background there. I got on the train and read more from Ps. It was up the escalator and into Tim’s for double order of hash browns and the breakfast sausage sandwich. My favorite. The parkade was surprisingly full for a Saturday morning. I got my dialer and took my insulin and had s delightful breakfast. It’s 4:20pm as I write this and Chirpy is chirping away in the hot +29C. The photos taken this morning are all before the office photo. Anything else this afternoon is later.
I took this photo of the building on the other side of the parking lot. If you click on the image and enlarge the photo you can see all of the white thatching that the manager says needs to come down when they do their walk around. These are old buildings but there nice inside.
We had a full row of tap shooters as "Team India" returned as you can see from this photo. Fran sat beside me. She's the blonde. We had about 7 people on the other system. Sigh, CPA again. It was tough going for the first half hour but I gradually ended up with $565 by break. Don Brown showed up and had a chat with Fran and I. I didn't realize until after he'd left I should have taken a picture. The 2nd half was a little slower of course. Anne called and said how she’s going to go to the SPCA and see if Budgie is there. If not and there is another budgie bird there. I ended up with my 12 CC’s for the week anyway and if Rob is going to play these games because I miss a day he can go to hell. Some people there think he’ll honor them for me. I ended up with $840 and most likely that was top total again for the day. That red pouch there isn't mine.It belongs to Wanda who sits there during the day. That's Fran clowning around with one of the mini DVD's we're trying to pawn off:

I didn’t bring any extra cash with me to get those “Warcraft” books. I’ll wait until Wednesday. I got my train and Anne called me at Stadium saying she was just leaving, Personally I think the SPCA is closed on the weekend and won’t re-open until Wednesday. I hope I’m wrong. Not much going on for tonight. I’m going to try and get some piano practicing done.
I took this photo of a condo unit right by where my bus drops me off. hard to believe they want a quarter of a million bucks for these places. When their done that is:
One of the newer ETS buses to replace the aging "Jimmie's." These are the low floor busses. Very nice. They cost about a Million a piece and I think the City has something like 300 of them. The other shot is one I took inside at the back of an empty bus. I like riding the side seat on my way home facing the back door. Most major Cities have these types of buses. I had only moments to take the shot before some girl came on:
It was really warm out there today. I think the warmest I've seen it yet this season. I love this time of year. Look at the temperature on the clock at Clairview station:
Anne had called saying she is bringing home a companion for Chirpy. She’s called Sugar. My eyes lit up. She spent $15 on her and had to go through a lengthy interviewing process for all their adoptions. To adapt a cat is $100 because they want to make sure they get long term homes. So because Gl is so finicky at handling Photo’s I’m displaying some of today’s photos on my Blogger blog where the photos are better displayed
Meet the newest member of the Shannon family: Sugar. She's got pretty yellow feathers. They are a bit shy Chirpy the green bird left and Sugar right. Sparky is looking on. He's very interested:
And finally some of my Aleister Crowley books. Hard to believe some of them are at least 30 years old. I had a lot more then this at the end of the 1980's. That blue book on Astrology? I think it's very rare. I picked it up for $6 in the used book bin:
I didn’t bring any extra cash with me to get those “Warcraft” books. I’ll wait until Wednesday. I got my train and Anne called me at Stadium saying she was just leaving, Personally I think the SPCA is closed on the weekend and won’t re-open until Wednesday. I hope I’m wrong. Not much going on for tonight. I’m going to try and get some piano practicing done.
I checked on my 6/49 numbers and out of 2 tickets I got 1 number and it was a bonus round. For the most part I had a nice day and I’m happy I got somebody for Chirpy even though I miss Budgie. I hope he’s ok.
Tonight on Coast is about Aleister Crowley. Should be a good show. hence the phot of the books.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
At 4pm I'm
I’m on my way into work and there’s Dianne on the bus. She’s nice but she’s always in disagreement with me when I talk with her. I told her how Anne and I lost Budgie and she said one of her neighbors had found a Budgie bird and had turned it into the SPCA. At this point I thought Dianne would be on her way and I’d go down to the Redimart store and get my July bus pass and I diet Coke and a lotto ticket. I try now to get 2 quick pick tickets twice/week. I shelled out $71 over the counter in one go. I also brought an additional $30 in case Audrey’s had more books for me.
I took the escalator up to the upper concourse for the train and saw Dianne at the front of the train so I thought I’d ride with her. She’d get off at Bay station for her job at Pizza. Where she’s been and other’s have “been trying to get me” to work there lately. Now that I have a cell phone and all makes things easier. Of course having a conversation with Dianne is like trying to get out of quicksand. I try and stay non political/controversial but that evaporated in a hurry. If I do work at Pizza it’s going to be from 9:30pm-1am. Apparently for workers after midnight there is something called differential hours and they drive you home. Besides it’s only going to be for 3.5 hours for 3 night’s a week.
I got out at my usual LRT stop downtown and feeling pretty good knowing we’ve got a chance to get Budgie back. I got in the office and settled down. JT wasn’t working this Friday night so I took his dialer. I tried calling the SPCA number and they are obviously gone for the day and I had Lucianne sit beside me and he was having a lousy night. Anne called after I had my left over Pizza at break and I gave her the skinny on what Dianne told me earlier about a Budgie bird being taken in She’s got the phone number and will be trying today. I was to but I pulled in 3 CC’s and ended up with a $500 recap on a slow Friday night. We did get a couple of the East India kids back. Girsh asked me if I’d like to come back with him to get those beer bottles but I said today. That’s ok.
I headed out of there at 8:30pm with the rest. Next week, I’m using Anne’s resume from Consumer as a template and I’m going to build my resume in this weekend. After the Canada Day, I’m submitting my application into Pizza. I figured even at 3 days/week, that will get me about $175/2 weeks. Just part time hours. That’s 10.5 hours week. That’s if they’ll take me at that. People that worked there said so. Sure, I’m tired after Xl but the other job is inbound calling. Some fresh air and a slight walk up the street and for 4.5 hours just 3 days/week won’t kill me. That’s an extra $350/month. I’d use $200/month for what I need it for. By next Spring if I can put $200/month away by next Spring I’d have enough for the PSR-S900 keyboard I want. Id’ suggest to Anne, she keep my Xl cheques and I’ll keep the ones from Pizza. I can live off of $150/month. They might even want me to work some afternoons from 1-4:30pm. I won’t mind that say Mondays and Fridays. I’d get a Doctor’s notice saying I need weekends off from both places. This way, I’d have 16.5 hours week in. Or 33 hours. This would give me an extra $265/2 weeks. After taxes. This way I would be able to put $400/month and get the keyboard around the end of November then go back to 3 days week. It has possibilities. But I’m just thinking out loud here.
Anyways I walked through the parking lot heading towards Audrey’s. The store was virtually vacant. Downstairs I asked at the order desk if anything had come in for me. I saw a stack of books with invoice forms inside. Holy shit! All the books were off to one side and I thought as the clerk was finding her way around “That stack looks like mine.” Sure enough all the 3 “Warcraft” books came in including the 3 S.L. Veigh “Stardoc” books came in. Large special order books like that make Audrey’s nervous. The only thing they find some comfort in is that, I claim my special orders immediately but I bought my 4 books for last month and then some. So I picked up the 3 “Stardoc” books. I’ll get the 3 “Warcraft” books after Canada Day July 2nd because that’d be well on my way for my 4 books/month plan. I’ve got $60 COH anyway.
You might be asking yourself, “Why is he buying so many new books?” For one thing, American pricing. Those 3 books I bought last night used to cost me $10.95. Add GST would come out to $11.50/book. Since our dollar is more or less at par with the American dollar, now’s a good time to buy. Also, I like to read and other then buying 6/49 lottery tickets I don’t have a heck of a lot of things I can buy with my $20/week.
So I got those 3 books and headed home feeling pretty good. When I got home I did my admin. I only need 2 more CC’s for today to qualify. I don’t know what we have left to do with CPA. That’s pretty well picked over. AES is also picked over. If I get onto Pizza, I might end up leaving Xl for good.
No Budgie in the cage. That could mean he’s in the SPCA. I hope. However, there’s nothing to say that if there is a blue Budgie bird there it might not be our budgie. As long as it is one and Anne brings one home. If you’re an animal lover like me, and your in the SPCA without a pet, it’s hard not to fall in love. I’m hoping Anne will fall in love with a cute budgie bird there today, if she goes in that is.
I’m taking my insulin in with me this morning as I’m getting my Tim’s. I think Girsh one of the East Indian kids wants me to come over to his place just off of Stadium and pick up some beer bottles. I’ll take all I can carry. Other then that I’ll be home for what’s left of the weekend. Last weekend I was late catching my 9am bus. I’m allowing plenty of time to get out today. This weekend I’ve got a few things to do with Y, not to lose interest in that. Of course piano practicing among other things. There’s no major sporting events this weekend that I’m interested in.
Last night I watched the first ever Smackdown with JR and Tipple H. That was the first time I watched 3 hours of Smackdown and ECW back to back. Apologize if this reads a bit choppy. I’ll be editing it tonight.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
I took the escalator up to the upper concourse for the train and saw Dianne at the front of the train so I thought I’d ride with her. She’d get off at Bay station for her job at Pizza. Where she’s been and other’s have “been trying to get me” to work there lately. Now that I have a cell phone and all makes things easier. Of course having a conversation with Dianne is like trying to get out of quicksand. I try and stay non political/controversial but that evaporated in a hurry. If I do work at Pizza it’s going to be from 9:30pm-1am. Apparently for workers after midnight there is something called differential hours and they drive you home. Besides it’s only going to be for 3.5 hours for 3 night’s a week.
I got out at my usual LRT stop downtown and feeling pretty good knowing we’ve got a chance to get Budgie back. I got in the office and settled down. JT wasn’t working this Friday night so I took his dialer. I tried calling the SPCA number and they are obviously gone for the day and I had Lucianne sit beside me and he was having a lousy night. Anne called after I had my left over Pizza at break and I gave her the skinny on what Dianne told me earlier about a Budgie bird being taken in She’s got the phone number and will be trying today. I was to but I pulled in 3 CC’s and ended up with a $500 recap on a slow Friday night. We did get a couple of the East India kids back. Girsh asked me if I’d like to come back with him to get those beer bottles but I said today. That’s ok.
I headed out of there at 8:30pm with the rest. Next week, I’m using Anne’s resume from Consumer as a template and I’m going to build my resume in this weekend. After the Canada Day, I’m submitting my application into Pizza. I figured even at 3 days/week, that will get me about $175/2 weeks. Just part time hours. That’s 10.5 hours week. That’s if they’ll take me at that. People that worked there said so. Sure, I’m tired after Xl but the other job is inbound calling. Some fresh air and a slight walk up the street and for 4.5 hours just 3 days/week won’t kill me. That’s an extra $350/month. I’d use $200/month for what I need it for. By next Spring if I can put $200/month away by next Spring I’d have enough for the PSR-S900 keyboard I want. Id’ suggest to Anne, she keep my Xl cheques and I’ll keep the ones from Pizza. I can live off of $150/month. They might even want me to work some afternoons from 1-4:30pm. I won’t mind that say Mondays and Fridays. I’d get a Doctor’s notice saying I need weekends off from both places. This way, I’d have 16.5 hours week in. Or 33 hours. This would give me an extra $265/2 weeks. After taxes. This way I would be able to put $400/month and get the keyboard around the end of November then go back to 3 days week. It has possibilities. But I’m just thinking out loud here.
Anyways I walked through the parking lot heading towards Audrey’s. The store was virtually vacant. Downstairs I asked at the order desk if anything had come in for me. I saw a stack of books with invoice forms inside. Holy shit! All the books were off to one side and I thought as the clerk was finding her way around “That stack looks like mine.” Sure enough all the 3 “Warcraft” books came in including the 3 S.L. Veigh “Stardoc” books came in. Large special order books like that make Audrey’s nervous. The only thing they find some comfort in is that, I claim my special orders immediately but I bought my 4 books for last month and then some. So I picked up the 3 “Stardoc” books. I’ll get the 3 “Warcraft” books after Canada Day July 2nd because that’d be well on my way for my 4 books/month plan. I’ve got $60 COH anyway.
You might be asking yourself, “Why is he buying so many new books?” For one thing, American pricing. Those 3 books I bought last night used to cost me $10.95. Add GST would come out to $11.50/book. Since our dollar is more or less at par with the American dollar, now’s a good time to buy. Also, I like to read and other then buying 6/49 lottery tickets I don’t have a heck of a lot of things I can buy with my $20/week.
So I got those 3 books and headed home feeling pretty good. When I got home I did my admin. I only need 2 more CC’s for today to qualify. I don’t know what we have left to do with CPA. That’s pretty well picked over. AES is also picked over. If I get onto Pizza, I might end up leaving Xl for good.
No Budgie in the cage. That could mean he’s in the SPCA. I hope. However, there’s nothing to say that if there is a blue Budgie bird there it might not be our budgie. As long as it is one and Anne brings one home. If you’re an animal lover like me, and your in the SPCA without a pet, it’s hard not to fall in love. I’m hoping Anne will fall in love with a cute budgie bird there today, if she goes in that is.
I’m taking my insulin in with me this morning as I’m getting my Tim’s. I think Girsh one of the East Indian kids wants me to come over to his place just off of Stadium and pick up some beer bottles. I’ll take all I can carry. Other then that I’ll be home for what’s left of the weekend. Last weekend I was late catching my 9am bus. I’m allowing plenty of time to get out today. This weekend I’ve got a few things to do with Y, not to lose interest in that. Of course piano practicing among other things. There’s no major sporting events this weekend that I’m interested in.
Last night I watched the first ever Smackdown with JR and Tipple H. That was the first time I watched 3 hours of Smackdown and ECW back to back. Apologize if this reads a bit choppy. I’ll be editing it tonight.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Budgie isn't back
yet. We still have the cages on the balcony opened for him. But it doesn’t look good he’ll be coming home anytime soon. He’s most likely lost out there. Anne thinks the bird cage was tampered with. We’ve have stuff stolen out of here before.
Anne had a night off yesterday and I hopped on the bus to the train All the kids are off school making a trip a little more comfortable going in. I’m still hurt over poor Budgie. I got in and found a head set and took my end dialer. The back we had Bud, Subvere, JT, Kingsley, Me, Girsh showed up for awhile but wasn’t doing very well and by 6 his dialer was empty and John McD. When JT, Kingsley and Bud left we were down to 3 tap shooters. Moe moved us over, joined by Peter and Dawn. One of the new girls was a cleaning girl that took Brandon’s cup cleaning job away and a new kid that didn’t exactly know what was going on. The cup cleaning gal left at 8pm. We had 5 tap shooters. There were still the original 3 from the 5pm shift. The back 20, I think they had maybe about 10 people if that. This left me wondering what the heck is going on with our night room? I understand on Monday night when I was off, they had no tap shooters at all. Tuesday night was better because team India was there but most of them had gone by 7pm.
I ended up with over $800 between 3 campaigns. CPA, East were all basically on the last legs of their campaigns. We ended up doing All Star Baseball and surprisingly I was doing ok. I ended up with 5 credit card sales. All in all I had a good night.
But my evening job looks like it’s in trouble and is barely on life support. For 3 days now we’ve had s skeleton crew. I’m worried Rob is going to cut the evening shift because the line hour isn’t there. On the way home, I kept on thinking about Pizza. Not to quite my current job mind you but to have aback up plan in case Rob makes a decision and cuts back the night crew. If this is the case, I won’t work for Rob only if he offer’s afternoons as a 4 hour shift, then I will say from 1-5 but I don’t see that happening.
When I got home I walked around the back to see if Budgie was in one of the cages and called Anne from the grass out back here. I looked around for any sign of Budgie. Nothing. Chirpy had stopped calling him By this time next week if Budgie isn’t back, then we’re going to get another bird for Chirpy. Maybe the bird cage was tampered with, I don’t know. Anne says the next bird she gets she’s going to have him in a separate cage because she claims both birds don’t get any exercise and move around very much in the same cage. Yeesh. We’re still holding out for Budgie but I’m not going to hold my breath.
I fired up my computer and went to check on my 6/49 tickets hoping for some good news but I barely got one number on 2 quick picks yet. I think a balance of a quick pick and pre set numbers might be the best. One winner last night won $30 Million. 7 winners won $110,002.10, 316 winners won $2,012.90 and 17,563 winners won $68.60 305, 597 winners won $10.00.
Saturday’s jackpot is $32 million.
It’s about 1:40pm as I write this and a summer storm is brewing up out there. Poor Budgie, is cold, probably scared, lonely and hungry. I just feel sick inside for him right now. A part of our family is missing. The storm outside will pass and so eventually will my sadness for Budgies loss. Like Tweety before him Budgie’s memory will not be forgotten.
Last night after lunch I got into more piano practicing and I’m making some progress. I can read some notes on the staff now it’s just putting everything together. I’ll probably take piano lessons to break some bad habits.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Anne had a night off yesterday and I hopped on the bus to the train All the kids are off school making a trip a little more comfortable going in. I’m still hurt over poor Budgie. I got in and found a head set and took my end dialer. The back we had Bud, Subvere, JT, Kingsley, Me, Girsh showed up for awhile but wasn’t doing very well and by 6 his dialer was empty and John McD. When JT, Kingsley and Bud left we were down to 3 tap shooters. Moe moved us over, joined by Peter and Dawn. One of the new girls was a cleaning girl that took Brandon’s cup cleaning job away and a new kid that didn’t exactly know what was going on. The cup cleaning gal left at 8pm. We had 5 tap shooters. There were still the original 3 from the 5pm shift. The back 20, I think they had maybe about 10 people if that. This left me wondering what the heck is going on with our night room? I understand on Monday night when I was off, they had no tap shooters at all. Tuesday night was better because team India was there but most of them had gone by 7pm.
I ended up with over $800 between 3 campaigns. CPA, East were all basically on the last legs of their campaigns. We ended up doing All Star Baseball and surprisingly I was doing ok. I ended up with 5 credit card sales. All in all I had a good night.
But my evening job looks like it’s in trouble and is barely on life support. For 3 days now we’ve had s skeleton crew. I’m worried Rob is going to cut the evening shift because the line hour isn’t there. On the way home, I kept on thinking about Pizza. Not to quite my current job mind you but to have aback up plan in case Rob makes a decision and cuts back the night crew. If this is the case, I won’t work for Rob only if he offer’s afternoons as a 4 hour shift, then I will say from 1-5 but I don’t see that happening.
When I got home I walked around the back to see if Budgie was in one of the cages and called Anne from the grass out back here. I looked around for any sign of Budgie. Nothing. Chirpy had stopped calling him By this time next week if Budgie isn’t back, then we’re going to get another bird for Chirpy. Maybe the bird cage was tampered with, I don’t know. Anne says the next bird she gets she’s going to have him in a separate cage because she claims both birds don’t get any exercise and move around very much in the same cage. Yeesh. We’re still holding out for Budgie but I’m not going to hold my breath.
I fired up my computer and went to check on my 6/49 tickets hoping for some good news but I barely got one number on 2 quick picks yet. I think a balance of a quick pick and pre set numbers might be the best. One winner last night won $30 Million. 7 winners won $110,002.10, 316 winners won $2,012.90 and 17,563 winners won $68.60 305, 597 winners won $10.00.
Saturday’s jackpot is $32 million.
It’s about 1:40pm as I write this and a summer storm is brewing up out there. Poor Budgie, is cold, probably scared, lonely and hungry. I just feel sick inside for him right now. A part of our family is missing. The storm outside will pass and so eventually will my sadness for Budgies loss. Like Tweety before him Budgie’s memory will not be forgotten.
Last night after lunch I got into more piano practicing and I’m making some progress. I can read some notes on the staff now it’s just putting everything together. I’ll probably take piano lessons to break some bad habits.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I was up
until 4am this morning before going back to bed after the cbi thing. I didn’t sleep very well, worried about Budgie. Poor thing suffering out in the tree overnight, Not that it was terribly cold or anything. Poor bird was probably so scared, petrified to move. Chirpy is out in his cage now on the balcony most likely feeling some anxiety over his buddy missing. Budgie (unless he snuck in to the bird feeder between the cages overnight) hadn’t eaten anything since this time yesterday. I think we might fear the worse here. We’re going to keep the extra bird cage on the balcony for at lest a week. If Budgie doesn’t come back before then, we’ll assume the worst. If the netting was still up we would still have him. Chirpy has stopped calling Budgie as much as before. The only reason we still have him is because he’s so fat he can’t get off the ground. Is Budgie still in this tree?
I might have got 6 hours of sleep. Every time I had to get up to pee I checked on the bird cages out side for any sign of Budgie. I feel bad for poor Budgie. I hate this place for forcing us to take this netting down and the bird cage manufacturer for making such a cheap product. That’s the cage Chirpy is in now. My wife repaired the cage somewhat. Poor Chirp:
Anne is off today but I’m going in for my regular time at 4pm. Maybe when I come home after I check on my 6/49 numbers, I’ll win “the big one.” Yeah right. Lotto 6/49 was launched in 1982 and I largely ignored playing these games. It used to be $1/ticket and the prize was $1 Million until someone won. I’d get the urge to play maybe a couple of times/year. Sometimes, I’d play my own numbers and I’d never win. As of 2004 they increased the price of a ticket to offer larger jackpots and lately these jackpots have been in the 15-30 million dollar range. Twice/week. I just buy a couple of quick picks twice a week with the extra bonus number. Costs me $6/week. This Wednesday the draw is for $27 Million. It breaks down as well for the more numbers you have the more you win. Two weeks ago I had 3/6 numbers for $10 bucks. Usually I’d win a free ticket. Your chances of being hit by lightning would be greater then winning “the big one.” But for $3 bucks, it’s a chance right? Sure that’s $312/year but consider how many people smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and what benefits are their in that? For a $1 Million dollar prize, this wouldn’t motivate me enough to play 6/49 on a regular basis. Yet for $27 Million? If I did win “the big one” I’d certainly split it with my wife and give some to my family. But I’m not into the fancy homes or cars or even a philanthropist. I’d get us a nice condo and get all my toys and do some traveling and write. I’ve always had this thing about going off to visit every Masonic lodge in Canada and give a paper. I’d go to all the major SF conventions here in North America but I’d give it all up to have Budgie back.
Robert J Sawyer in his blog today mentioned about a speech Captain Kirk gave Dr. McCoy. RJS gave a YouTube link to the speech but not trying to one up-man-ship RJS, I still think Sam’s speech to Frodo in the LOTR movie out a few yeas ago was by far one of the most moving and relevant in our genre.
I mentioned it in a comment and gave the YouTube link.
I mentioned it in a comment and gave the YouTube link.
I also mentioned in Keith Graham’s blog about the price of oil in another one of his Green fuel alternatives.
Last night to get my mind off of Budgie’s missing in action I got into some more piano practice and theory. I’m beginning to read some notes on a staff now. The only thing missing from my keyboard is a sustaining peddle and I need to pick up one of those next.
Come back Budgie is the mantra for today.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
So I'm working
away on my stuff yesterday afternoon about 2pm. Anne’s up and about bringing in the bird cage when all of a sudden I hear this crash. Anne screams and I come running out. The bird cage is broken and our little budgie bird we’ve had for 8 years few away into the trees (no thanks to this apartment complex requesting we remove the netting.) We’re devastated. “Budgie” has been with us for 8 years and my wife has had him for a few years before me. He’s an old bird.
Anne came in with me to work saying she’d be late so she road in with me. We figured Budgie’s gone for good and he still might be. We were not happy campers going into work. We had a full crew until about 7pm when all the day time people left. We had 6 tap shooters and most of those were team India.
Anne came home just now (10pm Tuesdayas I write this) and we know he’s in one of the trees outside. We’ve got another bird cage opened out on the railing strung over the edge of the balcony. We’re hoping when he gets hungry he’ll see the empty cage and come home. That’s how Anne got him in the first place. She had the bird cage opened overnight and she found him in it there the next morning and she kept him. She had another budgie she called “Tweety” before “Budgie” but he died shortly before we got “Chirpy.” Chirpy is chirping out at Budgie in the tree trying to call him home. Anne said she saw Budgie way high up in the tree about 10:30pm. He’s up there. It’s going to be along shot to get him back.The odd thing was we had a big storm out there about 7pm break time and the after affects were on the street and you‘d thing the storm would be enough to bring Budgie in but evidently he’s still out there.
It was 29 years ago today I moved out of the Meyer place. I found a place a few days before and set everything all up for a move in. It wasn’t a bad place except there was some miss communication going on at the time between an alcoholic husband and the wife and I lasted a month before I was back at Richards. Those days were full of turmoil for me bouncing between this dive of a hotel Richards, Russell’s and then Richard, Ray and I moved into this duplex in Riverdale right by the shores of the North Saskatchewan river. I stayed there moving out even before the end of the month of December 1980. I was in that place when John Lennon was killed.
I still have poor Budgie on my mind. He’s an older bird and we could have had him for another couple more years yet. Hopefully he’s still in that tree and will come home in the morning. Most likely he’s cold and hungry. I feel badly for him. Like I said it’s a long shot he’ll come home. Chirpy is going to have a rough night tonight without his buddy. If poor Budgie survives the night.
I’ll keep everyone posted.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Anne came in with me to work saying she’d be late so she road in with me. We figured Budgie’s gone for good and he still might be. We were not happy campers going into work. We had a full crew until about 7pm when all the day time people left. We had 6 tap shooters and most of those were team India.
Anne came home just now (10pm Tuesdayas I write this) and we know he’s in one of the trees outside. We’ve got another bird cage opened out on the railing strung over the edge of the balcony. We’re hoping when he gets hungry he’ll see the empty cage and come home. That’s how Anne got him in the first place. She had the bird cage opened overnight and she found him in it there the next morning and she kept him. She had another budgie she called “Tweety” before “Budgie” but he died shortly before we got “Chirpy.” Chirpy is chirping out at Budgie in the tree trying to call him home. Anne said she saw Budgie way high up in the tree about 10:30pm. He’s up there. It’s going to be along shot to get him back.The odd thing was we had a big storm out there about 7pm break time and the after affects were on the street and you‘d thing the storm would be enough to bring Budgie in but evidently he’s still out there.
It was 29 years ago today I moved out of the Meyer place. I found a place a few days before and set everything all up for a move in. It wasn’t a bad place except there was some miss communication going on at the time between an alcoholic husband and the wife and I lasted a month before I was back at Richards. Those days were full of turmoil for me bouncing between this dive of a hotel Richards, Russell’s and then Richard, Ray and I moved into this duplex in Riverdale right by the shores of the North Saskatchewan river. I stayed there moving out even before the end of the month of December 1980. I was in that place when John Lennon was killed.
I still have poor Budgie on my mind. He’s an older bird and we could have had him for another couple more years yet. Hopefully he’s still in that tree and will come home in the morning. Most likely he’s cold and hungry. I feel badly for him. Like I said it’s a long shot he’ll come home. Chirpy is going to have a rough night tonight without his buddy. If poor Budgie survives the night.
I’ll keep everyone posted.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Monday, June 23, 2008
An unscheduled day off
Not much going on this week.
We were watching “Dead pool” with Clint Eastwood just now while having a late supper and a memory surfaced when a character walks out to his car in tennis gear. I recall my dad and his friend Phil going out to play tennis. I seem to recall the incident barely and this was before my back operation. I recall how it was a summer day. Day I would know. Now if for some reason I could say find out what the name of the tennis courts were and if the operation kept records of receipts dating back from day one, maybe. All I know f the place was it was a substantial ravine where north Road meets Columbia street east. Funny how the show brought back that memory of my Dad and Phil off to play tennis.
I mentioned to my wife that I’m considering taking Monday off. And she encouraged me to. I need a decent weekend screw Xl.
Earlier I cracked open the Cd’s that came with the Piano course book and they help a lot. I can now play the opening part of “Ode to Joy.” Also, I learned about broken chords and full chords and the damper pedal and why I want one. I also learned the mystery why some note stems are up and some are down. The Cd I’m not that impressed with. I thought it be a little more then just Midi Itunes. I also learned what slurring is but I wish the book gave a physical example of this. I spent a good couple of hours practicing on the piano earlier this evening.
Other then this “inspection” from our property manager after next weekend, things aren’t going to badly. We have our rent paid for July. Our bills are covered. We’re certainly not ahead of the game but we are keeping on track. Plus I have $62.67 COH. Other then my wife’s constant hypochondria condition that she thinks she’s got cancer or a brain tumor or something wrong with her that she’s dying things are pretty good here.
Now get this, we have a worker shortage here in Alberta. We’ve never had the call center completely full and all last week the back 21 had been maybe 40% full and the other day Moe gives a state of the room address that we’re all expendable? What’s he smoking? Maybe the morning shift is full and so is the afternoon shift but the evening shift, half the tap shooter section is gone by 7pm. We have people that don’t really want to be here. Some people are there 3 days a week and some people come and go like it’s a drop in center. Then we get people that can’t work Saturdays “Because they have commitments.” Jesus, I have “commitments” to. I’d like to sleep in with my lovely wife. Some people can come in and work 2 hours and leave because theirs a TV show on at 8pm they can get home in time to watch. And yet these same people write $300 night on taps. With that said that friggin place can get along with out my totals today. “Where were you last night?” “Like “blank” I had a TV show I wanted to watch. Besides you said so yourself I don’t bring much to this operation.” I won’t say that but that’s basically why I don’t care about missing this evening. Matter of fact, I’m going to say screw Xl and get the heck out of that place asap. This week if Pizza will have me for an interview as long as I don’t have to do weekends and of course Lodge nights.
I’m at a point in “Pandora’s star” where some story lines are coming together. I’m basically reading page after page of description. Uggh but it’s interesting stuff just the same.
So tonight kids, I’m having an evening off and if they want to fire me then great. I’ll be free at last.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
We were watching “Dead pool” with Clint Eastwood just now while having a late supper and a memory surfaced when a character walks out to his car in tennis gear. I recall my dad and his friend Phil going out to play tennis. I seem to recall the incident barely and this was before my back operation. I recall how it was a summer day. Day I would know. Now if for some reason I could say find out what the name of the tennis courts were and if the operation kept records of receipts dating back from day one, maybe. All I know f the place was it was a substantial ravine where north Road meets Columbia street east. Funny how the show brought back that memory of my Dad and Phil off to play tennis.
I mentioned to my wife that I’m considering taking Monday off. And she encouraged me to. I need a decent weekend screw Xl.
Earlier I cracked open the Cd’s that came with the Piano course book and they help a lot. I can now play the opening part of “Ode to Joy.” Also, I learned about broken chords and full chords and the damper pedal and why I want one. I also learned the mystery why some note stems are up and some are down. The Cd I’m not that impressed with. I thought it be a little more then just Midi Itunes. I also learned what slurring is but I wish the book gave a physical example of this. I spent a good couple of hours practicing on the piano earlier this evening.
Other then this “inspection” from our property manager after next weekend, things aren’t going to badly. We have our rent paid for July. Our bills are covered. We’re certainly not ahead of the game but we are keeping on track. Plus I have $62.67 COH. Other then my wife’s constant hypochondria condition that she thinks she’s got cancer or a brain tumor or something wrong with her that she’s dying things are pretty good here.
Now get this, we have a worker shortage here in Alberta. We’ve never had the call center completely full and all last week the back 21 had been maybe 40% full and the other day Moe gives a state of the room address that we’re all expendable? What’s he smoking? Maybe the morning shift is full and so is the afternoon shift but the evening shift, half the tap shooter section is gone by 7pm. We have people that don’t really want to be here. Some people are there 3 days a week and some people come and go like it’s a drop in center. Then we get people that can’t work Saturdays “Because they have commitments.” Jesus, I have “commitments” to. I’d like to sleep in with my lovely wife. Some people can come in and work 2 hours and leave because theirs a TV show on at 8pm they can get home in time to watch. And yet these same people write $300 night on taps. With that said that friggin place can get along with out my totals today. “Where were you last night?” “Like “blank” I had a TV show I wanted to watch. Besides you said so yourself I don’t bring much to this operation.” I won’t say that but that’s basically why I don’t care about missing this evening. Matter of fact, I’m going to say screw Xl and get the heck out of that place asap. This week if Pizza will have me for an interview as long as I don’t have to do weekends and of course Lodge nights.
I’m at a point in “Pandora’s star” where some story lines are coming together. I’m basically reading page after page of description. Uggh but it’s interesting stuff just the same.
So tonight kids, I’m having an evening off and if they want to fire me then great. I’ll be free at last.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday was busy
I had a pretty good day yesterday and got 5 CC's for a total of 26 for the week. I'll get a $52 bonus on my pay cheque next Friday.
I ended up doing something I haven't done in years: Take a trip out to West Edmonton Mall. You can get the full gory details on my website blog. I mainly wanted topost her to include a picture to compare it against my website photo of my office station. I'll post a longer blog entry later today.
Wow, what a difference. Blogger really does an outstanding job making these pictures a lot clearer then Geeklog. I'll be post most of my photo's here instead of my website.
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now.
e. Jim
Friday, June 20, 2008
These days I'm
usually in bed by 4am. This way I can do the cbi thing and go straight to bed after a bit of reading. I had a good 8 hours of sleep over night. I got up about 12:30pm feeling refreshed and ready to go. The bad part about this is now I wont be able to get any sleep over night for when I need to get up early Saturday morning.
Anne’s out cashing my cheque and I get $65 out of that plus the COH I’ll have enough to get an external hard drive to back up my computer. Fs has a great special on for a 250Gb external hard drive for under $90. Since I’ve got my 4 SF books for the month, I’d be a fool not to go out and get this. I need to back up anyway. Plus, after I get this, I’ll still have enough to get a book and the hard drive and enough for my breakfast Saturday morning.
Speaking of, which Moe clued us in for the July first holiday. The office will be open July first Canada Day. It falls on a Tuesday but if anyone wants to work the day they get time and a half plus their stat pay. The only problem with time and a half is that most if not all of that goes to income tax. I might even take several days off and screw the stat pay show up Wednesday. My summer break,
I’m about 2/3rd’ of the way through “Pandora’s Star” but I’m maybe about another 4-6 weeks away from actually finishing it.
This afternoon at 4pm it’s off to work for another Friday night. I need to get off my butt and get into work for the Friday morning shift. I’d be all but done right now. Plus it gives me 24 hours instead of 23.5. With 24 hours in a full year I can qualify for medical benefits.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
Anne’s out cashing my cheque and I get $65 out of that plus the COH I’ll have enough to get an external hard drive to back up my computer. Fs has a great special on for a 250Gb external hard drive for under $90. Since I’ve got my 4 SF books for the month, I’d be a fool not to go out and get this. I need to back up anyway. Plus, after I get this, I’ll still have enough to get a book and the hard drive and enough for my breakfast Saturday morning.
Speaking of, which Moe clued us in for the July first holiday. The office will be open July first Canada Day. It falls on a Tuesday but if anyone wants to work the day they get time and a half plus their stat pay. The only problem with time and a half is that most if not all of that goes to income tax. I might even take several days off and screw the stat pay show up Wednesday. My summer break,
I’m about 2/3rd’ of the way through “Pandora’s Star” but I’m maybe about another 4-6 weeks away from actually finishing it.
This afternoon at 4pm it’s off to work for another Friday night. I need to get off my butt and get into work for the Friday morning shift. I’d be all but done right now. Plus it gives me 24 hours instead of 23.5. With 24 hours in a full year I can qualify for medical benefits.
Anyway Bloggers, that‘s all for now
e. Jim
I went to bed
at around 4am after doing the cbi thing and I had a tough time trying to get back to sleep. Even after that. My banner ad is up at my Blogger site and I was curious as to if it’s working. I sent a few messages one out to JF and the other out to Chad before I left out of here at 4pm. I read a bit more from “Pandora’s Star” on the train into work. It’s a pretty good read but the book is getting beat up quite a bit taking it back and forth to work.
I collected a lot of bottles and cans. I had a decent shift doing CPA. By break I think I had $425 and 2 CC’s. One of the kids that befriended me came up to me saying she quit Xl and is now working for Pizza. Everybody seems to be there. I might be there myself soon. I could handle 3 days a week for the afternoons. I got a couple more CC’s and my cheque with all my bonuses on it. I’m now on for 16 CC’s/week. And I’ve still got Friday and Saturday to go. I ended up with $830 and 4 CC’s. Not to bad for a campaign that is on it’s last legs.
Brent (and the new guy Tom) and I walked out to the street and the parking lot to Corona station and Brent and I caught the train home. Extra cars on the way home because of the Eskimo’s game last night. They won their 2nd exhibition game. Good stuff.
I got home did my admin stuff and emptied the bottles and cans. Anne came home and fixed me my lunch. She’s got my cheque and I get $65 out of that and the $61 on me. That’s $126. Not quite enough fir an external hard drive. Mainly because of the environmental tax. I think Anne will lend me the extra $10 for it. We’ll see.
Anyways we watched the news and here we are.
In my mail I got this windowed envelope from something called “Domains Canada.” For one year they want to charge me $40 bucks! I’m getting my jim-Shannon.com domain name from Markus for $12/year. Where do these people get off on charging me $40? So, I’m going to be emailing him and ask him about this.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
I collected a lot of bottles and cans. I had a decent shift doing CPA. By break I think I had $425 and 2 CC’s. One of the kids that befriended me came up to me saying she quit Xl and is now working for Pizza. Everybody seems to be there. I might be there myself soon. I could handle 3 days a week for the afternoons. I got a couple more CC’s and my cheque with all my bonuses on it. I’m now on for 16 CC’s/week. And I’ve still got Friday and Saturday to go. I ended up with $830 and 4 CC’s. Not to bad for a campaign that is on it’s last legs.
Brent (and the new guy Tom) and I walked out to the street and the parking lot to Corona station and Brent and I caught the train home. Extra cars on the way home because of the Eskimo’s game last night. They won their 2nd exhibition game. Good stuff.
I got home did my admin stuff and emptied the bottles and cans. Anne came home and fixed me my lunch. She’s got my cheque and I get $65 out of that and the $61 on me. That’s $126. Not quite enough fir an external hard drive. Mainly because of the environmental tax. I think Anne will lend me the extra $10 for it. We’ll see.
Anyways we watched the news and here we are.
In my mail I got this windowed envelope from something called “Domains Canada.” For one year they want to charge me $40 bucks! I’m getting my jim-Shannon.com domain name from Markus for $12/year. Where do these people get off on charging me $40? So, I’m going to be emailing him and ask him about this.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Thursday, June 19, 2008
not that I've
been terribly busy or anything lately other then going to work. Couldn’t find anything to say, which is unusual for me. I’ve been working on a special project and you can see the results of this under the title of my Blogger blog. See link in the Photo block top left column then go to my Blogger page and see the ad. I mean if you want to find out what I’ve been up to the last couple of days.
Yesterday I left out of here at 4pm. It was a beautiful sunny day. Apparently we had a bit of a storm that blew by here late yesterday afternoon. It began to rain as I crossed the parking lot. By about 6pm according to the smokers returning from their smoke breaks it was really pouring rain out there. When I left it was all but over.
Today however, I left under mostly cloudy skies. I read from “Pandora’s Star.” This has got to be the largest Science Fiction book I think since “Battlefield earth.” I’m about 65% of the way through Ps and I started it April 6th! 626/988. Uggh. And I want to continue to read the sequel “Judas Unchained next?” I must be a glutton for punishment.
I got into the office and found my dialer. I had a slow start because most of the CPA source is drying up. I got s shit load of bottles and cans. Anne called but about 8:30pm, rather on the late side. I ended up with $895 and 3 credit card sales. (Or CCS’s) I have my 12 CCS’s for the week and it’s only Thursday.
Currently on “Space“, they’ve got “Star Trek the next generation. Following that is “Alias.” Space has a nifty half hour magazine show I try to catch called “Hyperspace.” It’s all things SFF wise. I like Space. Space is the Canadian version of the Sci-fi channel. Or Sci-Fi except ECW is on our local Global channel 8. Alias looks good and one of these days I might check it out.
Well, that’s enough from me for today gang. It’s back to my special project.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Yesterday I left out of here at 4pm. It was a beautiful sunny day. Apparently we had a bit of a storm that blew by here late yesterday afternoon. It began to rain as I crossed the parking lot. By about 6pm according to the smokers returning from their smoke breaks it was really pouring rain out there. When I left it was all but over.
Today however, I left under mostly cloudy skies. I read from “Pandora’s Star.” This has got to be the largest Science Fiction book I think since “Battlefield earth.” I’m about 65% of the way through Ps and I started it April 6th! 626/988. Uggh. And I want to continue to read the sequel “Judas Unchained next?” I must be a glutton for punishment.
I got into the office and found my dialer. I had a slow start because most of the CPA source is drying up. I got s shit load of bottles and cans. Anne called but about 8:30pm, rather on the late side. I ended up with $895 and 3 credit card sales. (Or CCS’s) I have my 12 CCS’s for the week and it’s only Thursday.
Currently on “Space“, they’ve got “Star Trek the next generation. Following that is “Alias.” Space has a nifty half hour magazine show I try to catch called “Hyperspace.” It’s all things SFF wise. I like Space. Space is the Canadian version of the Sci-fi channel. Or Sci-Fi except ECW is on our local Global channel 8. Alias looks good and one of these days I might check it out.
Well, that’s enough from me for today gang. It’s back to my special project.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I locked
everything down here yesterday afternoon as I headed out the door. At the Redimart I ended up cashing in my ticket and yes, I got the $10. Wuu Whoo!!! The next draw Wednesday is for $5 Million so I used $5 and I got another quick pick and a diet Coke. I brought my book with me but wasn’t in the mood to read it.
I got into the office and Rob was saying how he’s quite pleased with me getting 30 credit cards so I’ll get that bonus up next week for $60. That and my COH I’ll have enough to get the external back up hard drive. I had a pretty good start to the night and I had about $500 by break and 2 credit card sales including a $100 cc and a $50 cc. Good stuff. I collected a lot of cans and bottles and apparently Anne had called at the break but I missed her call and called her right back. I had a decent 2nd half and ended up with $1,010 on the night. Not bad.
I had a few words with Moe in the office and caught my Clairview train home Very nice evening out there. Especially the clouds all golden-red, grey-blue. Very nice. I tried calling Charles but there were too many people on the train. I had a brief wait for my #183 bus and then home. I called him just before Raw. He was in Calgary visiting his Son.
I enjoyed Raw. Good show. On a scale from 1-10, I’d rate it another 8.5. Next week is the big draft 3 hour show and Vince is giving away more money.
Anne received a letter in the mail about her Mammogram and the letter said it came back normal. It said that she should check again in another 2 years so that’s good news for us.
The big news out of the Sci-fie Universe is the upcoming season finally of Battle star Galactica। “Razor.” I never could get into this show for several reasons. It was to hard on the eyes what with the camera angle floating about all the time. The other thing that ruined BSG for me was the casting. At the risk of sounding sexist here (which I’m not just ask my wife.) I can not identify the “Starbuck” character as a woman. The very name “Starbuck” sounds masculine to me and it doesn’t work. If the show gets canceled there won’t be any shed tears from this direction.
Now “Stargate” is my type of show। I liked both SG-1 and Atlantis from what episodes I did manage to see. Same with Stargate “Atlantis.” I think there is an SG-1 anthology available with all 11 seasons but this costs something like $300 after shipping. Worth getting.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now
e. Jim
I got into the office and Rob was saying how he’s quite pleased with me getting 30 credit cards so I’ll get that bonus up next week for $60. That and my COH I’ll have enough to get the external back up hard drive. I had a pretty good start to the night and I had about $500 by break and 2 credit card sales including a $100 cc and a $50 cc. Good stuff. I collected a lot of cans and bottles and apparently Anne had called at the break but I missed her call and called her right back. I had a decent 2nd half and ended up with $1,010 on the night. Not bad.
I had a few words with Moe in the office and caught my Clairview train home Very nice evening out there. Especially the clouds all golden-red, grey-blue. Very nice. I tried calling Charles but there were too many people on the train. I had a brief wait for my #183 bus and then home. I called him just before Raw. He was in Calgary visiting his Son.
I enjoyed Raw. Good show. On a scale from 1-10, I’d rate it another 8.5. Next week is the big draft 3 hour show and Vince is giving away more money.
Anne received a letter in the mail about her Mammogram and the letter said it came back normal. It said that she should check again in another 2 years so that’s good news for us.
The big news out of the Sci-fie Universe is the upcoming season finally of Battle star Galactica। “Razor.” I never could get into this show for several reasons. It was to hard on the eyes what with the camera angle floating about all the time. The other thing that ruined BSG for me was the casting. At the risk of sounding sexist here (which I’m not just ask my wife.) I can not identify the “Starbuck” character as a woman. The very name “Starbuck” sounds masculine to me and it doesn’t work. If the show gets canceled there won’t be any shed tears from this direction.
Now “Stargate” is my type of show। I liked both SG-1 and Atlantis from what episodes I did manage to see. Same with Stargate “Atlantis.” I think there is an SG-1 anthology available with all 11 seasons but this costs something like $300 after shipping. Worth getting.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now
e. Jim
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I took these photo's
From yesterday and Sunday
When I got home from work Saturday afternoon I watched the “Wind and the Lion.” I missed this movie when it came out. I ate my cheese pleasers and then shut it down and went to bed for a couple of hours. I did some more JFK assassination research and other stuff Saturday night. Anne made me a bowl of soup with a bun for some lunch and I checked my lottery numbers. I won! I got 3/6 numbers so I won $10 hehehe. This was the first time that I’d ever won on this. Someone in Atlantic Canada won $21,904,884.00, 12 winners won $45,679.70, 259 winners won $1,748.30 259. I’d be happy with winning 5 numbers for the last prize! But 3 is a start and I got these from a quick pick yet.
I went and Face booked my sister in law Doris this morning see if she replies. I’m also trying to find out more information about my grandparents. My mother always claimed that we were related to JJ Johnston. My mothers maiden name was Johnston but anything about JJ Johnston shows he had a son and a daughter named Mona and that his only wife died in 1951. My grandmother on my mothers side died in the mid 1960’s. The exact date I don’t know. I recall how we were taking her back to White Rock but she had lost her vision. I recall Guildford town mall and in the mall for some reason. I think this was before my back operation. Maybe early in 1967. Whether she was buried or cremated I couldn’t say. I need to fill in some of these missing gaps. I don’t even know my Grandmother’s first name or even if it remained as Johnston when she died.
We’re ok with the netting removed. We’re only going to let our cats out while we’re here so I think we’re ok with it.
So, now I’m signed on with Twitter on my Blogger blog. I keep adding things on it all the time. Getting back to Twitter though this service seems interesting and has potential.
Speaking about Face book, I Face booked or Fb my sister in law and confirmed my friends list. Maybe this was why Jeff hadn’t replied back. I haven’t spent a lot of time building Fb as much as I would like. Mike isn’t into this stuff very much.
Not much going on for today. It’s a lazy Fathers day afternoon. Anne’s making us another late brunch and they are always good and tasty. So with any luck at all, this afternoon will be a reading afternoon on "Pandora's Star." What little of the afternoon remains.
I'm also considering a hand held gaming device. I've narrowed it down to a PSP, the Ntendo DS although I might end up getting both if I get a chance to work at Pizza. Most likely I'll persue this in the fall.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
I went and Face booked my sister in law Doris this morning see if she replies. I’m also trying to find out more information about my grandparents. My mother always claimed that we were related to JJ Johnston. My mothers maiden name was Johnston but anything about JJ Johnston shows he had a son and a daughter named Mona and that his only wife died in 1951. My grandmother on my mothers side died in the mid 1960’s. The exact date I don’t know. I recall how we were taking her back to White Rock but she had lost her vision. I recall Guildford town mall and in the mall for some reason. I think this was before my back operation. Maybe early in 1967. Whether she was buried or cremated I couldn’t say. I need to fill in some of these missing gaps. I don’t even know my Grandmother’s first name or even if it remained as Johnston when she died.
We’re ok with the netting removed. We’re only going to let our cats out while we’re here so I think we’re ok with it.
So, now I’m signed on with Twitter on my Blogger blog. I keep adding things on it all the time. Getting back to Twitter though this service seems interesting and has potential.
Speaking about Face book, I Face booked or Fb my sister in law and confirmed my friends list. Maybe this was why Jeff hadn’t replied back. I haven’t spent a lot of time building Fb as much as I would like. Mike isn’t into this stuff very much.
Not much going on for today. It’s a lazy Fathers day afternoon. Anne’s making us another late brunch and they are always good and tasty. So with any luck at all, this afternoon will be a reading afternoon on "Pandora's Star." What little of the afternoon remains.
I'm also considering a hand held gaming device. I've narrowed it down to a PSP, the Ntendo DS although I might end up getting both if I get a chance to work at Pizza. Most likely I'll persue this in the fall.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I left out of
here shortly before 9am. I noticed the other apartment building across the parking lot from us within our complex. They’ve got that thatch wood crisscross trellising on several suites. All this isn‘t going to come down?
It was breezy and a bit on the cooler side. I caught my bus that led me to the station. My train came and got me to Corona station downtown, 107th and Jasper Ave. The Tim’s sandwich was $2.60 and the HB .99 cents ea. My breakfast. I got my dialer as I’d left it the night before. Insulin and coffee and my breakfast as I tried waking up. Bendin was running the room. I had a slow start but I ended up with about $450 by break and a couple credit card sales. Good job. Our goal was to get out of there by 1:45pm so we could avoid the Gay parade. Gay Pride weekend. I don’t have anything against Gay’s except that it’s not my life style. I just don’t believe it’s a life style worth having a parade over. Tasa handed me a $10 bill as part of what he owed me for our hockey pool. I thought he was all paid up. I was going to give half over to Greg but Greg and Rob stiffed Anne and I over $600 in CW sales last December, which we didn’t get commissions for yet. I didn’t get any bottles or cans on the way out but I had a great afternoon pulling in $910.
The last hour I was worried about my close rate and I was at 22%. Not that great. This means I’m making sales on 22 calls/100. I think I picked it up maybe down to 15%. I was getting a bit creative in my calling and that brought my sales up. I ended up with 6 credit card sales. I’d love to be able to open an account with Z tools and get in there and listen in. We can only access the offices here in Canada and not in the US.
I considered crossing the street to Audrey’s and get another book but I also wanted to see what I had left over at home to work with. I caught a train home by myself and when inside there was Anne on the phone with the Avon lady from upstairs. Apparently they owner of our apartment complex and the caretaker were doing a walk around yesterday afternoon. It seems our building was selected among others to “clean-up” our act or the owner could face a hefty fine from the City. So it’s not (to my wife’s relief) just us the complex is targeting. We have to have all this netting and materials off the balcony. I think we can keep plants and things like that.
Anyway she went out to Giant Tiger and got me a new pair of running shoes. Dark this time. Then she went out again for potatoes. The shoes were a tad to small on me but Anne said last time I got these I broke them in, I wear a size 12.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
It was breezy and a bit on the cooler side. I caught my bus that led me to the station. My train came and got me to Corona station downtown, 107th and Jasper Ave. The Tim’s sandwich was $2.60 and the HB .99 cents ea. My breakfast. I got my dialer as I’d left it the night before. Insulin and coffee and my breakfast as I tried waking up. Bendin was running the room. I had a slow start but I ended up with about $450 by break and a couple credit card sales. Good job. Our goal was to get out of there by 1:45pm so we could avoid the Gay parade. Gay Pride weekend. I don’t have anything against Gay’s except that it’s not my life style. I just don’t believe it’s a life style worth having a parade over. Tasa handed me a $10 bill as part of what he owed me for our hockey pool. I thought he was all paid up. I was going to give half over to Greg but Greg and Rob stiffed Anne and I over $600 in CW sales last December, which we didn’t get commissions for yet. I didn’t get any bottles or cans on the way out but I had a great afternoon pulling in $910.
The last hour I was worried about my close rate and I was at 22%. Not that great. This means I’m making sales on 22 calls/100. I think I picked it up maybe down to 15%. I was getting a bit creative in my calling and that brought my sales up. I ended up with 6 credit card sales. I’d love to be able to open an account with Z tools and get in there and listen in. We can only access the offices here in Canada and not in the US.
I considered crossing the street to Audrey’s and get another book but I also wanted to see what I had left over at home to work with. I caught a train home by myself and when inside there was Anne on the phone with the Avon lady from upstairs. Apparently they owner of our apartment complex and the caretaker were doing a walk around yesterday afternoon. It seems our building was selected among others to “clean-up” our act or the owner could face a hefty fine from the City. So it’s not (to my wife’s relief) just us the complex is targeting. We have to have all this netting and materials off the balcony. I think we can keep plants and things like that.
Anyway she went out to Giant Tiger and got me a new pair of running shoes. Dark this time. Then she went out again for potatoes. The shoes were a tad to small on me but Anne said last time I got these I broke them in, I wear a size 12.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
I headed into
work feeling pretty good although a bit on the tired side. I got to Corona station met by Smarkey and then joined by Brent. At the drugstore I went and bought a diet Coke and another 6/49 ticket. $22.5 million and Friday the 13th right? I mean what could go wrong? I was joined by JT going over his Sports select tickets and I met Rob coming off the elevator as he said my effort was much better last night. Good stuff. That made me feel better. I got upstairs to my dialer and looked around for a headset and gathered some cans.
I had s pretty good night for the first half and I picked up some cans and bottles. I also got 2 credit card sales as well for a $455 total. Anne called me at break and we had a chat. I got some more bottles and cans. Also I got another credit card sale and 2 $100 credit card sales for a total of 5 on the night. I ended up with $860, which was most likely the top total for the night. I felt pretty good after that and with a big bag of bottles and cans a good total and some cash in my pocket, I decided to go over to Audrey’s and get myself the other Jack Vance “Demon Princes” book. Audrey's expects the "Mission earth" book 1 and the 3 "Warcraft" books to be in next week but I've got my 4 books for the month.
I met Katie there at Corona with her new boyfriend but she was going the other way. It was a beautiful night even if it was on the cooler side of things. I felt happy and glad to get my train for Clairview station and then home. I felt a note or something in the door when I came in...
(continued from last night) and I thought “oh-oh is this bad news?” it was from the caretakers saying that the balcony is not for storage that we need to remove all things except lawn furniture and the balcony can not be enclosed. We use the netting to keep the mosquitoes and bugs out and the cats in. We’ve had this up for the last 5 years and they’re complaining about it now? So they’re saying we have up until Monday June 30th to comply or they will seek a court order to take control of the premises. So, I’m thinking well, what is it we can keep and what needs to be removed?
When Anne came home she wasn‘t too upset over this and had the same questions I had. Other tenants here have netting on their balconies and where my wife gets her Avon from upstairs talk about violations. She’s got so much crap up there on her balcony makes the place look like “Sanford & Son.” We had a chat about this and she headed out to Walmart and made me some pasta when she returned as I watched the news and ECW. Then bed.
I slept fairly well until about 3:45am when Anne came to bed. I woke up. With this on my mind it was hard to get back to sleep. Then it dawned on me, the basics of the note mentioned enclosing the balcony off with plastics etc. I’ll be adding later a photo of the caretakers patio. They practically need a building permit for what they’ve got enclosing their patio. I’d argue that isn’t this tantamount to the whole argument about enclosing apartment external places? Hers is way worse then ours and the owner never said anything about her extension? So next week Anne is going to the Landlord and Tenants act and asking her, just what her rights are in this thing. Because of this I feel we should move. We don’t need the hassle.
Anyway I got up around 5:30am this morning. I feel pretty good except for the bombshell the caretaker dropped on us. I’d hate to move from this area because it’s so convenient and all. Other then fire ambulance and police sirens, this is a quiet neighborhood. The only thing it’s missing is a convenience store like a Petro Can at the end of the block. Anne likes it because Superstore is right across the street and Walmart is a block away. Across the street we’ve got Future shop, Money mart a liquor store a Burger king a Boston Piazza Clairview movies 12 and a whole bunch of other stores and services all within easy walking distance from the LRT. This has been my home for the last 8 years.
So I'm heading into work at 9am. I'm going to take that photo on my way out catch my bus then head to Corona station. Tim Horton's reduced the price of their hash browns are now .99 cents. So I'll get an order of hb's and my breakfast sandwich (and don't forget my insulin) and hoopefully I can get some more credit card sales.
I wanted to go play the VLT's with Darryl this afternoon but he says it'd be better if I bring in a $20 because I can go through that ten like in 5 plays and out of there in half an hour. He says he brings a couple of hundred bucks and makes an evening out of it. Um, I don;t think thisis a good idea.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
I had s pretty good night for the first half and I picked up some cans and bottles. I also got 2 credit card sales as well for a $455 total. Anne called me at break and we had a chat. I got some more bottles and cans. Also I got another credit card sale and 2 $100 credit card sales for a total of 5 on the night. I ended up with $860, which was most likely the top total for the night. I felt pretty good after that and with a big bag of bottles and cans a good total and some cash in my pocket, I decided to go over to Audrey’s and get myself the other Jack Vance “Demon Princes” book. Audrey's expects the "Mission earth" book 1 and the 3 "Warcraft" books to be in next week but I've got my 4 books for the month.
I met Katie there at Corona with her new boyfriend but she was going the other way. It was a beautiful night even if it was on the cooler side of things. I felt happy and glad to get my train for Clairview station and then home. I felt a note or something in the door when I came in...
(continued from last night) and I thought “oh-oh is this bad news?” it was from the caretakers saying that the balcony is not for storage that we need to remove all things except lawn furniture and the balcony can not be enclosed. We use the netting to keep the mosquitoes and bugs out and the cats in. We’ve had this up for the last 5 years and they’re complaining about it now? So they’re saying we have up until Monday June 30th to comply or they will seek a court order to take control of the premises. So, I’m thinking well, what is it we can keep and what needs to be removed?
When Anne came home she wasn‘t too upset over this and had the same questions I had. Other tenants here have netting on their balconies and where my wife gets her Avon from upstairs talk about violations. She’s got so much crap up there on her balcony makes the place look like “Sanford & Son.” We had a chat about this and she headed out to Walmart and made me some pasta when she returned as I watched the news and ECW. Then bed.
I slept fairly well until about 3:45am when Anne came to bed. I woke up. With this on my mind it was hard to get back to sleep. Then it dawned on me, the basics of the note mentioned enclosing the balcony off with plastics etc. I’ll be adding later a photo of the caretakers patio. They practically need a building permit for what they’ve got enclosing their patio. I’d argue that isn’t this tantamount to the whole argument about enclosing apartment external places? Hers is way worse then ours and the owner never said anything about her extension? So next week Anne is going to the Landlord and Tenants act and asking her, just what her rights are in this thing. Because of this I feel we should move. We don’t need the hassle.
Anyway I got up around 5:30am this morning. I feel pretty good except for the bombshell the caretaker dropped on us. I’d hate to move from this area because it’s so convenient and all. Other then fire ambulance and police sirens, this is a quiet neighborhood. The only thing it’s missing is a convenience store like a Petro Can at the end of the block. Anne likes it because Superstore is right across the street and Walmart is a block away. Across the street we’ve got Future shop, Money mart a liquor store a Burger king a Boston Piazza Clairview movies 12 and a whole bunch of other stores and services all within easy walking distance from the LRT. This has been my home for the last 8 years.
So I'm heading into work at 9am. I'm going to take that photo on my way out catch my bus then head to Corona station. Tim Horton's reduced the price of their hash browns are now .99 cents. So I'll get an order of hb's and my breakfast sandwich (and don't forget my insulin) and hoopefully I can get some more credit card sales.
I wanted to go play the VLT's with Darryl this afternoon but he says it'd be better if I bring in a $20 because I can go through that ten like in 5 plays and out of there in half an hour. He says he brings a couple of hundred bucks and makes an evening out of it. Um, I don;t think thisis a good idea.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Friday, June 13, 2008
I had a routine
I took this photo February 23rd earlier this year. Pledges is my first cat and he's 17 years. Silky the one reclining is 11.
Rob was looking at the stats on the monitor looking at close rates. This is the amount of calls/sales. He said he got some heat from Vancouver saying that my close rate was way to high last night at 21% He wasn’t upset with me or anything but brought it to my attention. So I thought about how I could tweak my pitch for a greater success rate. I added a couple of things and even though I started out slow. I got a complement card from Barbara from the back 20. She’s a nice 16 year old kid. I ended up by break with $435 by break. I borrowed a $1.15 from John MC D for some chocolate raisins. I’ll give it back to him tomorrow. I should have brought the other $5. No credit card sales in the first half. In the 2nd half Anne called late and I had a brief chat with her. I ended up with 1 credit card sale, actually 4 in all. Plus another $1,040 night. All in all, I had a pretty decent night.
I managed to get my pay cheque as well and I got $291 including my bonuses. I get $90 out of that. Plus the $5 COH makes it for $94. I got the train home with a seat by myself and some cans and bottles home. We were playing complement cards. Every credit card sale we could give someone we knew only on the other system. I received one comp card and I gave out 4. I didn’t win and neither did anyone else I gave them to.
Anne came home just now needed a $20 from our rent money. She gave me $80 and went to the Superstore to change a $20. That’s good. I caught the bus at Clairview for home along the short end this evening.
I found out more info on White Smoke and it’s an online service. I checked out the forums and lots of people are complaining about using it. Based upon this, I decided against ordering it. It’s not really a grammar checker and that’s what I was looking for. Someone mentioned in the forum about Style Writer. I checked the website out and it does the same thing as WS but a bit better. At least SW is a physical piece of software but they want $199 for it. Yikes. Then I got the idea to check out a Bit Torrent version and sure enough it listed but to utilize this Bit Torrent site I need a credit card. A 3 day trial is something like $5 bucks. I can get a pre loaded credit card today from Money Mart for $10 and try this out. The rest I can download some stories from Amazon’s Anthology builder J was talking about the other day. I’m still paying for SW but this way is a lot cheaper and more affordable for me. If it doesn’t work then I’m only out $25 bucks but I could end up getting SW.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Thursday, June 12, 2008
June is just
breezing by. Hard to believe. I get out of here as usual and lock everything up at just after 4pm. No trouble no headaches. I read a bit on the train going into work.
I wanted to check the bonus chart and I’m scheduled to get $74 on Friday. I can handle that. My net pay should be about $265 after taxes for working part time, I can handle that. I collected some bottles and cans. I had a slow start to the shift and by break I was at over $400 and a few credit card sales. Anne called at the break. I got to more credit card sales and I’m on for 15 credit cards for the week, which translates into $30 if they all kick in. Plus, I’ve got 3 days yet. If I get another 15-17 (fat chance) for over 30 credit card sales it’s $4/credit card. So say 32 credit cards is $128. Relatively easy full time but hard to do part time.
I ended up with $1,020 and 6 credit card sales on the night. Not to shabby but this campaign is losing ground, I doubt there is another $1,000 day in the for me this week. The gravy is almost gone. I hung around the office for a bit trying to avoid J. So I left the office about 9:10pm with a collection of cans and bottles. I should ask Darryl if they have VLT’s across the office at the café Select but I don’t think so.
On the platform there was Barbara, Katie (former employee and ex Pizza worker.) and Barbara’s roommate. We all had a nice little chat. Katie said she left “Pizza” some time ago and works at the General hospital, which is why she’s getting her Clairview train like me at Corona. The other 2 girls got their South train and Katie and I had a nice chat about Pizza. She’s saying I could work my own hours at $9.50. Less then what I’m making now. If I decided to work at pizza, it’d be say from 12-4:30pm Monday/Thursday. Something like that. It’s a lot of work.
My #183 bus was waiting there at dusk. 9:40pm and it’s dusk. Nice. I decided I’d take the extended trip past to Sifton School and come in the other way. I got home just before 10pm. I put the cans and bottles in the box and washed my hands and did some admin stuff and there was Anne just coming in. She made me a nice bacon chicken breast cheese with a nice BBQ sauce on a toasted sandwich and chicken rice soup. We watched the news and that was it.
I listened to some Old Time Radio with Wild Bill Hikcock with Guy Madison and Andy Devine. It’s kind of a juvenile western adventure but I enjoy it.
Today is payday. Anne says I can have anything over $200. Good stuff. Still not a lot to do anything with. I’m going to order that Alfred Piano book I think.
Tonight on Coast: Dr. John DeSalvo, Director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Assoc., will discuss the latest findings in pyramid research including the Russian pyramids, and a newly discovered energy field related to a mysterious Gamma Ray emitter. Then the first hour our going to bed hour (animal communication.) I love animals but this is lame.
Still tinkering with Blogger. I discovered some 3 column templates fitting the Blogger classic templates. The design I’m using for now is “Rounder’s” The new Blogger has a lot of cool functionality in it. I’m still keeping my website because I can host pages on it. But Markus isn’t letting me do this stuff on my own. Not that I have anything to post right now.
So far I’m not getting any traffic to my site but I have yet to scratch the surface of Blogger. I’m going to get more involved in the link exchange. But I want related SFF related sites.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
I wanted to check the bonus chart and I’m scheduled to get $74 on Friday. I can handle that. My net pay should be about $265 after taxes for working part time, I can handle that. I collected some bottles and cans. I had a slow start to the shift and by break I was at over $400 and a few credit card sales. Anne called at the break. I got to more credit card sales and I’m on for 15 credit cards for the week, which translates into $30 if they all kick in. Plus, I’ve got 3 days yet. If I get another 15-17 (fat chance) for over 30 credit card sales it’s $4/credit card. So say 32 credit cards is $128. Relatively easy full time but hard to do part time.
I ended up with $1,020 and 6 credit card sales on the night. Not to shabby but this campaign is losing ground, I doubt there is another $1,000 day in the for me this week. The gravy is almost gone. I hung around the office for a bit trying to avoid J. So I left the office about 9:10pm with a collection of cans and bottles. I should ask Darryl if they have VLT’s across the office at the café Select but I don’t think so.
On the platform there was Barbara, Katie (former employee and ex Pizza worker.) and Barbara’s roommate. We all had a nice little chat. Katie said she left “Pizza” some time ago and works at the General hospital, which is why she’s getting her Clairview train like me at Corona. The other 2 girls got their South train and Katie and I had a nice chat about Pizza. She’s saying I could work my own hours at $9.50. Less then what I’m making now. If I decided to work at pizza, it’d be say from 12-4:30pm Monday/Thursday. Something like that. It’s a lot of work.
My #183 bus was waiting there at dusk. 9:40pm and it’s dusk. Nice. I decided I’d take the extended trip past to Sifton School and come in the other way. I got home just before 10pm. I put the cans and bottles in the box and washed my hands and did some admin stuff and there was Anne just coming in. She made me a nice bacon chicken breast cheese with a nice BBQ sauce on a toasted sandwich and chicken rice soup. We watched the news and that was it.
I listened to some Old Time Radio with Wild Bill Hikcock with Guy Madison and Andy Devine. It’s kind of a juvenile western adventure but I enjoy it.
Today is payday. Anne says I can have anything over $200. Good stuff. Still not a lot to do anything with. I’m going to order that Alfred Piano book I think.
Tonight on Coast: Dr. John DeSalvo, Director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Assoc., will discuss the latest findings in pyramid research including the Russian pyramids, and a newly discovered energy field related to a mysterious Gamma Ray emitter. Then the first hour our going to bed hour (animal communication.) I love animals but this is lame.
Still tinkering with Blogger. I discovered some 3 column templates fitting the Blogger classic templates. The design I’m using for now is “Rounder’s” The new Blogger has a lot of cool functionality in it. I’m still keeping my website because I can host pages on it. But Markus isn’t letting me do this stuff on my own. Not that I have anything to post right now.
So far I’m not getting any traffic to my site but I have yet to scratch the surface of Blogger. I’m going to get more involved in the link exchange. But I want related SFF related sites.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I shut it down early
early so I could avoid the rain we were receiving out there about 3:40pm, it was coming down hard and heavy. I shut everything down and at the last minute remembered to turn off the TV. My bus came by right away and had stopped raining before I even got out the apartment doors. I got a bottle of Diet Coke and boarded the train on the first car. I wanted to go down and get my Jack Vance book, at least Vol. 1 of the “Demon Princes.” I had a seat to myself and got downtown in 10 minutes. I even got to read a bit out of Ps. I got my book and headed into work,
When I came in off the elevator Kingsley had his jacket right over my chair just like I thought he would but he didn’t make a big deal about vacating. I had a bang up night getting a $150 sale and $75 and a couple of credit card sales. I had $705 at break. I ended up with 3 more credit card sales for 6 credit card sales on the night for a total of $1,385. My highest total this year and no bonus. This week I get $78 in bonuses. I should have $32 + $15 + $44. I should have $91 worth in bonuses. Unless some of them kicked out but it only shows $78 bucks. I doubt 6 credit card sales opt out. I could see 2 or 3 of them but not 6. The sheet was posted Monday. I should check just to make sure.
Anyway, I got my book, the weather was kind of fun with rain and Sunny breaks. I love June. July is usually hot and warm uggh.
So far I’m on for 9 credit card sales for the week and it’s only Tuesday. I’m doing well on CPA it’s a good campaign. Tonight’s movie was “Frankenstein.” 1994. A bit too graphic for my tastes. I prefer the original 1931 and the classic horror.
Anne made me a nice light supper, meat balls in mushroom sauce with my favorite instant mash potato. I’m going to blog this on my website and my Blogger page and work on that for a bit. I’m still working on what I need for a computer upgrade.
Paladin is on Old Time Radio right now. If your reading this before the half hour you can catch the end on 630 Ched. I need a link to that site as well.
I discoverd Geoglobe by accident so I included a few widgets. Cute.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
When I came in off the elevator Kingsley had his jacket right over my chair just like I thought he would but he didn’t make a big deal about vacating. I had a bang up night getting a $150 sale and $75 and a couple of credit card sales. I had $705 at break. I ended up with 3 more credit card sales for 6 credit card sales on the night for a total of $1,385. My highest total this year and no bonus. This week I get $78 in bonuses. I should have $32 + $15 + $44. I should have $91 worth in bonuses. Unless some of them kicked out but it only shows $78 bucks. I doubt 6 credit card sales opt out. I could see 2 or 3 of them but not 6. The sheet was posted Monday. I should check just to make sure.
Anyway, I got my book, the weather was kind of fun with rain and Sunny breaks. I love June. July is usually hot and warm uggh.
So far I’m on for 9 credit card sales for the week and it’s only Tuesday. I’m doing well on CPA it’s a good campaign. Tonight’s movie was “Frankenstein.” 1994. A bit too graphic for my tastes. I prefer the original 1931 and the classic horror.
Anne made me a nice light supper, meat balls in mushroom sauce with my favorite instant mash potato. I’m going to blog this on my website and my Blogger page and work on that for a bit. I’m still working on what I need for a computer upgrade.
Paladin is on Old Time Radio right now. If your reading this before the half hour you can catch the end on 630 Ched. I need a link to that site as well.
I discoverd Geoglobe by accident so I included a few widgets. Cute.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I had a decent
evening last night. I left out of here on time but my train was late. I ended up gettting to Corona station about 4:45pm and got my diet Coke at the Drugstore and barely got my station. I had a slow start as we did CPA but I ended up around $450 by break. I got a call from Audrey's saying that 2 of my Star Trek books from the Vanguard series are in. I'll pick up the 2 Jack Vance books on the weekend. I called the Daysland Inn to see if they have VLT's there but they said the bar was closed down years ago. I'm not big on VLT's but once or twice week won't hurt me. I think the problems with gambling and VLT's is because people drink while their playing these things. I'm going to have something to drink all right: Diet Coke.
I ended up having a decent total and 3 credit card sales. I left out of there feeling pretty good with a $930 total and a bunch of bottles and cans to take home. Greg gave me the $10 he owed me but I have to change a $20 he gave me. On the bonus chart I'll be getting $74 in bonuses this week.
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now
e. Jim
I ended up having a decent total and 3 credit card sales. I left out of there feeling pretty good with a $930 total and a bunch of bottles and cans to take home. Greg gave me the $10 he owed me but I have to change a $20 he gave me. On the bonus chart I'll be getting $74 in bonuses this week.
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now
e. Jim
Monday, June 9, 2008
I went and changed
my photo just now. It's a less darker then the other one.
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now
e. Jim
Anyway Bloggers, that's all for now
e. Jim
A Lazy Sunday
I had a lazy Sunday. I did a bit of reading some genealogy. Anne made a great Sunday brunch. Mostly Internet stuff all afternoon. I didn’t even step outside.
Not much going on for today either. It’s into work at 4pm and put my 4 hours in come home and watch Raw.
I’m considering making an upgrade to this system for playing “Oblivion” and “Warcraft” among others. The first upgrade will be a new motherboard/Ram. After that the video card and I’m going to go with a GeForce SLI system. I haven’t worked out all the details yet.
Also, I’ve been doing some research on the Yamaha Tyros 2 work station. It’s beautiful instrument but costs something like around $3500.
Our Lodge BBQ was on today from 1-6 but pot luck doesn’t do anything for me and the weather wasn’t that great.
The critics of Ed Stelmach have been coming down hard on the Premier last week because he voted himself a hefty pay raise. Keep in mind the raise just wasn’t for him but for all MLA’s including our opposition. Notice the opposition didn’t say anything right away because they were on the receiving end of this too. To his credit Liberal Leader Kevin Taft said he would give the difference of his raise to charity in favor of a special review board to delegate politicians pay raises. Of course Taft is politicking as well. He’s not doing this to make Ed look bad but to make himself look good. I don’t have a problem with politicians here in Alberta giving themselves a pay increase if it’s across the board. We’ve got the money here in Alberta, why not?
I’ve also been tinkering around with my new Blogger page. The Template I have isn’t the one I’m going to stick with. I’m going to post a link to it in the links section eventually.
Still reading from Pandora’s star.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Not much going on for today either. It’s into work at 4pm and put my 4 hours in come home and watch Raw.
I’m considering making an upgrade to this system for playing “Oblivion” and “Warcraft” among others. The first upgrade will be a new motherboard/Ram. After that the video card and I’m going to go with a GeForce SLI system. I haven’t worked out all the details yet.
Also, I’ve been doing some research on the Yamaha Tyros 2 work station. It’s beautiful instrument but costs something like around $3500.
Our Lodge BBQ was on today from 1-6 but pot luck doesn’t do anything for me and the weather wasn’t that great.
The critics of Ed Stelmach have been coming down hard on the Premier last week because he voted himself a hefty pay raise. Keep in mind the raise just wasn’t for him but for all MLA’s including our opposition. Notice the opposition didn’t say anything right away because they were on the receiving end of this too. To his credit Liberal Leader Kevin Taft said he would give the difference of his raise to charity in favor of a special review board to delegate politicians pay raises. Of course Taft is politicking as well. He’s not doing this to make Ed look bad but to make himself look good. I don’t have a problem with politicians here in Alberta giving themselves a pay increase if it’s across the board. We’ve got the money here in Alberta, why not?
I’ve also been tinkering around with my new Blogger page. The Template I have isn’t the one I’m going to stick with. I’m going to post a link to it in the links section eventually.
Still reading from Pandora’s star.
Anyway Bloggers, that’s all for now.
e. Jim
Saturday, June 7, 2008
that I can't get to my origional blog so I'm trying out a different look. Starting from square 1. New title and everything.
I might even post a link to this on my website.
Anyway Cyberfolks that's all for now
e. Jim
I might even post a link to this on my website.
Anyway Cyberfolks that's all for now
e. Jim
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