Monday, February 6, 2012

In about 5 minutes

Anne and I are going to head out to the vet where Sparky is hanging on by a thread and I have to make a decision. Sorry Sparky, it;s not your fault. I love you.

my cat
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More blogging woes..

I’ve been up since about noon doing some disc utility cleanup on my C drive. I cleared up almost 1Gb of space removing some programs I never use anymore. Some of these programs like FL Studio were 175Mb and another one about 400Mb for a game server. This makes my computer a little faster to load.

I’m having a snag here with my Blogger system, as Atom wont recognize the change I made to my Blog name “Baby boomer Sci-fi geek in…Clairview.” So I figured I’d begin from scratch and create a new blog only to learn that Blogger has now only about 6 Template designs and most of them are right column. My original theme is gone. I reverted back to my current theme and deleted the newly created Blog “Baby boomer Sci-fi geek in…Clairview.” the other one had a slight variation on but with an A at the beginning. I’ve got that registered with Atom but for some reason I can’t use this theme. So when I go into page info and click on Atom or RSS feed neither of these according to Blogger say the blog exists but the original name does and I can register that. I can go into Settings and change the name but even still it wont recognize it. I want to keep this theme because the other Blogger template themes suck. The Blogger help forum isn’t very good. They do what they can but the Help forum gets post request several times an hour. Many posts go left unanswered like 2 of mine but they also answered two of my questions, so I can’t complain.

The Oiler‘s put 3 players on waives over the lat few days. Ethan Morrow O‘Sullivan, Neilson. I liked all these players but a lot of them were not performing as well as they could. Pisani is a UFA as of tomorrow. I hope the Oiler’s don’t sign him. Also, I was reading how O’Sullivan went to Phoenix for Jeff Vandermeer. They got rid of Sully who know doubt was a good guy but the Oil got a good D to work along side Ryan Whitney. However Mike Comrie is an UFA and I hope the Oiler’s work on getting him signed over the next few days.

Anne got some promising news from CRHC about our subsidy they wrote us back asking how come I wasn’t on the original lease? The thing is I moved in here after Anne had sign the lease and as a result I’m not on the original lease. But this could be the only snag even though we could be accepted we’ll be on a waiting list. Questing is, how long is the waiting list?

I’m about ready to head into work for my Wednesday night 4 hours. Then I get all of Thursday off. Some time off on my own. Anyway, that’s about all for now.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We're having excellent weather lately

I had a good night on the job last night sales wise. If this campaign lasts us until the end of the week, I’ll be surprised. AS I’m looking for my empties, I see Steve the big boss, in Robs office greeting me in the threshold saying hi. We talk about the weather. Then I learned that Rob was suspended. I don’t know if this was for a few days or what the details were or anything. I had a good night on the job pulling in 4 CC’s and a lot of empties.

A group of us walked across the empty lot to the LRT and I ended up with Sarah and Wendy. Not the Sarah from Audrey’s books. They sat on either side of me waiting for the Clairview train with me. Sarah noticed my Itouch in my hand and grabbed it from me fixing back the time. Sarah got out at Churchill and Wendy rode with me to Belvedere. Nice ladies. Not that I‘m looking but one was spoken for and the other one not looking. Both know I‘m married and settled in and not interested, which is true.

Monday night Raw was pretty good last night. On a scale from 1-10 I’d rate it an 8.5. I don’t get all these Nxt’s beating up on everyone. It’s all part of the storyline. They were doing the same thing on Smackdown the other night. Now, with week #2 of Raw’s anonymous general manager. Strange.

I think I’m going to take X minus 1 play list with me into work today and listen to the first episode. For some reason I can’t sync the X minus one play list but I can sync the other play list. Strange. Episode one of X minus one was a story by Ray Bradbury I wanted to listen to.

My I pod speaker doc I ordered from Tech City/Ebay on the 15th earlier this month has been in Vancouver Customs waiting to be cleared for (hopefully) finale delivery. How do I know this? Tech City sent me a tracking number and I followed the prompts to Canada Post and the tracking number led me to the location of my item. I’m patiently waiting my first Ebay order. So it’s been in Vancouver Customs since the 23rd which has been for 4 business days now.

If this works ok and I’m sure it will, I want to upload to PP some more funds and get a couple WWE T shirts. Anyway, that’s all for now.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Yesterday was one of those WTF moments.

I got the look and feel of this blog exactly right only trouble is my url isn't registering with any of the RSS or Atom feeds and this disturbs me. The link in my website lists work alright. I certainly like the title of this Blog as well.

Tonight its another 4 hours on the job and then home to watch Monday night Raw. I was looking for WWE T shirts earlier before Doctor Who on EBay and they've got some really nice ones.

Speaking of Doctor Who, this episode The Doctor meets up with Vincent Van Gogh the painter. "Vincent meets the Doctor." The trouble I have with this episode is just before the Doctor departs with Gogh he takes him to the modern day Louvre to see his paintings and get the opinion of the curator (unknown to the curator of course was the original(disillusioned Van Gogh.) Van Gogh received high praise from the curator (of course not knowing Van Gogh was a few feet away. The Doctor was trying to install confidence in Van Gogh who was ready to pack it in(His painting of course.) So here's the problem, in the departing scene Van Gogh is all happy with purpose and excitement with what the Doctor had reveled to him. Of course history tells us of what really happened to Gogh and the gunshot wound.Was the gunshot wound accidental or did Van Gogh commit suicide? In Doctor Who, I'd say it "was" accidental. I really liked this episode and on a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it a 9.5. Doctor Who is very deep on a lot of levels. The downer for me was Shaw was having technical difficulties 15 minutes into the show and I missed a good 35 minutes of it, which really pissed me off. That's why we have summer reruns right?

About an hour ago I was trying to get my new URL working on this Blog but Google accounts took over my existing account and I thought I had my whole Blog wiped out. For awhile it was but then I realized that this was another version of my blog. I was able to go back from my link on my website. Close call.

I'm back reading "Odd girl out," even though I read it for just a few pages. I'm closing in on the end of Chapter 5. Anyway, that's about all for now.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm having a great weekend.

Also if that’s not enough our home phone isn’t working. I think it has something to do with the battery in the phone itself. I’ve been wanting to call Pat an older fellow that I used to work evenings with. Pat’s a cantankerous character but we co existed and later before he retired kind of warmed up to me. Pat was the only one that called me when I was recovering in the hospital from diabetes. He rings me up every so often. I said I’d call him after the NHL playoffs and that’s been about 2 weeks now but I misplaced his phone number but with our home phone not working, so much for that.

I’m slowly changing things at my website to a kind of SFF podcast magazine. Basically your one stop shop for all SFF podcasts and what’s going and what people are talking about. But we’re also looking at a new theme design as well. I’ve had the current theme going on for well over 2 years now. I’m still going to do a diary kind of thing over here at my Blogger blog though.

We’ve got a beautiful day out there in the City. This week I want to do a shit load of hours in at work before the Thursday July 1st Canada day holiday. If I can do 3 8 hour days, and Friday 7.5 hours plus Saturday, I’ll have 35.5 hours in and that’s full time. But today is a nice looking Sunday and I might go for a walk later after Doctor Who.

One of the guys at work that befriended me brought in 2 Star Trek action figures next gen of “Data” and “Lafarge” and put them up at his dialer. During the break as I was looking for empties when he came back somebody had tampered with them and put the figures in a pose other then beaming up, if you know-ahem, what I mean. It was kind of funny and even thinking about it now I still chuckle over it.

In keeping with the above theme, I‘ve been noticing more then a few co workers personalizing their stations before the shift. Nobody has a permanent dialer or anything but it‘s kind of nice to have something of yourself nearby. I kind of like the idea of bringing in photo‘s of Star Wars or a coffee cup maybe even wear a Star Wars T shirt kind of thing.

The other thing I’ve been wanting to do lately is to have a screen saver on my Itouch. I have Pledges on my PW protected screen but I want to personalize the theme have it more Star Wars-ish type theme but most likely I'd need to jailbreak the ITouch and it seems kind of complicated. I'm not sure I want to do that just yet. Since this summer is the 30th anniversary of “The Empire strikes back.” At Rexall currently playing is "Star Wars in concert" undergoing now. I wish I was there but I can just imagine what the tickets are priced at. Anyway, that’s all for now.

Friday, June 25, 2010

As Fridays go, this one was exciting

I had a great sleep overnight for a change getting up about 11:30am and fixed my coffee. I went right to work on DS and concluded the session just now with putting in 1,500 words. I liked what I have as well. Good stuff.

NHL Draft day starts today at 3pm but the Oiler’s wont make their pick until about 5pm. The best thing the Oiler’s could do is trade their number 1 guy for anyone that wants him. Personally I’d trade the number 1 pick in a package deal that would get rid of Horcoff and Souray.

My wife left for her job an hour before I left for mine and on the train ride home there was a line up of the Oiler faithful outside of Rexall and a near full parking lot. Fans were probably getting ready to watch a simulcast of the draft on the big screens from LA. I had a better night then last night still no CC sales. This campaign isn’t that good for me CC wise. We had the NHL draft thing going on and Oiler’s picked Tyler Hall, first overall. I hope they use him as leverage in a trade with Boston July first.

After work I bolted out of the office so fast I think I almost tripped but I made it to my bus stop just outside Tim’s there in record time, the to my bank and home. Anyway, that’s about all for now.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

That's what I like about

Blogger they keep adding new things and all for free. Picasa, Google earth, Google maps, docs and many more apps, free. Well, not free but still interesting is the Google cell phone. Not only all the above but Google is about to launch their version of Apple's Ipad.

I have one Apple product and that's the ITouch. Its a cool device but with the ITouch I think Apple failed to miss the mark on a few things they could have added that would have made the ITouch better then it is but for some reason, they didn't. I think the ITouch is a gateway device for the Iphone. In a perfect world I would have liked to have seen on the ITouch with: A camera to shoot video and still images with all models of the ITouch 8Gb and up. Camera's are on almost every device these days. Apple has a camera on its IPhone. Ok, maybe its a marketing or price thing, I can understand that but Apple has a camera to shoot video on their Ipod nano and an FM radio included! Granted the nano doesn't have wifi, well you get the idea. The ITouch would have greatly benefited from this but sadly the 3rd Gen ITouch doesn't have this feature, why? The ITouch also could have included a microphone added right onto the device like a lot of smart phones and similar devices do but instead consumers need to buy either the 16Gb and up to get a microphone/headphone device. The pricing point (as of this writing) between the ITouch 8Gb and the 32Gb is like $100 more and Apple includes the head/microphone piece. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that Apple wants to sell individual consumers all their products. "You want this feature? Then you'll need to buy this device," type thing. Apple's ITouch could have had a external speaker like their own Iphone or like on the Sony Walkman. Apple could have added slot for an external memory card but Apple is a propitiatory company. I would also like to have seen on the back of the ITouch, a little kick stand and maybe a stylus-wand option for those of us with less then nimble fingers. Also, I would like to see the ITouch support for a 3G network. Just a few of the features I'd like to have seen on the ITouch, but its not a perfect world.

I was going to go into work for the 12:30pm shift but Anne kind of wanted me home for today as we're short on a few things. I need to put one day in so I'll go in Friday for the early shift. This way, I'll have 27.5 hours in on my next check.

I wanted to get a bit more writing on DS today but with Anne all over the place and what limited time I have this afternoon, any writing on DS will have to wait until when I come home. Maybe I can get a 1,000 words in. Anyway, that's about all for now.